I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 165 The Terrible Merciful God

Chapter 165 The Terrible Merciful God
One night of action, the results are not bad.

There are a total of 11 masked people, 6 people were caught in all directions, 4 people were killed, and only one escaped, but he was also severely injured by Ban Haijian. The follow-up hunt will continue. Using only ordinary criminal investigation methods, it is estimated that it will be difficult for that person to escape from the East China Sea.

But there is also bad news.

That middle-aged man, in the process of being coerced and fleeing, unexpectedly became one with the Immortal Society, and used the ability he had just acquired to fight against the Special Affairs Department. The Special Affairs Department suspected that his mind had been affected.

The woman in her 20s who was in a coma was rescued, but she was still unconscious and her vital signs were getting lower and lower.

And Luo Chao disappeared.

Yes, and in the process of chasing the masked man, someone from the special affairs department once saw Luo Chao being taken with him, but in the process after that, he disappeared.

Considering the loyalty of the middle-aged man, which is similar to being manipulated by thoughts, it is temporarily impossible to determine whether Luo Chao and the masked man became a gang and ran away, or whether he hid himself.

Next to the interrogation room, Ye Da and Ban Haijian crossed their arms and observed the interrogation process through the one-way glass.

Almost all masked people are extremely loyal, no less than agents with a high sense of mission.

An interrogator tossed a coin high, the coin was spinning in the air, and the masked man followed the coin subconsciously.

In just a few tenths of a second, when the coin fell into the palm of the interrogator, he was already hypnotized.

Listening to the questions and answers in the interrogation room, Ye Da could see that the man was still resisting subconsciously. Some too direct questions would make him show signs of breaking out of hypnosis, but in front of the professionally trained spiritual enlightener interrogator , or told a lot of information on the sidelines.

When the behemoth of the official slowly opened his eyes and looked at the "Eternal Life Society" hidden in the shadows, there was no secret to hide.

This machine is the most powerful force in Kyushu.

Coupled with other people's confessions, a huge conspiracy was pieced together.

This group of people did not act for the first time, but before they came to the East China Sea, they used the Internet and other methods to lure people who had awakened spirits and awakened people to become experimental materials.

If it succeeds, it will gain a loyal member; if it fails, it will also have a piece of experimental data.

It's just that this kind of experimental data is not based on any form of data records, but is the improvement of the "God of Mercy" himself.

Yes, this weird creature has its own subjective consciousness, and it is actively parasitizing more humans.

To improve the understanding of human beings.

This made Ye Da feel a chill down his back.

Yes, that kind of weird jellyfish is the split or cub of the God of Mercy. They have a mysterious connection, and they can transmit information between many splits without communication or communication. One or two There is nothing wrong with split body death.

The parasitism of the "God of Mercy" does not completely occupy the human brain, but a "symbiotic relationship" that can affect human thinking, strengthen their physical fitness, and even make them have some strange abilities. The author's personality has not been erased, and all memories are retained.

It's like having an extra brain.

Except for their loyalty to the "God of Mercy", the behavior pattern of the parasitized is no different from that of human beings.

This is a very scary creature, along with Immortality has been developing in secret for some time.

Now the tip of the iceberg is exposed, precisely because the power of the Eternal Life Society is no longer weak.

And asking the experimental subjects to pay money, or even bring spiritual objects as rewards, is just to make the trap look more believable. Most people will bring some fake objects, and ordinary people are not so easy to come into contact with spiritual objects.

Among the many fake objects, antiques of all kinds are the most numerous, and the members of the Eternal Life Association will not tell the truth. Afterwards, these antiques will be sold off, and together with the money collected, they will become the operating funds of the Eternal Life Association.

And these participants in the experiment were almost all loyal to the Eternal Life Society after accepting the parasitism, and even took the initiative to cover it up, which is why the Eternal Life Society's actions are so covert.

This group of people actually has two sets of structures. One is the eternal life association composed of clear-headed members. In addition to fulfilling the basic requirements of the "God of Mercy", they will also develop organizations and make money, showing a certain degree of secularism. The desire to transform has developed very closely under the blessing of "passive loyalty".

And another set of framework is the "God of Mercy" itself, or its countless fragments.

The purpose is unknown, but it is even more creepy.

After listening to the interrogation process, Ban Jianhai became worried. A kind of abnormal life form hidden in human society is understanding human beings in its own way, and it has begun to bear fruit. The severity of the situation is even higher than that of the Special Affairs Division expected.

Although this kind of creature's thinking cannot be completely seamless in its contact with human society, and some behaviors are still very "crazy", but it is definitely a very serious threat.

It is not a threat to a certain person or a certain city, but to the entire human society.

Ye Da is now considered a half-official person, but after hearing these secrets, he was also asked to keep them secret, and Ye Da also knew the seriousness of the matter in his heart.

"The God of Mercy... is really terrifying. What is its purpose? It completely parasitizes all human beings?"

Ban Haijian shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be the case, otherwise there is no need to hide it like this, but to choose a suitable place for large-scale parasitism. This 'God of Mercy' seems to be still understanding human physiological knowledge and the process of human society middle."

Ban Jianhai left in a hurry, and Ye Da returned home with a heavy heart.

First, the number of ghosts in Kyushu increased sharply, and then the "God of Mercy" appeared. Kyushu is really changing with the naked eye.

Even the joy of acquiring the three stone needles was somewhat diluted.There are intact eggs under the overturned nest. Don't wait for him to become a living person, graduate from college, marry a wife and have children, and the entire Kyushu will be in chaos.

That wasn't what he wanted to see.

I don't know how Jiang Hou's investigation of the headquarters of the Eternal Life Association in Yuezhou is going.

Back home, Ye Da put away the Xuanshui stick, and took a bath with a lot of thoughts. Even he was a little tired after running around for the past few days.

After taking the bath towel from Liu Xiaoqian and drying himself off, Ye Da sat on the sofa and began to study the three newly acquired stone needles.

With a thought, the stone needle tattoo on his right hand emerged.

But different from before, there was originally a black thick straight line extending from the middle of the forearm to the end of the fist bone, but now there are three more branches, extending from the thick straight line and upward in the form of a broken line.

It looks a bit like a chip circuit.

And the feeling in the dark is also stronger.

After some research, Ye Da knew Jiuyin's current situation.

With the three roots of "Taiyin", "Shaoyin" and "Jueyin", each root has its own function.

The last six of the Nine Yin Stone Bianstones actually have only one function.

It is six stone needles that can form a certain formation.

The six stone needles can be distributed in six directions, forming a special area. The function of the formation seems to be related to ghosts, and it is called "Nine Yin Formation".

Just like the old method, the name is very simple.

The specific function is not fully understood yet, but it seems to be able to gather yin and evil spirits, as well as some other functions.

The full effect is unknown, but listening to the name is definitely not a friendly ability.

In other words, the Nine Yin Stone Bian itself is extremely sinister to most living people.

Ye Da touched his right arm, and three stone needles appeared in his palm.

This is the first time for Ye Da to freely take out the nine yin. Obviously, the other six are completely different from "Taiyin", "Shaoyin" and "Jueyin".

This stone needle is not very strong and cannot be used as a weapon. It seems to have little effect until the other three are collected.
Seeing the appearance of the three stone needles, a thought suddenly flashed in Ye Da's mind.

"Jiuyin Stone Bianstone" and "Juantian Incense Burner" seem to have some kind of connection.
The Juan Tian Incense Burner needs incense, right?
With a thought, the incense burner tattoo appeared on his left hand.

Draw three stone needles on the left hand incense burner tattoo.

how to see.
How do you think it's appropriate!
The length, size, and stone needles all go well with the incense burner!

Is there any mystery in this?
I was thinking about that time when Cao Bin wondered if he could find the screenwriter of "Landao".

In Ye Da's house, the balcony shattered!



Ye Da stood up abruptly.

Could it be that the masked man has found happiness?

The next moment, a skateboard smashed through the glass and opened the curtains.

It landed in the living room with a bang.

skateboard? !what?Someone must be out there!

Ye Da's face was ugly, and his home had never been attacked before.

Even Liu Xiaoqian floated out with a serious expression on her face, apparently she didn't mind tearing apart those who dared to disturb the "Pure Land of Home".

Just when Ye Da, Liu Xiaoqian, and even Xiaoqing were all on the alert.

The skateboard that fell to the ground and slid for several meters actually made a human voice!

"There was a loud bang in the sky! Lao Tzu made his debut!"

Ye Da:.
Liu Xiaoqian:
Xiaoqing: Gululu?

The skateboard speaks! ? ?
"Hey! That human over there! Give you a chance, how about being my vehicle!"

(End of this chapter)

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