I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 169 Ancient County Chronicles

Chapter 169 Ancient County Chronicles
When Landau saw Ye Da coming, he stood up and shook hands:
"Student Xiaoye, right? The name of the school grass of the East China Sea is astonishing." Ye Da endured the pain and shook hands with Lang Dao.

No wonder there are no photos of him on the Internet, and the number of public appearances is so pitiful. Is it because of the restriction of his own image?

After all, this is a world that depends on appearances. The screenwriter is such a greasy middle-aged man with slovenliness. I am afraid it will only have a negative effect on the box office.

When Landau's screenwriter didn't look at the waiter, he was very kind. He asked Ye Da what he wanted to drink, and Ye Da ordered a glass of water.

Cao Bin sat on the side with a lively face, but he didn't interrupt. He knew that it was not the time for him to exert his strength, and it depended on how the two of them chatted.

Ye Da had already thought up his words on the way here, and said, "Director Lang, this time I asked Mr. Cao to ask you about something. I was born in Xiangxi, Liangzhou, and I like all kinds of ancient books and relics. When I saw "Dynasty and Heaven" in the cinema, the anecdote about the Dabin Dynasty was actually the same as a story I heard many years ago."

It seemed weird to ask directly, so Ye Da pretended to be someone interested in history and antiques.

Landau was quite surprised, touched his goatee, and said, "Oh? Which section?"

Ye Da had been prepared for a long time, and took out his phone. It was a gun version movie he found on the Internet, and he cut a part.

It is the scene where the protagonist Liu Changqing is on the roof of the tavern.

Landau pushed his glasses, looked at it seriously, then nodded and said: "Yes, this storytelling is indeed written by me, is there any problem?"

Ye Da said: "I don't know where the screenwriter Lang heard about this miraculous doctor who 'acupunctures the dead and burns incense for the living'. It is quite similar to an old rumor in my hometown."

Screenwriter Lang touched his beard, but did not give a direct answer, but said:

"Brother Ye is a college student, so he's actually interested in this kind of thing?"

"I am a major in ancient literature, and I have liked it since I was a child."

After talking here, Lang Dao took a sip of tea: "To be honest, I just happened to have something to discuss with Brother Ye. Cao Bin should have said it to Brother Ye. I want to adapt your experience into a script." , I wonder what brother Ye thinks?"

This obviously depends on the person ordering the food. He has not achieved his own goal, and he probably will not readily reveal the source of the storytelling.

Ye Da frowned and said: "The incident in the library is a disaster that just happened, besides, it has been relatively hot for a while, if it is really going to be made into a movie, from shooting to production to release, I am afraid that people have long forgotten about it. "

Landau shook his head and said: "I want to adapt the script to Brother Ye, not a certain thing. Brother Ye is a double A-level spiritual enlightener, but this is not the only thing that has the value of adaptation." , If I remember correctly, it was said on the Internet that Brother Ye was born in a small county in western Hunan, right? This is the fate of the protagonist!"

Landau became more and more excited as he talked.

"The disaster in the library is too close to be sensitive, we can change it, adapt it, it's not a documentary, we can move the location to a factory or a hospital, the story is still established, and then add some family lines, love lines, a The skeleton of the script came out."

Ye Da said helplessly: "Then why don't you just make it up from scratch, I won't sue you for infringement."

Landau shook his head and said: "That's different. Even if you don't charge a penny, it's still important to 'nod in agreement', otherwise it will break the rules, and I, Landau, can't do such a thing."

At this time, Cao Bin also interjected: "Mr. Ye, film is also a kind of art. Why not let more people know about your wonderful deeds? I can recruit the crew here, and the scriptwriter Lang will provide the script. You choose, and the publicity can spread the word from now, and strive to release it next year, and you can make money without losing money!"

At this time, it was not Ye Da who interrupted Cao Bin, but Lang said:

"Xiao Cao, I haven't agreed with what you said. One size counts for another. I'll finish talking with Brother Xiaoye first."

Cao Bin knew that he was in a hurry, and motioned to the two big brothers to speak first, and he would never interrupt.

Ye Da said: "I just want to ask screenwriter Lang about the source of this storytelling. I'm really not interested in the movie circle."

Lang Dao still didn't give up, and persuaded: "Brother Xiaoye may be disgusted because he doesn't understand it. You don't need to do anything, just talk to me a few times. I will be in charge of finishing the script and sign an agreement to agree to the adaptation. You can check the script if it passes the test, and at the end of the film, add a acknowledgment to you, and it's over!" Hearing Lang Dao's chatter, Ye Da had a particularly headache.

He would rather the clue of storytelling be on the masked man of the Eternal Life Society, so that he can directly hit the other party with a Xuanshui stick and say it, or simply call out Liu Xiaoqian to confuse him with illusion.

On the contrary, in the current situation, he couldn't convince himself to use special methods.

This is a matter of principle.

While persuading, Landau also mentioned the storytelling from time to time, obviously using it as bait, implying that as long as Ye Da nodded, he would be able to give the specific clues of the storytelling to ensure that Ye Da was satisfied, and it was very detailed.

Perhaps from his point of view, business is all negotiated, and each has its own needs, so it is natural to fight for it.

He has what Ye Da wants, and Ye Da has what he wants, and he doesn't feel that this is cheating Ye Da.

Before many young people come into contact with the film and television industry, they either think too much about it, thinking that it is very shining and sacred.

Or think it too low, feel very dirty and dark.

In fact, the film and television industry is also a circle composed of people, and it is all business.

"I'm different from Xiao Cao. I'm not in a hurry to complete a film. It takes a lot of time to polish a script. I think Brother Ye may experience many wonderful things in the future. As long as you nod, even if it takes a few years It doesn't matter, even if there is no suitable time after a few years, it is possible to stop filming."

In the end, Ye Da couldn't stand the bombardment of Lang Dao and Cao Bin, and nodded in agreement with the so-called right to adapt personal stories.

But with a lot of conditions.

First: It is not allowed to be made into a movie within three years.

Second: If the photo is not produced within five years, the authorization will be invalidated.

This is equivalent to a strict restriction, only a window period is left, and it is clear that he does not want the movie to appear, but Ye Da does not charge a penny, so he feels at ease.

Third: Except for a few "in-depth talks" with Landau, he doesn't cooperate with anything. If God has no eyes and really wants to make a movie, he has nothing to do with the shooting and publicity.

Fourth: If God had no eyes twice, this crap movie would still be released!Then the 2 points from the box office will be donated to charity in the name of Ye Da.

Although Ye Da confiscated the money, these conditions were very harsh, but Lang Dao agreed after thinking about it, but Cao Bin was a bit sloppy, and this time span was beyond his expectation, but the matter had come to this point, and he was powerless to change anything.

The verbal agreement was reached, and the formal agreement was made up later. Landau finally let go and became more relaxed. He even went to aim at the waitress's ass again when he had time.

"I read that storytelling in a 'county annals'. In the process of writing the script of "Dynasty and Tianqing", I consulted a lot of materials, among which the 'county annals' of various places are the most important, which gave me a lot. inspiration."

The deal was settled, Lang Dao didn't hide it, and said: "The county chronicle is from Wenyin County, Xiangxi, Liangzhou. Speaking of it, it is in the same area as Brother Ye's hometown. No wonder I have heard these stories before. I have compiled these materials into an electronic version and stored them in the computer, and I can send them to Brother Ye for review now."

Ye Da shook the hand holding the cup.

Wenyin County.
Isn't it where the Ye family is?

It was called Wenxian in ancient times, but it is now called Wenyin.

It was also the place where Ye Da studied hard for three years.
(End of this chapter)

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