I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 177 Headless Spirit Body

Chapter 177 Headless Spirit Body

Donghai, Deshan.

The headless spirit body is more than ten meters high, like a giant spirit god.

It casually crushed the golden phoenix hairpin that made it feel noisy, and then the headless spirit looked down at its feet.

Barely standing up Liu Xiaoqian, Xiaoqing who just broke free from the silk thread, talking about skateboarding, and a woman.

Nothing can enter its eyes.

Although it doesn't.

The woman said in horror: "What are you?!"

The headless spirit body didn't respond. It didn't know whether it couldn't hear it or didn't bother to answer. It just used its non-existent "eyes" to glance over the treetops of Deshan.

Since Deshan is the highest place in the East China Sea, and the headless spirit body is extremely tall, its "line of sight" can just pass over the treetops and see the brightly lit and prosperous night scene of the East China Sea.

Just looking at it for a moment, it was deeply attracted by it.

Losing Jin Fengchai's restraint, Liu Xiaoqian stood up staggeringly, and hurriedly went to look for Engong, but found that Engong had long since disappeared. Her intuition told her that Engong seemed to be inside this huge headless spirit body.

But she couldn't tell for a moment whether the headless spirit body was protecting the benefactor or had other purposes, so she could only look up at the headless spirit body anxiously.

And that woman, after getting no response to a word, already felt bad, and quietly retreated.

Although the one here is not her real body, I still don't want to lose easily.

At this time, she already knew that it was absolutely impossible to take back the "Nine Yin Stone Bian" tonight.

The headless spirit body ignored anyone, watched the bustling night scene of the East China Sea for a long time, and suddenly moved.

With a slight kick of his legs, it was obviously a spirit body, but it caused the ground to shake, dead leaves and gravel flew around, and suddenly flew high into the sky, heading towards the bustling city center.

The headless spirit body flew higher and higher, and its huge body exuded a glistening brilliance without any obstruction.

"That's it?! It's so big, what is it?"

The Deshan security guard who came out to patrol the mountain was swaying all over his body, unable to hold the flashlight steadily, and sat down on the ground.

But I couldn't think of a suitable adjective for a long time.

Headless man?Red stack giant?
Even though he usually read a lot of messy novels, he was also at a loss for words.

But just by looking at it, the security guard has a feeling that his soul has been shocked.

The headless spirit body gradually rose and stayed at a height of about 500 meters above the ground, then slowed down, and floated slowly in a posture similar to lying on its stomach, face down.

At this height, even a body of more than ten meters is not very conspicuous to people on the ground, especially since the lights below are bright and the light pollution is strong, few people will look up at the sky.

The headless spirit just wandered high in the sky, quietly "looking" at the night scene below.

As if mesmerized.

Suddenly, tens of meters away from the headless spirit body, there was a muffled sound, and the air became blurred, and a figure slowly walked out of it, just like that floating in the air.

Chen Jiu, the spirit king of the East China Sea.

Any changes related to the "spiritual body" in the East China Sea cannot be hidden from him.

With surprise on his face, Chen Jiu looked at the headless spirit body in front of him in amazement.

"How can such a powerful spirit be possible?"

In Chen Jiu's cognition, to such an intensity that caused changes in the world, it should have evolved from a spirit body to a ghost, and even reached the existence of an emperor among "ghosts".

But the headless spirit body in front of him didn't have any ghostly aura, not even a trace of evil, it was an extremely pure "spirit".

Throughout Chen Jiu's life, he had never seen such a strange and powerful spirit body.

Chen Jiu's thoughts turned sharply, and the headless spirit body "turned its head" to look at Chen Jiu, then stopped paying attention and continued to look at the bustling night scene below.

Chen Jiu shouted: "Who are you?"

This sound used the method of shaking the spirit body, but the headless spirit body did not respond.

Chen Jiu frowned and thought: Can't you hear me?
After thinking for a while, Chen Jiu took out a huge writing brush that was as thick as a fist and nearly two meters long, and flew under the headless spirit body. The brush turned around, leaving a string of handwriting in the air.Since it is "looking" at the ground, it should have vision.

The brush wrote in the air: "Who are you?" '

This time, the headless spirit finally responded.

The headless spirit body "looked" at the line of writing, and after a while, its huge fingers trembled slightly in the air, and even left writing in the air with spirit particles.

Write down a name.

'Leaves Sky'

Chen Jiu was shocked.

"Ye Ye."

Chen Jiu wiped his fingers in front of his eyes, exhausted all his methods, and looked towards the headless spirit body.

Faintly, Chen Jiu saw a figure inside the headless spirit body.

"It's actually Ye Xiaoyou! Ye Xiaoyou, is he really the descendant of the Ye family? No! Isn't the Ye family already extinct?"

It's a pity that the headless spirit body couldn't give an answer, and continued to enjoy the bustling night scene on its own.

It's like an aimless self-cruising drone.

But its existence made it impossible for him to enjoy the night without being disturbed.

In the sky, the roar of helicopters gradually came. Looking from afar, Chen Jiu saw three armed helicopters flying towards them.

The leading helicopter opened the side door, and Yan Yongheng, the captain of the third team of the special affairs department, put one hand on the door, leaned out half of his body, and flew in with a serious face.

on the grassland.

"Array formation?"

Ye Da's eyes were still locked on the eyes of "that person", and he also observed the cliff in front of him when he heard the words.

In terms of terrain, this place is indeed a bit strange. There is a cliff in a grassland, which is somewhat inconsistent.

However, there are lush vegetation around the edges, except for the side facing the three of them, it is emerald green and integrated with the grassland.

And "that person" said that there are ninety-nine and eighty-one such positions in the entire Kyushu.

At this time "that person" turned his head, and Ye Da had the opportunity to take a closer look at the young version of Ye Jianguo again.

At this time, Ye Jianguo was in his thirties, and he seemed to be dressed wildly. His linen gown had been worn for some time, and it was fringed. His hair was thick and tied back casually, and his beard hadn't been shaved for some time.

In contrast, the man in western clothes was about the same age as Ye Jianguo at this time, and his overall style was quite different from Ye Jianguo's. He was lean and neat, with exquisite western clothes, a gorgeous cane, and even a pocket watch on his chest.

Just like people from two eras.

Considering that the current time point is definitely not four or fifty years ago, whether Ye Jianguo is really in his thirties at this time has become doubtful.

I just don’t know that the “person” attached to Ye Da’s perspective calls the two of them “Southern Sect and Northern Master”, and who is who?
If Ye Jianguo hadn't moved much, it might be closer to the direction of "south". Although the location of Ye's family is not accurate, it is more reasonable than "north".

But where did "Southern Sect" come from? Ye Jianguo opened a sect?
Withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Da himself was at a loss in the current state, and he could only let go of some things that he couldn't figure out, because the scene in front of him could not be paused, and it was impossible for someone to explain to him, and the meeting of the three on the grassland was still going on. .

Hearing "that man" say that this is a formation, both Ye Jianguo and the man in the western clothes all became more serious, and looked carefully at the cliff in front of them, obviously they all knew the formation.

Unfortunately, after a while, they all shook their heads again.

"Just one position is so big, and there are as many as 81 in the entire Kyushu. Senior, I haven't seen the whole picture, so I don't see any magic."

Ye Da locked his eyes on the man and nodded: "I discovered these formations in the early years. They are connected with the Tiangang inside and the Earthly Branches outside. They are connected by the number of pure yang. They are magical and lacking, but I have only seen the grandeur and simplicity in my life, just like the ancient gods. left by people."

The two of Ye Jianguo nodded thoughtfully, and Ye Jianguo asked again: "Senior, what is the function of this formation? Where is the eye of the formation?"

"That person" shook his head and said:

"I don't know."

"Calling the two of you is to invite the two of you to walk through the great rivers and mountains of Kyushu once more, and examine the 81 positions of Nine Nine again to see if this great formation that reaches the sky can save Kyushu from danger and block the blades of alien races." , so as not to repeat the mistakes of the century-old plague."

(End of this chapter)

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