I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 175 Isn't This Damn Steampunk?

Chapter 175 Isn't This Damn Steampunk?
With a crisp sound like a stone needle colliding.

With Ye Da at the center, a wave swept out.

At this moment, Yin Qi, malevolent Qi, and corpse Qi were churning with the body, as if Ye Jianguo's method could no longer suppress it.

This force was so ferocious that Ye Da had to clenched his teeth to keep from screaming.

He grabbed his right hand tightly, only to find that there was something strange in his left hand as well.

The tattoo of "Scrolling Heaven Incense Burner" emerged by itself, and the radiance of the spiritual seeds on it was exactly the same as Jiuyin. The original crack was quickly repaired, and the appearance of the tattoo appeared three-dimensional, and the appearance of the square-eared incense burner became more and more real.

The "Yin Qi", "Corpse Qi" and "Evil Qi" in Ye Da's body were like a boiling sea, constantly churning, and soon Ye Da's eyes were covered with a layer of gray mist, and at the same time, the trees, flowers and plants around him began to Quickly withers and dies.

The real power belonging to "Flying Zombie" finally leaked out on Deshan.

Countless insects crawled out of the gap and fled towards the distance, but one by one turned their stomachs and lost their voices.

A few flying birds got up in shock, but fell down in a daze.

And on the bodies of these dead creatures, wisps of faint white smoke floated up and gathered towards Ye Da.

Dead air pervades, anger siphons.

not good!

Looking at the scene around him, Ye Da knew that if he didn't control it, he might turn Deshan, which is [-] meters above sea level, into a dead place.

He immediately used his usual method of mobilizing Yin Qi to try to control the other two Qi.

However, after breaking through the restriction, the three qi are no longer so controlled. No matter how Ye Da pushes them, they will continue to boil, and there is a tendency to completely destroy Ye Jianguo's method.

If that time comes, Ye Da will completely recover his "flying stiff" body, shed his body, and land on "Deshan" with his real body.

It also means that the "law of living in the world" has failed, and he may lose his status as a living person.

"It can't go on like this."

The bell also needs to be tied.

Ye Da quickly thought of a way.

He controls the "Jiantian Incense Burner", devouring the three qi in his body like a whale sucking in the sea.

The thick purple smoke rushed up to the sky, but it was no more than 10 meters high, and was sucked back by Juantian, and it turned into an arch of purple smoke.

Ye Da, on the other hand, stood under the arch of purple air, gritted his teeth and persisted.

Every inch of the skin on the whole body has a finger-wide crack, and obscure symbols are revealed in it, which flickers on and off.

He doesn't know how much "Yin Sha Corpse" three qis are in his body, and he doesn't know how much Juantian can hold, but this is the only way.

Juantian already had some of the "Yin Sha Corpse" energy that he had accumulated in his daily life as a spare battery pack, but it had never been fully filled, so now he can only believe that Juantian is enough to hold it.

Gradually, with the continuous swallowing of purple smoke, the three qi in Ye Da's body finally gradually calmed down.

When the trees were dead, the insects were gone, and the birds had disappeared within a radius of [-] meters, the recoil of the "three qi" in the body caused by the gathering of the nine yins finally calmed down.

Ye Da gasped for breath, the horrible cracks on his body gradually healed, and the gray on his eyelids gradually disappeared.

He couldn't even stand up, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

Liu Xiaoqian flew down in a hurry, hugged Ye Da's shoulders, and said with emotion: "Grandpa, are you okay?"


I had already thought that there would be a vision in the Jiuyin Qi gathering, and I specifically chose a place with few people, but I didn't expect this vision to be so strong.

Ye Da felt that there was not much "three qi" left in his body.

This time he took the initiative to absorb it, and the "three qi" fluctuated far more violently than usual, and it was even more serious than the time when Shen Shanrong from the library!

It was no longer a matter of weakness, but Ye Da felt that his consciousness was gradually falling into darkness.

Ye Da did not expect that the gathering of nine yins would cause such a violent reaction from the body.

This is really unexpected bad news
Ye Da whispered: ".Skateboard"

The chatterbox on the side stepped forward on the skateboard: "My uncle is here, don't worry about my vehicle, I will send you home."

This is the peak of Deshan, which is 105 meters above sea level. Talking board skateboards use this as a starting point. They can fly at a height of less than [-] meters and bring themselves back in the night sky.

I chose to be here at the beginning because of this consideration.

Ye Da exhausted his last bit of strength and wanted to lie on the skateboard.

Although there were some accidents, with the help of Liu Xiaoqian, Xiaoqing, Hua Tuo and Skateboard, they should be able to return home safely.Just when Ye Da's outstretched hand was about to touch the skateboard.


A silk thread shot out and bound Ye Da's hand.

Liu Xiaoqian looked towards the edge of the forest with an angry expression on her face.

A figure walked out of the thick night, its fingers swayed slightly, and silk threads shot out from its fingertips, surrounding the entire forest together.

The big herring, who was in charge of guarding outside, was tied into rice dumplings by him and floated behind him.

Ye Da couldn't keep his eyes open.

This is really the worst case scenario.

He led out the people behind the scenes, but he unexpectedly lost his strength to such an extent.

Ye Da's half-opened eyes slowly lowered, and he said to the charming and beautiful Liu Xiaoqian with an angry look on his face: "I may have to trouble you."

He couldn't really see who it was.

Before his consciousness finally turned dark, Ye Da said: "No matter who it is, kill him."

Ye Da slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes are full of haze.

It was as if someone had painted his eye mask a cloudy yellow.

And his location is not the top of Deshan.

But a strange grassland.

Ye Da's gaze gradually raised, and he realized that "I" sat up.

No, it wasn't me who sat up, I just locked my perspective on one person.

Like his body, Ye Da is passively accepting information from the outside world from a strange first-person perspective.

It's like acting.

The person playing the role sat up and looked at the endless grassland.

“What a fertile pasture, but it’s a pity that no one dares to graze here.”

The person represented by my own perspective sounds very old, and speaks slowly and old-fashioned.

Ye Da couldn't close his eyes, so he could only passively look at the pasture in front of him.

It's just that in his eyes, the grass field is dim yellow. Although he knows it's because of his vision, he doesn't feel "fat" in his senses.

Suddenly, at the end of the distant line of sight, a ray of different colors gradually floated up.

Ye Da "stared" at the past, even if the color of his eyes was different, he could still tell the difference.

It appears to be on fire.

There is a fire on the grassland. But it is very troublesome.

The person I was possessed by my perspective seemed to agree with Ye Da, paused slightly, and walked forward.

With just one step forward, Ye Da visually advanced hundreds of meters, as if shrinking into an inch.

Ye Da was startled suddenly, who is this person?What happened to me?
This is a memory?Still a fantasy.

"That person" strode like a leisurely stroll, crossing a distance of several thousand meters in an instant, and came to a high hill.

Looking down, it turned out to be a village integrated with the grassland.

However, this village has been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. A large number of villagers are crying in the thick smoke, and cattle and sheep are running away.

Judging from the clothes of the villagers, these people's clothes are very old. I am afraid that they are more than a hundred years away from the Kyushu of the 2.5th generation, but they are not retro to the extent of the Dabin Dynasty.

"That person" snorted coldly, and jumped down, and Ye Da's perspective followed "that person" down, and saw the person who set the fire.

In just a moment, Ye Da felt that he should be in a hallucination.

Because the person who set the fire in front of me was too weird.
A tall figure in heavy full-body steel armor and a full-coverage mask was carrying a nearly three-meter-high steel tank on his back, holding a flamethrower head in one hand, and was burning everything ruthlessly and calmly.

There are probably nearly a thousand of this metal equipment alone, and gorgeous inscriptions and badges are engraved on the full-body armor. From the analysis of the full-body armor, there are faintly exposed gears and pipes. As the iron man moves, white steam is emitted from time to time.

Isn't this fucking steampunk style? !
I was under illusion! ?
This world is your imagination?
(End of this chapter)

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