I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 170 The Boy in White

Chapter 170 The Boy in White
In the 312th year of Dabin, the battle (not a typo, hope to understand) has lasted for 20 years.

Many Wen County people were born, grew up, and even got married and had children in this environment.

Wen County originally had a population of 20. It was named because of its proximity to "Wen Shui", and it was a truly large county. In the county, there was a scholarly family like the Ye family, a wealthy family, and it was really prosperous.

Today, the new county magistrate has collected the population, and there are only 12 people left. All industries are withered, people's livelihood is exhausted, and even the Ye family is gradually declining, and they stay behind closed doors all day long.

Suoxingwen County is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so it is not too difficult to find a place to eat and drink, and it will take time to get by.

Since 20 years ago, every autumn and winter, there will be big battles, and the people in Wen County are not the only ones who are sad. The entire Dabin Dynasty is like wheat, and they are cut off every year.

No one knows how this battle came about, and what the reason is.

There is a lot of rain in autumn this year, which affects the autumn harvest. Those who rushed to harvest rice fell ill after being soaked in rain. Seeing that another big battle is coming, the new county magistrate hastily issued an order to imitate the "separation method" invented by the governor of Yunzhou. In the east of the county, a piece of deputy country was built, no matter whether it was common cold or sickness, people had to be sent there.

It's just that the shape of learning is unreasonable, and a lot of manpower is wasted, but the battle is not any better than in previous years.

More than 800 people will go this year.

One day, upstream on warm water, a bamboo raft floated down the river, without a pole or oar, and there was a young man on the raft, with white clothes and no hair, with a handsome face, only fifteen or sixteen years old.

A fisherman asked, "But a monk?"

The hairless young man shook his head and said, "The monk is the Buddha's animal slave, and the young man is free."

The fisherman asked again: "What are you doing in Wen County?"

The young man said: "When there is a big battle, there will be a small student. After a big battle, there will be a small student."

The fisherman said: "My mother has just died, and she is still sick."

The young man didn't answer, and jumped to the shore.

Walking to the mass burial mound of Deputy Guo in the east of the county, he entered regardless of the obstruction, set up an incense burner in front of him, and sat cross-legged on the pile of corpses for three days without moving.

The county magistrate heard the words and asked so far, but the young man ignored him, and the county magistrate was afraid of getting sick, so no one dared to take care of him, and only ordered people to come and see from time to time.

Three days later, the pile of corpses under the young man's seat disappeared, and there were only three of them left, and it snowed heavily in Wen County.

The messenger asked, "You can see all the corpses here? But someone stole them?"

The young man said: "The corpse is the source of slavery, the bed of the sick, the mother of the plague, and it should be burned."

The messenger asked again, "Why are there no fireworks?"

The young man said: "This battle is extraordinary, and it cannot be burned with ordinary fire."

The county magistrate was overjoyed when he heard about it. He felt that the young man was a profound stranger. He knew that he was not a monk.

The young man took out the acupuncture needles and used acupuncture for the remaining three corpses. The three corpses recovered and left with the young man.

"The yin energy of these three corpses is hard to dissipate. I drove myself into the mountains, and the battle in Wen County next year may be lighter."

The county magistrate thanked him again and offered ten ingots of gold.

The young man chased away the corpse.

In the following year, Wen County was put into heavy service, and tens of thousands of people were dispatched.

The county magistrate died of illness.

Ye Da was about to close Landau's laptop, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Wen County is where the ancestral home of the Ye family is located. It has not changed for 700 years, and was later renamed "Wenyin County".

This section of county annals is dated to Dabin 312, about 15 years after his death.The Hundred Years of Plague is a major historical event in Kyushu, but there are not many records focusing on one person, one place, or one event.

One is that because of the long history, a large number of documents will be lost every turbulent season, and the other is that in the late period of the century-old plague, the people of Kyushu have become numb and will not record specific tragedies. In their eyes, that is already the norm.

Lang Dao took a sip of coffee and said, "Actually, this boy in white with no hair is recorded not only in Wen County, but also in some surrounding counties in all the materials I checked. Some places call him 'Boy in White'. Consider When the documents were lost in the ages, I suspected that he had traveled all over Liangzhou, and even farther, so he wrote in the storytelling: "Every time a big battle slaughters the city, ten rooms and nine empties must arrive the next day. When the people see this People will know that the battle is over'."

"Because Wen County is the hometown of 'Prodigy Ye Da', culture and education are the most important there. Every generation has been diligently revising the county annals, and the records are the most complete. There are only sporadic records in some surrounding places."

Speaking of this, Lang Dao suddenly shrank his eyes, stroked his goatee and said, "Wait, little brother Ye is also called Ye Da, and his hometown is also Xiangxi? Where is Xiangxi?"

It was only at this point that Landau connected some information together. Previously, he only wanted to persuade Ye Da to get the right to adapt, but at this moment, his heart moved, and an outrageous "hypothetical" emerged.

Ye Da said casually, "Jiangmeng County."

This is a county name around Wenyin County, used to prevaricate Landao.

However, the thinking of the screenwriter is obviously different from that of ordinary people.

Landao narrowed his eyes: "They are all called Ye Da."

It can only be said that any normal person would not think about it in this way. The name Ye Da, in the eyes of other people, is at most rather obscene.

Just like ordinary people would never think that the classmate named Li Bai in the class is the reincarnation of Li Bai.

They will only feel that the other party's parents are shameless in naming them.

This is the thinking of most normal people.

But it definitely does not include the screenwriter Landau who is figuring out the script all day long and pursuing excitement and reversal.

A bold idea immediately popped into my mind.

Landau: If. Just say if,

This Yeda is that Yeda
He didn't really believe that the Ye Da in front of him was the prodigy Ye Da 700 years ago, but just thinking about it as a character in the script, he already had a unique sense of excitement for screenwriters or writers.

Ye Da, a child prodigy 700 years ago, did not die, but lived to the present day. So what allows him to live to this day? Well, it could be the secret of the ancient strangers!

then then
Landau's screenwriter was obviously lost in his own thoughts, his brain was running fast, his face was flushed, and he didn't even look at the waiter's ass.

Typical intracranial orgasm.

Ye Da didn't have mind-reading skills, so he just thought this big screenwriter was a bit weird, and given him a living brain, he wouldn't have thought that Landau was so close to the truth.

After that, Ye Da sent all the materials Lang Dao sorted out to his mailbox, which contained not only the content related to Wen County County Chronicles, but also all the things Lang Dao had collected over the years. The amount was quite large, many of which were based on pictures The book pages and inscriptions were photographed in the form of photos, so they reached an exaggerated size of more than a dozen gigabytes.

Although not necessarily related to himself, they are all materials collected by Landau during the century-old plague period when he was polishing the script of "Dynasty and Heaven".

Without Landau, just collecting these data may take years in units of time.

After all, these things will not be collected and placed in the library to be read at will, but hidden in county annals, inscriptions, and folklore.

In this meeting, both sides are actually not at a loss. To be honest, with Ye Da's harsh restrictions on the adaptation, it is very likely that they will become empty-handed white wolves in the future.

At this time, Landau's inspiration exploded, and he felt a little ashamed to say this "hypothetical", so he didn't mention it to Ye Da, but hurried back to the room to sort out his thoughts.

After the two agreed, there will be at least three in-depth talks to help the script take shape, and Landau will stay in Donghai for a period of time in the future.

And Ye Da also left worriedly, and didn't even bother Cao Bin to stay.

Because now, he may have guessed the function of "Taiyin" among the three stone needles.

He needs to do an experiment quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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