I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 176: Southern Sect and Northern Division, 1st generation and 2nd "excellent"

Chapter 176 The Southern Sect and the Northern Division, Two "Superior" in One Generation

Looking at the flame-breathing soldier wrapped in steel armor, nearly three meters high, like a small Gundam.Ye Da actually had a sense of space-time confusion.

Hallucination?Guess what?Crossed over again?

From my own perspective, I can only see but not speak, and cannot move. Is time travel become a blink of an eye?

As a bystander, Ye Da was undoubtedly shocked to the point of absurdity, but the owner of this perspective did not hesitate at all. He was obviously not surprised by the appearance of the person in front of him. Flying in front of him, a pair of pure white palms stuck out and patted on the The chest of the armored flamethrower.

The bulky flamethrower couldn't react at all, so he flew more than ten meters away. The exaggerated steel armor seemed to be unable to protect him at all, and his chest was directly broken, exposing the gears and pipes inside.

The steel-armored flamethrower, who weighed an unknown number of tons, seemed to have a problem with the equipment on his body after being hit. A large amount of steam poured out. After rolling on the ground, he struggled frantically, and was finally steamed to death.

"That person" looked around, and it was obvious that it wasn't just the steel flamethrower in front of him that caused the grassland fire, but someone in the distance.

Another slightly shorter fire-breathing soldier kicked open the wooden door, revealing the mother and daughter huddled inside, let out a cruel laugh, and turned the switch of the spray gun in his hand.

The next moment a steel head flew high, and "that man" swiped the knife with his hand like the sharpest blade.

Ye Da's angle of view was fixed, but he still saw the section of the steel flamethrower after being beheaded. Fortunately, it was an ordinary flesh and blood neck, not some mechanical body, otherwise it would be even more weird.

"That man" was obviously very strong, with a step of hundreds of meters, and within a few minutes, he killed all the dozen steel fire-breathing soldiers scattered on the grassland, without even panting.

Ye Da couldn't see the face of "that man", nor could he see the face under the fire-breathing soldier's steel armor. All the steel fire-breathing soldiers were killed by one blow, and that person had no interest in taking off the fire-breathing soldier's steel mask .

Then "that man" made a gesture, the situation on the grassland suddenly changed, and it rained in an instant, extinguishing the flames, but the village was empty, only the burnt black ruins remained, standing in the rain. There was black smoke.

"That person" stopped outside the village, looking at the scene in front of him, speechless for a long time.

What Ye Da saw was what "that person" saw, and "that person" stood still, so Ye Da could only wait.

This wait lasted for several hours, "that person" didn't move at all, somewhat lacking the sense of time, and his legs were not too numb, Ye Da even began to worry about himself on "Deshan", someone attacked him before he passed out, I don't know if Liu Xiaoqian and the skateboard can handle it.

How long will this "No.1" appearance last?Is it my imagination?Still looking at a memory?
When the sky was getting late and the moon and stars were thinning, "that man" finally made a move, turned his head slowly and said:
"'Southern sect and northern master', one generation has two peaks, but the place that was agreed upon has become a mess."

"That man" turned his head slowly, and two middle-aged men came behind him hand in hand.

One of them was wearing a linen gown, cloth shoes, a beard and long hair, and a calm face.

The other was wearing a vintage suit, gold-rimmed glasses, short hair back, and was holding a cane in his hand.

The two had very different looks, but Ye Da's "eyes" were fixed on the figure in the linen gown.

Although his face is much younger and much younger, Ye Da still vaguely remembers his facial features and temperament.

This person actually is.
The young version of Ye Jianguo!
What age is this?
Ye Jianguo looks 50 years younger, but Kyushu was not like this 50 years ago, right?

The figure in western clothes pushed up his glasses: "How dare we call it 'excellent' in front of our seniors, but we are just latecomers."

"That man" shook his head at the two of them and said, "'Extreme' is a realm, not a compliment."

The three of them seemed to have known each other for a long time, and they didn't say what they were going to do when they gathered on the grassland, they just walked leisurely.

Dressed in sackcloth, the young version of Ye Jianguo said to the figure in foreign clothes: "What do you mean by wearing clothes of a foreign race?"

The figure in the western clothes said: "Although it is a style introduced by foreign races, I have to say that this clothes are more energetic than long gowns and jackets, and it is also easier to walk and work. You know me. Foreign people are not good people, but I have never been jealous. To take the essence, you have seen the loom before. A machine is worth the labor of dozens of people, but it only needs one child to control it. I have already analyzed it with the formation method, and I am starting to reproduce it in Huajing. "

Mai Ye Jianguo snorted coldly and said, "It's just a small plan."

Said, but sighed again.

"These aliens are so ungrateful and barbaric. I heard that they have slaughtered all the indigenous people in places as big as Kyushu. Is it true that the sky is blind, allowing these aliens to acquire so many advanced techniques?"

The figure dressed in a foreign dress said helplessly: "The sky may not exist, let alone have eyes or no eyes."

The three of them are not ordinary people. Although the night on the grassland is cold and the trek is difficult, the three of them always walk like a leisurely stroll.

One step is hundreds of meters, and the scenery on both sides is constantly retreating. I don't know how far I have traveled.

Ye Da's angle of view locked on the man walking in front and leading the way, while Ye Jianguo and the figure in the suit followed behind.

Ye Da wanted to "turn his head" to see the young Ye Jianguo more, but "that man" didn't look back at all.

After a long time, the three of them flew across like an inch, and "that person" stopped under a cliff. The cliff on the grassland was a bit abrupt, but the surrounding was full of vitality, but it also perfectly blended with the grassland .

The young version of Ye Jianguo said: "Senior, what is this?"

"That man" turned his head, and even turned Ye Da's perspective, and said to the two "Southern Master and Northern Master":

"This is a position, the age is untestable, and it has been abandoned for a long time."

"In the entire Kyushu, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one places of this object on land and sea."

On the "Deshan", Ye Da's eyes slowly closed, but in the end he failed to climb onto the skateboard, and after losing consciousness, he knelt and sat in the middle of the forest.

However, the figure with silk threads coming out of its fingertips got closer and closer.

Liu Xiaoqian has transformed into a ghost claw, staring at the visitor with red eyes.

The man came closer and finally revealed his true face.

An unknown woman.The woman's fingertips twisted slightly, and countless silk threads tightly surrounded this place.

With a slight movement of the fingertips, a silk thread shot towards Liu Xiaoqian.

She could actually see the invisible spirit body.

Liu Xiaoqian suddenly turned her face away, but a scar appeared on her cheek. This silk thread can obviously hurt the spirit body.

The figure slowly moved forward and said in a casual tone: "Little girl, you'd better get out of the way. It's hard to get like this. Don't die."

Liu Xiaoqian stood in front of Ye Da and replaced her answer with actions.

With a pair of ghost claws sticking out, it was about to penetrate into the man's body and dig out his heart and lungs.

The woman took out something, which turned out to be a simple golden phoenix hairpin. The moment the gold hairpin appeared, the tiny golden phoenix on it screamed like a living thing.


Liu Xiaoqian just felt that the spirit body was torn apart and knelt on the ground.

Even the talkative skateboard in the distance cried out in pain and bent down on the ground: "Your uncle! What is this?"

The little golden phoenix dragged the hairpin and flew around the woman, making a phoenix cry from time to time.

Every sound seems to be able to tear apart the soul of the spirit body. This is obviously a spiritual object specially designed to deal with the spirit body.

Liu Xiaoqian's eyes were red, and she stubbornly raised her hand. The broken branches on the ground flew up and stabbed at the woman, but she was blocked with a wave of her hand.

Never let her hurt her benefactor.
The woman brought the golden phoenix hairpin to Ye Da, looked at Liu Xiaoqian who was staring at her and wanted to resist, and sneered, "This hairpin specializes in spirit bodies. Don't say that you are just a newcomer to the ghost gate. The old ghost can't stand it either, so don't stop me if you are acquainted, just go anywhere and be a lonely ghost, and no one will care about you."

The golden hairpin got closer and closer, and finally flew around Liu Xiaoqian, and the sound of the phoenix crowed pressed Liu Xiaoqian to the ground.

However, Liu Xiaoqian still refused to give up, her eyes became more and more red, her face became more and more ferocious, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

The woman no longer cared about the suppressed Liu Xiaoqian, but stretched out a hand to touch Ye Da's side face in a coma.

"We meet again"

After wiping Ye Da's face, the woman turned to look at Ye Da's right hand. The Nine Yin tattoos on it were clearly visible, and streamers of light were hidden in his flesh and blood.

"It's been a lot longer than I thought. I just don't know how far I can play."

Just when the woman's fingertips were about to touch the Jiuyin tattoo.

A spirit body drilled out of Ye Da's right hand.

It was a headless spirit body.

The spirit body is extremely tall, naked, with clearly defined muscles, but there is nothingness above the neck.

After the headless spirit body appeared, the spirits in Tokuyama were rising, and there was even a terrifying light of spirits in the sky, illuminating the night sky.

An incomparably domineering aura permeated the air, and the woman immediately retreated a few steps, and the silk threads left before were also broken.

The wind is blowing in Tokuyama.

The strong wind blew the withered dead trees, stirred the dark clouds in the sky, and there was a faint roar of thunder in it.

The huge spirit body was eight or nine meters high, and it turned around its empty neck in a daze, and then looked at the golden hairpin under its feet.

Reach out and grab it in the palm of your hand, exerting a little force.

A powerful spiritual enlightenment was completely destroyed.

The woman's face was extremely ugly.

What is this? !No one knows Jiuyin better than her!How could such an extremely powerful spirit body emerge from it.

This spirit body can already induce changes in the celestial phenomena!
At the same time, the Special Affairs Department is tens of kilometers away.

"Emergency, abnormal fluctuations of violent spirit particles have been detected!"

"Level. Unknown!"

 Guys, here's a situation.

  10 days ago I said I wasn't feeling well, maybe it was a wheeze, but in fact it was just a common cold.

  The current situation is that people who don’t have a baby are always on tenterhooks every day, doubting that they have a baby at the slightest discomfort, and then waste all kinds of antigens.

  Then this morning I had a fever and cough, but the antigen still couldn't be produced, so I went out again and had a single tube. Now I feel very uncomfortable and have been burning for a day.

  The antigen is still undetectable.

  I don’t know how the condition will develop tomorrow, so I’ll tell you first.

(End of this chapter)

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