I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 180 Have You Remembered It?

Chapter 180 Have You Remembered It?

Ye Da had already forgotten how long he had stayed in this strange form in this strange memory.

From the grassland at the beginning, to the snow later.

Then to valleys, caves, dense forests, Gobi deserts, and islands.
The appearance of these formations varies a lot, some are a huge rock, and some are deep pools.

Rather than saying that these formations were artificially created, it is better to say that someone used the unique features of the 81 places in Kyushu and enlightened them.

Of course, one has to be able to understand it. People like Ye Da who don't understand formations can only see mountains as mountains and water as water, but Ye Jianguo and men in western clothes often express emotion.

"The methods are so superb, and the formation of all things in the world is simply miraculous."

"Simple and atmospheric, leaving no traces, no wonder it can be immortal for thousands of years."

The white-clothed boy, Ye Jianguo, and the man in western clothes, one after another, seemed to be really planning to complete 81 positions at once.

Ye Da couldn't do anything, so he could only watch.

As time went on, Ye Da became more and more anxious.

This is too long.

Even if the time flow here is inconsistent with the real world, this memory is a bit ridiculously long.

Although the man in the western suit can teleport three people to the vicinity of the destination every time, they can't stand the large number, and even if they have traveled to more than [-] places, they are still too early to complete the analysis.

Ye Jianguo and the man in western clothes often recorded something, but the boy in white usually just waited in the distance, and Ye Da couldn't tell whether the two had reached any conclusions.

Ye Da couldn't distinguish the past few days from his memory.

He can only force himself to write down the locations of these places, turning them over and over in his mind, which may be the only way to refresh himself.

One day, it may be necessary to go to a certain position in reality to see if this memory is real and what its significance is.

Or, is this the reason why the boy in white left this memory in the Nine Yin Stone Bian?He wants to use this memory to reveal the position of 81 positions?

In this way, Ye Da "watched" the three people flashing all over Kyushu continuously. These three people have great supernatural powers. It can be said that they can't eat, drink or sleep.

Most of these positions are in sparsely populated places, but occasionally they pass through some remote mountain villages and the like. After all, the long-distance teleportation of men in western clothes is not always accurate, and sometimes they need to walk for a while.

Along the way, the three of them met a woodcutter who had been injured by a fall. The boy in white flicked his fingers, and a wisp of life-force white smoke shot out from his left hand, and the woodcutter was able to stand up immediately.

This scene made Ye Da confirm that Juantian is still in the hands of the boy in white at this time, and Jiuyin should be too.

However, when the boy in white was using it, no tattoo-like pattern appeared.

Maybe it's called the original.

Finally, maybe a week had passed, or maybe even longer, and the three of them finally used the means of teleportation to investigate the 81 positions in Jiujiu.

The last location is in a cave.

The base is in the center, a towering stalactite, the thickest.

After running around for a long time, even Ye Jianguo and the man in western clothes looked tired, only the boy in white seemed to still look calm and breezy.

The journey finally came to an end. Ye Jianguo stood in front of the huge stalactite and said: "This is the last place. With all the positions of the formations, I can calculate the location of the formation's eyes, but it will take some time."

The man in the western suit also nodded and said: "Me too, I will confirm with each other when the time comes. Senior, we have been out for a long time, and the two of us are going to go back first. Things are complicated at home, and the situation on the northern line may not be very good. I need Go back and have a look."

Ye Jianguo said: "Me too, I need to go to the south to see."

The two said goodbye very quickly. Perhaps for these top bosses, even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can easily see each other when they want to see each other, so there is no nonsense. In just a few minutes, Ye Jianguo and the man in foreign clothes disappeared. Ye Jianguo didn't seem to have a space method, and it was the man in the western suit who sent him away.

In the cave, only the boy in white was left sitting beside the stalactites.

The sound of ticking water became the only sound in this cave.

Ye Da thought to himself, this memory will end soon, right?I don't know what's going on outside, but I hope it's not too bad.

The woman before the coma was most likely the "Nine Infants" who came to her in someone else's skin. However, with my current strength, as long as I didn't go back too late and the situation was too irreversible, I could overturn her.Thinking of this, Ye Da quietly waited for the end of this memory.

Unexpectedly, in Ye Da's first-person view, the boy in white suddenly took out a bronze mirror and aimed it at his face.

For the first time, Ye Da also saw the "face" of the boy in white, which was the position fixed by his perspective.

On the bronze mirror, there was a solitary neck, and the broken flesh and blood squirmed slightly.

Trachea, spine, flowing blood.

The Adam's apple on his neck moved, and he made an old voice. The boy in white seemed to be talking to Ye Da through a distant time and space.

"Did you remember it?"

Ye Da was terrified!

"If any remnants of foreign races enter our Nine Provinces, they will be killed."

The headless spirit pinched the person, with an ordinary face, only a woman could be seen, and there was nothing like the so-called alien race at all.

But it was originally floating in the sky, and it suddenly struck thousands of meters away, so how could it aimlessly.

The palm of the headless spirit body exudes layers of aura, and there is no movement. The woman in the hand screams in pain, as if she is being roasted!
Yan Yongheng and others who were chasing from a distance didn't know what was going on, he only knew that the headless spirit could not just kill people like this.

Yan Yongheng looked down, it was still empty and uninhabited, and it was considered a good battlefield, and said to the pilot: "Let the plane come over!"

The pilot immediately carried out Yan Yongheng's order and hovered the helicopter more than 100 meters above the headless spirit body.

Yan Yongheng unbuckled his seat belt and stood on the landing gear of the helicopter, looking like he was about to jump off.

The driver hurriedly said: "The parachute is under the seat!"

"Who do you think I am?"

Without turning his head, Yan Yongheng jumped directly.

Driver: Huh?You are Captain Yan?
In mid-air, Yan Yongheng fell in a large font, and the strong wind messed up his perfect mid-part hairstyle.

Yan Yongheng then twisted his waist, flames spewed out from the soles of his feet, and flew towards the headless giant.

This is his unique way of flying, relying on the jet of flames to adjust the direction, but it is very unstable, it is okay to move around during battle, but if you want to hurry or something, it will appear extremely stiff.

The headless spirit body didn't care about Yan Yongheng, the aura in his hand became more and more intense, and the woman in his palm screamed more and more miserable.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a membrane had been pinched and burst.

This woman is out of breath.

The skin became limp, like a deflated blow-up doll.


Just as Yan Yongheng was about to save someone, he twisted his body and almost twisted his waist.

So this headless spirit body pinched an inflatable doll?

Yan Yongheng staggered in the air and frantically stabilized his figure.

Immediately afterwards, another woman crawled out from the soft skin.

Yan Yongheng was shocked by his weird hair color and pupil color at a glance.

It's blond!
Yan Yongheng frowned wildly!
It's alien!There are alien races in the East China Sea!
 The writing was stumbling, but I tried my best.

  I feel deprived of oxygen after sitting for a long time, and I have to stand up to catch my breath.

  Shamelessly asking for a monthly pass, it seems to be double time at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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