Chapter 179
The spirit body belongs to a special kind of existence among the extraordinary.

Most people are invisible to spirits.

But this does not mean that the Special Affairs Division knows nothing about spirit bodies.

On the contrary, the Special Affairs Section also has a lot of records on spirit bodies.

But it was precisely because of this that Yan Yongheng hesitated on how to define this huge guy in front of him.

Not to mention it is so huge, and it looks like everyone can see it.

Is this really a spirit body?
The headless spirit body didn't react too much to the helicopters around it, even if it was illuminated by several strong lights, it didn't care.

But its existence cannot make human beings ignore it.

Without him, since it appeared, the clouds above it have been showing strange phenomena again and again. In the headquarters of the Special Affairs Department, the readings of the instruments for detecting the anomalies of the Quandonghai Lingzi are almost off the charts!

Yan Yongheng's expression was ugly, the business of the God of Mercy is not over yet, yet another thing like this comes out!

"Please note that the no-fly zone above 300 meters in Donghai City, please land immediately for inspection."

"Hello, what are you?"

"Can you hear me?"

Yan Yongheng's voice came from the loudspeaker, and he communicated as usual. Of course, no surprise, the headless spirit body did not respond.

Not knowing what this is, Yan Yongheng didn't dare to attack rashly. He picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the headquarters: "Is there any conclusion? What is this thing?"

However, the expert over there said helplessly: "It seems to be a gigantic spirit body with indifferent self-awareness, and more people have to pull it back to the ground to study it. Captain Yan should not be careless. Even if this thing is a balloon, with the current As far as the Lingzi peak is concerned, we can't afford it even if it explodes."

Yan Yongheng raised his eyebrows and pulled back to the ground.


Taking a deep breath, Yan Yongheng began to dispatch.

Although there is no aggressiveness for the time being, the evacuation and disturbance on the ground cannot be carried out indefinitely.

On the ground, countless vehicles wanted to escape from the vicinity, resulting in extreme congestion on the road. Even the traffic police command was useless, and even a car accident occurred.

A luxury car was forced to stop on the side of the road, and a tall and slender figure stepped out of it, looked up at the sky, and stared blankly for a while.

An old man with gray hair got off the driver's seat and walked up to Xin Yi: "Miss, it's best to get out of here first."

Xin Yi stared blankly at the headless spirit body in the sky.

"So powerful and beautiful."

The old man with a white beard also looked at the sky and said after a while: "It is indeed very strong. I am afraid that he was once a being close to the 'extreme'."

A few blocks away, Luo Chao, who was wearing a mask and standing on the roof of an old house, also looked up in shock in the cold wind, and behind him were a dozen of his subordinates with expressionless faces.

Luo Chao, who was dressed in black, raised his head with a very uneasy look in his eyes.

"Kyushu is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Sure enough, I couldn't come into contact with the real side of the world before."

After a while, Luo Chaofu calmed down again: "But it doesn't matter, I have already won the bet and got the admission ticket. The God of Mercy is the most powerful."

Luo Chao waved his hand, and everyone behind him jumped off the roof and disappeared into the crowd.

On the other side, an inconspicuous woman with an ordinary face was hiding in the crowd, gnashing her teeth!

Why did such an accident happen when it was time to harvest?
Does Jiuyin have secrets that even she doesn't understand?How can this be!

However, she had no choice but to retreat first.

Two more helicopters appeared in the sky, and their cabins were opened to reveal a huge black hole. This modified equipment is specially used to catch flying spirits and can shoot huge ropes. Donghai has two helicopters, but they have never been used. Finally It came in handy.

Yan Yongheng raised his spirits, and looked at the headless spirit body that was unresponsive, just wandering aimlessly.

Can it succeed?

"Since you have affected the order of the East China Sea, we are going to take you to the ground. We hope you will not resist."

Regardless of whether the other party listens or not, leave a little room for what you have to say.

"Listen to my instructions, launch the restraint device after 5 seconds, be careful not to injure it, and aim at the limbs."

"5" "4"


"2Wait a minute, it's moving!"

The headless spiritual body, which had always had no desires, suddenly "turned its head" slightly towards the west.

It seemed like he was "looking" at something.


The headless spirit, like a sharp blade piercing through the air, rushed out at a sudden speed.


Everyone was shocked!

Yan Yongheng's face froze, and he waved his right hand: "Flame Palm!"

A huge flaming hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the headless spirit body. However, the speed of the headless spirit body was too fast, and the huge flaming hand only grabbed an empty space.

Yan Yongheng immediately yelled at the driver: "Hurry up and catch up!!"

The speed of the headless spirit body was extremely terrifying, and soon there was a sonic boom, which meant that its speed exceeded the speed of sound.

The absolute speed is unknown, but this acceleration ability is faster than a fighter jet!

And with the flight of the headless spirit body, its body is no longer that kind of calm aura, but a jade-colored flame is burning, piercing the night sky with unparalleled power.

No one knew the purpose of the headless spirit, except for the woman with an ordinary face hidden in the crowd.

Her face changed suddenly.

that direction!

I saw the headless spirit body smashing down in a park with a sky full of flames, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered for a while. I don't know how many tons of soil flew up, and even rushed into the sky.

Countless passers-by screamed and ran away.

The headless spirit body, like a giant spirit god, uprooted a towering tree, threw it hundreds of meters casually, and then inserted his hands into the ground.

The jade-colored blaze towered into the sky, and the headless spirit body's strong and stalwart body suddenly exerted strength.

Yan Yongheng on the horizon said angrily: "The earth was torn apart?!!"

With the movement of the headless spirit body, the entire ground was divided into two, like a fragile coat, which was easily peeled off by a strong man.

The whole earth is shaking!However, there was no way to resist this strange force.

This is obviously not something that brute force can do.

And when the ground was torn a huge crack by the headless spirit body, the scene below was also leaked.

Under the ground of this unnamed park, there is actually a universe inside.

There is a place like a secret base below!

A figure looked up in horror. She never imagined that one day, she would be able to see the sky from the underground secret base.

It was the body of a certain woman.

The Dharma seeker is code-named "Jiuying".

She was the one whose neck was pinched in the men's room, and she was the one who pretended to be Wang Weiwen on the viaduct.

She is under the library, and she is above Deshan.

But it's not really her.

And the reason why her body attracted the terrifying headless spirit body was because of a reason that she couldn't even think of.

The next moment, the huge palm of the headless spirit body grabbed it and held it up in front of him.

"If any remnants of foreign races enter our Nine Provinces, they will be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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