I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 178 Headless Spirit Body

Chapter 178 Headless Spirit Body

"Senior, what happened to the century-old plague back then? Is it related to the camps all over Kyushu? It's been a long time, and the two of us have read all the classics, and we know little about it."

The man in the western suit rubbed his cane and asked with a serious expression.

"That man" shook his head and said: "I don't know either. When I discovered these formations, a hundred years of plague had passed. At that time, these formations had been abandoned, but there may not be a trace of connection. This formation cannot be estimated or predicted. Only Come here in person, you can only see a little bit of mystery when you see it with the naked eye. Kyushu is so big, with mountains and valleys, rivers, lakes and seas. The 81 places seem to be a huge number, so what is it? It will be speculated that it has the power to reach the sky."

When Ye Da heard this, he was suddenly shocked. The person he focused on actually lived from a hundred years of plague to Ye Jianguo's youth.
So a conservative estimate, there must be 500 years, right?

Ye Da immediately locked the identity of this person.

Boy in white!

Nine Yins gathered together, and I was watching a memory of the "boy in white" from a very special perspective.

In this memory, Ye Jianguo happened to be someone Ye Da knew.

This old man really knew that "Jiuyin" and "Juantian" were right, but he still refused to admit it when he was confronted face-to-face.

At this time, although Ye Da, a boy in white clothes, couldn't see his face, his voice was very old and decayed.

Are the old days aliens so strong?Can live so long?

How old is Ye Jianguo? By now, he must be one or two hundred years old, right?
Unworthy descendants hide many things.

Led by a boy in white clothes, Ye Jianguo and the man in western clothes surveyed this "position" for a long time, but Ye Da didn't know the specific actions, because the person he locked his eyes on was only sitting in the distance, and only Ye Jianguo and the man in western clothes walked around the cliff a few times, and took out some utensils in their hands, but they were too far away and Ye Da couldn't tell them apart. Occasionally, the "boy in white" would even close his eyes, causing Ye Da's vision to become blurry. dark.

He didn't know how long this memory lasted, and he didn't know if he could leave smoothly. He began to worry about things in the real world, but there were still a lot of troubles waiting for him to deal with outside.

So although this memory can reveal a lot of horrifying secrets, Ye Da is still trying to get out of the current situation, but he fails.

Now we can only expect that the flow of time on both sides is different. For example, the outside world only passes for a short while, just like a dream.

Ye Jianguo and the man in western clothes searched for a long time, but they didn't seem to have found much. After all, it would be nothing short of whimsical to see through the mystery of the 81 positions. An hour later, the two returned to the boy in white, and the man in foreign clothes said : "Senior, do you have the general direction of the next place? I will take you two to save some time."

The boy in white nodded and said, "Northwest of Guanzhou, east of He County."

Ye Da pricked up his ears, silently remembering the position in his heart.

The man in the western suit nodded, and tapped the cane nine times on the prairie without leaving any marks, and didn't see any movement, the turf was intact.

However, at the next moment, a faint blue light enveloped the three of them, and Ye Da's perspective changed from a grassland to a snow-covered mountain forest.

Ye Da screamed several times in his heart. The last time he saw space-type abilities was the passively triggered jade pendant on Xin Yi. Even more awesome, worthy of being called the "extreme" realm by the boy in white.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Da thought of another question.

Ye Jianguo should be comparable in strength to men in western clothes, so he is called "Southern sect and northern master, two extremes in one generation". The word extreme should represent a kind of extreme in any power system title.

Coupled with the terrifying strange people like the boy in white who have lived for hundreds of years, and even if the level is quite different, there should be a lot of average level strangers, and various inheritances.
But even so, Kyushu at this time still seems to be at a comprehensive disadvantage when facing the "foreign race" represented by the fire-breathing soldiers.

Are the enemies really that strong?
Is the enemy more powerful?

Or is it that the strength of an individual can no longer affect the general trend of the world at this time?

After landing, Ye Jianguo complained, "Isn't this a deviation? How come your level has regressed instead?"

The man in western clothes said helplessly: "The 'Four Methods' only work within Kyushu. The closer you are to the edge, the easier it is to go wrong, just like what the foreigners say? 'Error'!" Ye Jianguo said dissatisfied: "Can you not do it? Keep talking about these things, otherwise I will always think that you are on the side of the 'foreign race'."

Although they both seemed to be in their thirties, the two often bickered, and it could be seen that they had a good relationship and had known each other for a long time.

The man in western clothes said: "I have been to this place before. My wife's family is from Guanzhou. The ancestral grave is here. Every three or seven major festivals, I will bring my children here once."

Ye Jianguo wore a pair of linen shoes, but they didn't get wet at all, and walked leisurely in the courtyard: "Your family has many children and many wives, so there must be many troubles like this."

The man in western clothes didn't care. He laughed and said, "Are you envious? It would be great if you married a few more."

Ye Jianguo shook his head and said: "The Ye family has never prospered since hundreds of years ago. After all, they use yang to control yin, controlling death and playing with life, which is a bad fate."

Ye Da was thoughtful.

Donghai City.

The huge headless spirit wanders in the night sky, just face down, immersed in the prosperity of the East China Sea.

Chen Jiu was at the side, not knowing what to do for a while, seeing the helicopter of the special affairs department flying in the distance, thinking for a moment, he could only wave his brush and temporarily hide himself.

The headless spirit body was almost ignorant of the outside world, and it was difficult for him to show up when the people from the special affairs department were ushered in.

Just worried about little brother Ye in the spirit body, Chen Jiu didn't want to leave here, and hid it and looked at it later.

Just thinking of this, Chen Jiu noticed that in another direction, several black spots were approaching rapidly. Ordinary people might only see an inconspicuous skateboard in the night, but Chen Jiu could see it, and there was Ye Da beside him Liu Xiaoqian, and the herring.

Chen Jiuxindao's special affairs department will never take things lightly in the face of such incidents. Liu Xiaoqian and other spirit bodies are harmful and useless, so they waved a cigarette case and flew towards it.

"Ruyan, go persuade that little girl to return. If you trust me, Chen Jiu, then don't come here to make trouble at this time."

"Beautiful Cigarettes" flew towards Liu Xiaoqian, and Chen Ruyan on the cigarette box nodded.

After a while, Chen Jiu saw from afar that although the little girl did not leave directly after meeting Chen Ruyan, she still lowered her height and landed on the roof of a building.

On the helicopter, Yan Yongheng had already put on white gloves on his hands and entered combat mode. Three helicopters rotated around the headless spirit body, and several headlights scanned this strange thing that appeared in the night sky over the East China Sea.
"what's this."

Yan Yongheng couldn't find a suitable adjective for a while.
headless rider?Meat giant?

 I'm feeling a little better today and my fever has gone down.

  That is to say, when I went out to buy a steamed stuffed bun, my whole body was drenched (in cold sweat), my phlegm was bloody, I couldn’t breathe, and I felt dizzy when I moved.

  How can a mere minor injury delay Xin from coding for all of you?

  Okay, no kidding.

  These two chapters were compiled from hundreds of words over the past few days.

  The pain is over, but I am really weak. I am weak in physical strength and energy. I was not so weak when I played from the east side to the west side of Xianxia Road.

  What is the king of virtual circles?
  Hey, I don't dare to expect too much, I just hope that I can code things and keep updating them. This is really helpless, but it is stuck in a more important place.

  Dear readers, Mr. Haihan.

(End of this chapter)

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