I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 172 The Gift of the Deep Sea

Chapter 172 The Gift of the Deep Sea

"Every day, you know how to get into trouble outside! Do you know how much a porcelain tooth costs?"

The mother's cursing voice and the sister's contemptuous eyes made Dong Ge very upset.

But there is no way, he is the domineering brother Dong outside, but at home, he is just Liu Dong
Brother Dong was missing four teeth, so he didn't dare to say anything when he got home. The family only thought he was caused by a fight outside.

For this incompetent son, the whole family disliked him very much. They didn't want to ask in detail, and they didn't want to pay for his teeth filling. They just kept scolding him.

It was late at night, and Dong Ge went out again to find his friends, and slammed the door away amidst his mother's scolding.

Walking on the small road, Brother Dong started to send messages to his friends. Now he speaks out of the air and doesn't like to talk, so he always types.

"Li Feng, find some girls out for a drink!"

"Heizi, do you want to go at night?"

"Liu, what are you doing?"

However, all his friends did not return him.

Brother Dong was upset, wondering if he had lost his prestige in the alley a few days ago, and his brothers looked down on him and stopped playing together.

But that is obviously a spiritual enlightener, so what can he do?Seven or eight people did not hold on for a few breaths together.

Thinking about it, a trace of anger appeared in my heart.

No, I have to get the venue back, otherwise how can I hang around outside in the future!

This is the only logic of his life that he relies on for survival.

If the spirit enlightener can't be found and can't be provoked, then we have to make some other noises to let those bastards know my brother Dong's majesty.

Just as he was thinking about who to trouble him, Dong Ge suddenly felt that the surroundings were dark, and even the street lights were not on.

"When did this street light break?"

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind.

In such a dark environment in the middle of the night, the footsteps behind him were quite scary. Brother Dong suddenly turned his head, only to see a masked figure walking towards him slowly.

mask?Who would come out with a mask on when a serious person comes out? I'm afraid he's not crazy, right?

How come you are so close to me!

Just when he was wondering, the masked man had already walked in front of Brother Dong under his surprised eyes.

The masked man said softly.


This person knows himself, why does his voice sound familiar.

The masked man stretched out a hand to Brother Dong, and the next moment, a tentacle-shaped blue energy body precipitated from his hand, restraining Brother Dong in an instant, binding his hands and feet.

"Wait! What are you doing! Who are you? What the hell do you want to do?"

Brother Dong panicked.


The energy tentacles controlled by the masked man lifted Brother Dong into the air, and then slowly peeled off the mask.

A familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in front of Dong Ge.

A trace of doubt flashed in Dong Ge's panicked eyes, who is this person?I seem to have seen it myself.

That guy with glasses!
But at this time, the person in front of him didn't wear glasses, and his hair had turned into a strange silvery white color. Even his height was almost the same as that of Dong Ge, who was already tall, and he was not as thin and short as before.

If it weren't for the lesson of being broken four teeth that day, the memory would be so deep that Brother Dong would not be able to equate the face of the person in front of him with the glasses guy from that day.

"You! You are glasses. What are you doing? Uh!! Uh!"

Energy tentacles covered his mouth, leaving only a pair of terrified eyes.

Luo Chao said with a smile: "Sure enough, you don't even remember my name. You have obviously brought so much pain to others, but it doesn't matter if you don't even remember my name. It will take a lot of effort to find you all."

Following Luo Chao's smile, several figures slowly walked out of the darkness.

The familiar faces made Dong Ge's eyes widen.

Li Feng, Heizi, Da Liu, Wang Gan.
All the friends who usually yelled and drank six times, unexpectedly, all of them appeared here.

However, everyone's situation was wrong, and they all looked at him expressionlessly.A chill spread throughout his body.

"Uh! Uh!"

Brother Dong struggled crazily, but couldn't move an inch. The energy tentacles seemed to be alive again, and the restraint became tighter.

At this time, a beautiful woman appeared beside Luo Chao.

"My Lord God."

She is the female masked person who escaped that day, but with the help of Luo Chao, the ulcer that could not be concealed on her face has completely healed, and her former face has been restored, so she followed Luo Chao wholeheartedly.

In her heart, Luo Chao is the supreme envoy of God, the darling of the merciful God, and her ruler.

Luo Chao took the test tube from the woman's hand, flicked it with his fingers, the test tube burst, and a walnut-sized jellyfish-like creature with a strange glow slipped out of it.

This creature seemed to be able to swim not only in water, but also in the air, flying slowly around Dongge.

Brother Dong's pupils dilated, wondering if he had predicted his end.

Luo Chao stretched out his palm, and the body of the God of Mercy slowly floated up and down in his palm, and then he showed a bright smile to Brother Dong.

"Accept the gift from the deep sea."

Yuezhou, on the sea of ​​heavy mist.

Jiang Hou yelled and threw the hook out.

The members of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Section on the side couldn't help but said: "Captain Jiang, this is a place close to the deep sea. Fishing is very risky, especially at night."

Jiang Hou smiled and said: "Don't worry, with our physique, as long as the boat can hold up, I can pull you up."

The man smiled awkwardly and dared not speak.

The captain from the East China Sea has a very different style of behavior from the captains in Yuezhou, but the captains seem to respect him very much.

"Team Jiang has been to the deep-sea dividing line? If you haven't been, let me introduce it to you?"

Jiang Hou stroked his beard and said, "I've been there, I've been there many times, it's something very uncomfortable."

The members of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Section nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect that the Eternal Life Society would actually involve the deep sea. Such troubled times."

Jiang Hou said: "The net in the East China Sea was closed two days ago, but the real highlight is here."

The two chatted for a while, and suddenly Jiang Hou's fishing rod moved.

Jiang Hou's reaction was so fast, he pulled the lever instantly, and the powerful force made it as stable as Mount Tai.

"Ooh! Hooked! Feels like a big guy!"

A member of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Section looked at the deep seabed: "I hope it's not something strange."

The fishing rod became more and more bent, just when Jiang Hou was about to exert his strength.


It exploded.

The fishing rod broke into three pieces and scattered on the sea.

Jiang Hou's face dropped: "Ah, the quality of this pole is not good."

At this time, the thick fog gradually thinned, and the eyes of the members of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Division became serious.

"We've arrived. The dividing line between offshore and deep sea."

Jiang Hou saw the fishing rod with only one handle left and threw it into the sea, and looked up.

Between the sky and the sea in the distance, a vast wall of gray-white fog pierces through the sky and reaches the sea. It is an unknown number of kilometers high and divides the world into two.

Jiang Hou sighed:
"Yes, the sea is colored, but the land is invisible."

"It's like a big prison."

 The chapter is still in confinement. Let me explain to those who are confused. Brother Dong is the person who bullies Luo Chao on campus.

  Four teeth were broken off by Ye Da.

(End of this chapter)

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