I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 166 With a loud bang in the sky, Lao Tzu makes his debut!

Chapter 166 There was a loud noise in the sky, and Lao Tzu made his debut!

Ye Da was like seeing a ghost.

Liu Xiaoqian is like a ghost.

Xiaoqing's fish brain is stuck.

The family of three first looked at the balcony covered with broken glass.

He looked at the skateboard in the living room again.

They looked at each other again.

A long-standing "Nani?" appeared in Ye Da's mind.

The skateboard looks unremarkable, the front is only matte black-gray, the wheels are quite thick and strong, and should be classified as longboards in the classification of skateboards.

If the long board can talk, it seems more reasonable.
What a ghost!

"What's the matter? Human! And the little girl next to me, are you overly surprised to see this uncle? Are you shocked by my debut?! How about it, do you want to be my vehicle? This uncle is very Strong!"

The skateboard twisted left and right, and relying on its own swingability, it actually made a walking motion and moved forward a few times.

"Understand, understand, after all, this uncle is so extraordinary and refined, but after being shocked, you should seize the opportunity quickly. If you give you the opportunity, you want to use it! Sign a contract with me, and pledge all your body, mind, consciousness, soul, and future to me , you can have a super cool~~~~ dazzle me."

I don’t know where the skateboard made its sound. It sounds like a greasy middle-aged uncle with a smoky voice.

Still flicking the tongue!
Ye Da picked up the Xuanshui stick and pointed it at about the head of the skateboard.

Said viciously:
"You better explain clearly, what are you! Who is controlling you!"

The skateboard moved back more than ten centimeters, giving way to the top of the Xuanshui stick.

"Hey, hey, can you be more civilized and point at people's butts when you come up."

The head of this skateboard is the butt?The butt is the head?Ye Da suddenly reacted:

"Then you and he are talking to me with your ass?!!!"

The skateboard twisted and said, "Do you know how hard it is for me to turn around?!"

Ye Da's temples were protruding, and the Xuanshui stick directly poked at the frosted surface of the skateboard, adding some strength to his hand: "What the hell are you! Believe it or not, I broke it for you."

The skateboard let out a disdainful laugh: "Ha! Then you underestimate me, my future vehicle, my uncle is indestructible, whether it falls from the plane or bears the weight of several cars, my uncle If there is a crack, I will lose! You know nothing about the strength of this uncle!"

Ye Da didn't believe it, his strength was getting stronger and stronger, but the skateboard seemed to have no feeling at all.

"What? Didn't eat! Use your strength, my future vehicle!"

Fuck, this guy is so annoying!

At this time, Ye Da had already recognized that this was the skateboard in the pile of debris on the construction site before.

The skateboard seemed to be extremely tough, no matter how hard Ye Da tried, he kept repeating: "You didn't eat!"

Until Liu Xiaoqian silently brought the toilet brush.

The skateboard twisted uncomfortably and said: "This beauty, everyone is a civilized person, don't be like this."

It has been so long, and there is no controller behind the skateboard.

Ye Da stepped on the butt of the skateboard and raised its "head" to face him.

I thought I would see structures like eyes and mouths, but there was nothing.

Even the bottom is bare!
"My future vehicle, so you have this kind of taste, how about it? Is my uncle's naked T-shirt nice?"

Ye Da raised the skateboard with both hands and tried his best to break this annoying guy, but he couldn't do it.

"What the hell are you."

"Using your human words, this uncle is a powerful spirit enlightenment like a scorpion shit. As I said before, I am currently randomly selecting a lucky audience as a vehicle for the next few years. Boy, I am very happy Be optimistic about you! It is fate that makes you lucky to meet me."

"You want to follow me? Want me to step on you?"

"You may have some problems with understanding, but you become my vehicle, and I can drive you anywhere."

Ye Da laughed angrily: "Anywhere, the tone is not small."

The ordinary skateboard said, "What? Don't believe me, step on it and try?"

"He said he didn't want me to step on you!"

Ye Da picked up the skateboard, went to the balcony full of glass shards, and pointed the skateboard at the night sky outside the window.

"I'm not interested in you, so goodbye!"

The skateboard didn't struggle, just said quietly: "My future vehicle, are you going to throw me out? If you do, you will regret it."

Ye Da glanced at an empty grass field, ready to throw the skateboard there.

With the structure of the skateboard, it is impossible for it to return to the fourth floor without assistance.

Ye Da sneered, "Yes, then I'll just wait and see."

The skateboard also sneered: "Throw me down, you will definitely regret it."

Ye Da threw the skateboard onto the deserted lawn, and the skateboard fell in a parabola in the night sky.

Skateboard: "Because."

"Shh!" sounded.

The skateboard turned around out of thin air and flew to a place higher than the balcony.

Then the head, no, the butt is facing the balcony.From top to bottom, it looks like a falling star.

"Because... you will lose another piece of glass! Hahahaha! There is a loud noise in the sky! I'm on stage again!"

the sound of glass breaking
Ye Da:.
Liu Xiaoqian:
A flying skateboard! !

Wang family.

Wang Weiwu's mother, Lu Zhixuan, was crying and clutching Wang Weiwu.

"How could you run away from home! Do you know how worried my mother is!"

Wang Weiwu bit his lip tightly, but didn't say a word.

Wang Junshan became angry when he saw it, and suppressed his anger and said: "Have you developed skills? You ran away from home? You were tricked into doing spiritual awakening. You are really smart."

Wang Weiwu did not refute, but knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Father, I know I was wrong, and I will accept any punishment. But my friend Luo Chao is missing now. Can you please use the power of the Wang family to find him, or supervise the Special Affairs Department..."

Wang Junshan sneered and said, "Now you know you are afraid? Is this what you want to say? Your mother has shed tears for the past few days, so you will say this when you come back?"

Wang Weiwu gritted his teeth and said, "Those masked people might kill him!"

"It was you who killed him!"

Wang Weiwu was struck by lightning.

Wang Junshan hated iron and said, "If it weren't for being naive enough to believe in spiritual awakening, that friend of yours would have been involved in this kind of incident? He can't study, his heart is not good, he doesn't want to work hard, he just thinks about opportunism, and he will know when there is trouble outside. Wasn't it tough when you went home to plead for mercy when you ran away from home?"

Wang Weiwu's eyes turned red quickly, and he knelt down on the ground.

"I know it's wrong but please, father, Luo Chao him. Luo Chao him."

Luo Chao's back full of scars became the lingering pain in Wang Weiwu's heart.

It was he who killed Luo Chao.

Wang Weiwen on the side couldn't stand it anymore, sighed, and said:

"Tell me the exact situation of that friend of yours, and I'll see if I can ask a friend from the special affairs department."

In the dark sewer, the smell of corruption is particularly pungent.

Luo Chao was naked to the waist, lying in the rotten mud.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Luo Chao opened his eyes, and in the supposedly dark environment, he was able to see the masonry above the sewer clearly.

Apparently something had changed in his body.

He just lay there quietly, not paying attention to the mud under his body and the maggots crawling over his body.

He is sorting out his memory, sorting out his own memory.

That memory belongs to the Merciful God.

Huge memories flashed through Luo Chao's mind like a fleeting glance.

After a long time, maybe an hour or more, Luo Chao stood up supporting his body and squeezed his fists. It was a sense of strength that he had never felt before.

"Are you awake? It's pretty quick. I thought you'd never wake up. After all, the operation is only halfway through."

In the darkness, a female masked figure was sitting against the wall, seemingly injured.

"As long as you wake up successfully, everyone will be your companions. You must be very confused now. When you were doing the operation, there was someone"

Luo Chao shook his head and said, "No need, I know what to post."

The female masked person was surprised: "You know?"

This young man was in a coma all the way from the construction site until just now.

Luo Chao nodded and said, "The God of Mercy told me."

The female masked figure shows a shocked expression.

"Can you communicate directly with the God of Mercy?"

Luo Chao nodded and said, "I can communicate with all the benevolent gods, and I seem to be able to do something else."

He stretched out a hand to the female masked figure and said

"Now, stand up."

The female masked person immediately felt that her body moved uncontrollably, and an irresistible will acted on her brain.

"What did you do?! Why can you do this!"

Facing the staggering female masked figure struggling to stand up, Luo Chao looked at his hands.

He could feel the difference between himself and this female masked person.

She is a guinea pig.

And I am the most perfect work and collaborator of the God of Mercy.

The merciful God is sending out pheromones of joy and closeness to him all the time.

"I just won the bet"

(End of this chapter)

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