I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 173 Resurrection?Creation?

Chapter 173 Resurrection?Creation?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

Ye Da waved his hand and told Lao Zhou to stop talking.

"I owe you a small favor, but it obviously doesn't match what you want, and I haven't figured out many things myself. Old Zhou, enough is enough."

At this time, Lao Zhou has become much more normal, but his spirit is a little unstable.

Was beaten by Ye Da.

The look of old Zhou Qing's fangs on his face just now clearly shows that he has been greatly stimulated, and the greed in his heart surged up.

It's not greedy for Ye Da or anything, nor is it greedy for nine Yin stones, but for a body.

Ye Da is able to infuse the spirit body and spirit into the body, which is the ability of "Taiyin" in the Nine Yins.

It is conceivable how attractive this is to a spiritual body like Lao Zhou.

So that Lao Zhou couldn't control himself for a moment.

But after being slapped, he was clearly awake.

That almost gave him a physical overshoot.

This also made Lao Zhou understand that in reasonable communication, he and Ye Da are equal.

But if there is malicious intent, the strength between the two can be said to be a world of difference.

Not to mention, as a "ghost" Liu Xiaoqian is far stronger than Lao Zhou.

If Liu Xiaoqian hadn't been hiding in fear of ghosts, Lao Zhou might have met Liu Xiaoqian's sharp claws first before being hit by Ye Daba's palm just now.

Seeing that Lao Zhou had calmed down, Ye Da stopped pursuing it. After all, he knew that spirits and ghosts are easily affected by emotions, and even live for emotions.

A little conflict, don't hurt feelings, just slap on the face.

Lao Zhou said cautiously: "I know that if Mr. Ye needs anything, he must tell me."

Fu said again: "Could you tell Uncle Jiu what happened tonight?"

His loyalty to Uncle Jiu is still very high, but he is somewhat worried that reporting to Uncle Jiu will make Ye Da unhappy.

What happened today made him think a little more, and he didn't want to hate Ye Da.

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "Not for now, please keep it secret for me."

Although Jiu Shu helped him a lot, Ye Da was not Jiu Shu's subordinate after all, so he didn't need to report everything.

If Lao Zhou couldn't bear to say it out, that's fine.

If Uncle Jiu is really interested, Ye Da actually doesn't mind using this ability to do something for Uncle Jiu, but the premise is that he has to figure out some things first.

The experiment tonight told Ye Da a terrifying conclusion.

"Jiuyin" + "juantian" can revive people in a certain sense.

The nine yin injects the soul, and the body is accumulated in the sky.

The mystery beyond life and death has long been in Ye Da's hands.

Moreover, Jiuyin can strengthen and even transform the soul and spirit body, and can also arrest special souls.

In a sense, this is a kind of "creative" ability.

This secret is too big, and it is much more terrifying than the simple "soul injection" that Lao Zhou knows.

I don't know if Lao Zhou would still be as calm as he is now if he knew that Ye Da could be resurrected and created instead of simply giving a spirit body a corpse.

"Juan Tian. Jiuyin White Boy Wen County"

Ye Da's mind was in a mess.

The joy of mastering the authority of "creation" without getting the treasure.

Instead, there is the shock of glimpses of conspiracy.

After bidding farewell to Lao Zhou with mixed feelings, Ye Da returned home on his skateboard like lightning.

Back home, Ye Da dug out the laptop he hadn't used for a long time. He didn't usually have time to play games, so he almost forgot about it.

Log in to your email and click Download.

The network speed is not slow, and the compressed package of more than a dozen G can be downloaded in 20 minutes.

During these 20 minutes, Ye Da imposed a state of yin energy on himself, forcing himself to calm down.

"Calm down, calm down."

Putting aside the shock caused by the funeral home experiment for the time being, Ye Da first checked the information step by step.

After decompressing the file, Ye Da first read the information of Wenxian county annals again, and then began to read other contents, starting from the records of the surrounding areas, and gradually extended to a larger scope.

It has to be said that although Landau is ugly and a bit lecherous, as a relatively well-known screenwriter in the industry, after reviewing the information on a year-by-year basis, his understanding of the history of the Hundred Years' Plague is far beyond that. Much stronger than ordinary people.There are more than Ye Da, an ancient man who died a few years ago in the Hundred Years' Plague.

The century-old plague began in Liangzhou and swept across Kyushu. Some people in later generations said that it was caused by the miasma in the old forests and a large number of wild animals in the mountains of Liangzhou. But this can only be speculated, after all, it happened 700 years ago.

There is also a saying that ordinary plagues can last for a hundred years. At that time, there were several different plagues, which appeared in short intervals before and after, but the ancients were limited by their cognition and confused them.

The most marketable is the last statement, which is that the century-old plague was fueled by the extraordinary power of the old aliens. This statement often appears in various novels, film and television works.

After a night of searching, the information of more than a dozen G was read by Ye Da who was under the "yin Qi concentration".

Finally came to a conclusion.

If it is assumed that these records are true.

The boy in white was first recorded in the 307th year of Dabin.

That is, 15 years after the death of Ye Da II.

The last record of appearance is 378 years of Dabin and 86 years after Ye Da's death.

And he has always shown his appearance at the age of 15 or 6, and he can basically be sure that he is an old stranger with good looks.

This is undoubtedly a strange person who has been through the century-old plague period.

In the earliest days, Landau conceived of writing a script centering on the "boy in white" as the main line.

However, considering that there are many ambiguities in the data, for example, a monk in white clothes appeared in a certain place, it can be regarded as a boy in white clothes or just a monk.

In other places, the appearance of the suspected boy in white did not attract the attention of the government, nor was it recorded in the county annals, but some specious legends were left behind.

In general, if you insist on pointing all the clues to the boy in white, the idea is very reasonable, but the logic is somewhat taken for granted.

Furthermore, if the script revolves around the "boy in white", the overall film style will be weird and weird, which does not meet the original intention of showing the "declining environment at the end of the dynasty", and lacks a sense of historical depth, so this idea was abandoned.

When it was daylight, Ye Da closed the computer.

With a large amount of information and records, even in a state of yin and concentration, he feels very tired.

But this is not the time to rest.

He still needs to come to a conclusion.

Turned out a few sheets of white paper and took out a pen.

The five words "Jiuyin", "juantian", "white boy", "Wenxian" and "Yejia" were written on it.

After thinking about it, Ye Da wrote the words "Dharma seeker" in the blank space.

First of all, "Jiuyin" and "Jiantian" were once the property of the boy in white, which can be said to be inseparable.

The white-clothed boy first appeared in the Xiangxi area of ​​Liangzhou.

And after 700 years of vicissitudes, two things should have fallen into the hands of the Dharma seekers.

Connecting the four online, Ye Da wrote on the side: "Inheritance is orderly" or "accidental start"

It may be an accident that the three roots of Jiuyin entered his body, but it may not be an accident that "Jiantian" came to Ye Da through Shen Shanrong's hand.

Shen Shanrong is a pawn for the seeker of the Dharma, but how to ensure that Shen Shanrong's loss of control will definitely affect himself?

I may not go to the library, and Shen Shanrong doesn't seem to go to find him.

Ye Da wrote down a name "Xin Yi".

Then put a question mark next to it.

It can't be that Xin Yi has a problem!

This doubt made his hair stand on end.

These two things, "Nine Yin" living people may not be able to use them at all, while "Juantian" will cause living people to gradually lose control and lose themselves. Therefore, Ye Da, a special existence, has become the key to reproduce the power of "Boy in White". Best carrier?
Is it because I am welcomed by the spiritual enlightenment because I have the possibility of "creation" in the dark?
So the skin-changing girl designed the battle on the viaduct, pretending to be Wang Weiwen, but after confirming that Ye Da can perfectly accommodate the "Nine Yins", she no longer wanted to get it back, but hoped that Ye Da could gather all the nine Yins, and even Afterwards, Shen Shanrong was designed to deliver the incense burner to the door?

the most important is.

It is foreseeable that within the next few days without any accidents, I will be able to collect all the "Nine Yins", and the last three will be given to me by Wang Weiwen's hands.

Will the skin-changing woman appear again then?
Why don't Dharma seekers go directly to Wang's house to get the remaining six roots? Is it because they can't find them, or do they hope to find them slowly?

Ye Da's brain was running at high speed as the pen tip touched the white paper.

Ye Da wrote down the word "Jiang Hou" and drew two question marks beside it.

After a while, Ye Da wrote "Ye Jianguo" on the white paper again.

Then draw a circle and write three question marks next to it.

(End of this chapter)

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