I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 174 Nine Yin Gathering

Chapter 174
Lit the white paper full of words on fire, and watched it burn slowly in his hand, Ye Da's eyes drifted a little.

When the sky was fully lit, Ye Da was still sitting on the sofa a little sluggishly.

Liu Xiaoqian stood aside worriedly, but dared not speak.

After a long time, the taboo skateboard who had been standing still in the corner suddenly "walked" over and said, "What's wrong with my vehicle, my brain is broken?"

Ye Da came back to his senses, looked at the skateboard, and said, "Have you ever thought that it was not a coincidence that you met me, but someone deliberately arranged it, without you and me knowing?"

Talking about the skateboard, he spun around and said, "What do you mean, is there any difference?"

"For example, you are in a conspiracy and don't know it."

The skateboard was silent for a while, and there was no sound.

Ye Da smiled embarrassingly: I am afraid that I have some serious illness, so I would discuss this with a skateboarder.

Unexpectedly, the skateboard suddenly said: "Conspiracy or something, just break through."

"What kind of conspiracy, calculation, anyway, I got a new vehicle, at worst, I will take the vehicle and beat up the guy who designed the conspiracy."

Ye Da curled his lips, saying it was the same as not saying it.

Talking about skateboarding, he continued, "What's wrong? If you're already in the net of conspiracy, it's better to make a fuss than to keep silent, isn't it?"

Ye Da glanced at Huaba's skateboard unexpectedly, but it was still useful.

Ye Da thought for a while and picked up the phone.

If already in the network.

Why not make a fuss about it!
Liu Xiaoqian saw that Engong regained his strength, and patted the skateboard on the head, thanking it for its enlightenment.

Go back and polish it, and then wax it!
Talking about skateboarding: "Little girl, what are you doing touching my ass?"

Liu Xiaoqian:
Ye Da didn't care about the interaction between Liu Xiaoqian and the skateboard. After thinking about it for a while, he made a phone call.

Yang Tian.

"Yeda? What's the matter?"

"What happened to that car?"

Yang Tiandao: "The damage is serious, and the important parts of the engine are all good. The maintenance cost is relatively high, but I will deal with it."

Ye Da glanced at the chatterbox skateboard and said, "I'm not going to take the car anymore. If you sell it for me, how much can I exchange for it?"

Yang Tian was silent for a while, and said, "Are you short of money? I can lend you."

"No, there is really no need for a car"

Talking skateboards are far more practical and convenient than sports cars, not to mention they can fly at low altitudes. Ye Da really doesn't need a sports car as a means of transportation now.

Compared with the Ram sports car, the only disadvantage of the talkative skateboard is that it is not attractive enough to women, but Ye Da doesn't care about it.

In the end, Yang Tian made a comprehensive estimate, and he made up a whole sum for Ye Da, equivalent to 180 million.

After all, it is a car that has been overhauled.

It's definitely not that fast to sell the car, not to mention that it hasn't been repaired yet, but Yang Tian can advance the money first.

Not long after, a text message popped up on Ye Da's phone, a series of zero notifications.

Ye Da had never received such a pleasing text message before, so Ye Da read it carefully for a while.

It's a pity that most of this money will soon be spent again.

Afterwards, Ye Da sent another message to Wang Weiwen: "The stone needle you mentioned last time, can you give it to me today?"

After a while, Wang Weiwen replied: "Yes, how can I give it to you?"

"I'll get it."

This was something that was agreed earlier in the morning. When Ye Da insisted on paying, the Wang family was willing to resell the stone needle at a price of 150 million.

This price should be much lower than what Wang Weiwu spent, but Ye Da was not overly hypocritical about the price.

He couldn't afford any more.

It's just that Wang Weiwen didn't expect Ye Da to be so anxious.

Ye Da put away his mobile phone, put on the exclusive black combat uniform made for him by the special affairs department, and then put on a large sweater over it.

After carrying the Xuanshui stick in his backpack, Ye Da set off with the skateboard in his hand.

Along the way, Ye Da's speed was not slow, but it was not to the point of flying close to the ground, leaving only countless elegant figures behind.About 30 minutes later, Ye Da arrived at Wang's house. The independent residence was easily identifiable. After pressing the doorbell, Ye Da did not go in. After a while, Wang Weiwen walked out.

Holding a beautiful wooden box in his hand.

This wooden box seems to be made of huanghuali, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. The box alone may cost tens of thousands of yuan.

But compared with what's inside, it's nothing worth mentioning.

Ye Da took the wooden box, opened it, and took a look. The three stone needles lay quietly on the silk cloth inside. Ye Da was cautious, so he didn't touch it directly. After closing the lid, he met Wang Weiwen's complicated eyes. .

"Ask me something?"

Wang Weiwen looked at Ye Da for a while and said, "I'll talk about it later, right?"

"I'll talk about it later."

"Then I won't ask."

There was a smile in the corner of Wang Weiwen's eyes, which was his trust in Ye Da.

Ye Da was a little moved, and said, "Then I will leave. I have prepared the money, but my card cannot transfer large amounts of money. Go back to the counter to operate."

Wang Weiwen nodded, neither of them had imagined the possibility of reneging on debts.

Putting the wooden box into his backpack, Ye Da set off from Wang's house and headed west.

After nearly an hour of boarding, Ye Da came to the only mountain in the East China Sea.


Since the East China Sea is located on a plain, this mountain, which is less than 100 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the East China Sea.

In the East China Sea, "Deshan" is a mountain forest park, usually there are many tourists, but there will be fewer in winter.

Ye Da found a stall at the foot of Deshan Park and sat there drinking water.

One sitting is an afternoon.

The stall owner rolled his eyes to the sky.

After sitting with a bottle of mineral water for a whole day, why don't you order a Coke and buy a grilled sausage!
This kid is so poor.

After Deshan Park closed and the stall owner closed the stall, another hour later, Ye Da put on his hood and turned in from the outside in the thick night.

The rugged mountain was not a problem for Ye Da. Ye Da walked around Deshan and confirmed that there was no one on the mountain except for a few people on duty in the pavilion at the foot of the mountain.

After that, I found a deep forest that was the highest and farthest from the road, and got into it.

He was worried that there would be visions or some uncontrollable changes in the Jiuyinqi gathering, so he specially selected this place for the final fusion.

When he reached the depths of the forest, Ye Da called out Big Herring and told him, "Xiaoqing, stay alert around, if anyone approaches, come back and tell Liu Xiaoqian."

Then he called out Liu Xiaoqian and said, "If someone approaches, if there is no malice, just use illusion to drive away. If there is malice, tell me in time, and the job of guarding will be entrusted to you."

Liu Xiaoqian nodded seriously and floated into the sky.

Ye Da took a deep breath and opened the wooden box of huanghuali.

Three stone needles lay quietly among them.

Ye Da nodded to Liu Xiaoqian who was in mid-air, and then his heart moved, and the "Nine Yin" tattoo on his right hand emerged.

After owning six, the appearance of the "Nine Yin" tattoos has changed a lot. On the three black straight lines, there are three folded branches extending out.

And now, the nine roots are about to gather.

Ye Da picked up the three stone needles and slowly placed them on his right arm.

At the moment of contact, the three stone needles turned into three black lights, which instantly disappeared in Ye Da's right arm.

For the first time, Jiuyin gathered within one arm.

The black tattoo, with the addition of three broken lines, looks more and more like a black circuit structure.

After the nine yins gathered, a little bit of spiritual brilliance appeared on the black lines.

At the same time, a cold and tyrannical aura emanated from Ye Da.


(End of this chapter)

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