I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 181 I Don't Like Making Reconciliation With Enemies

Chapter 181 I Don't Like Making Reconciliation With Enemies
The woman was nearly naked and in her twenties.


The appearance combination that should never appear in Kyushu.

If you talk about hair and eyes, you can also explain it with hair dye and colored contact lenses.

Then its facial features and skin color are very different from those of Kyushu people, which is ironclad evidence.

The blond woman's skin seemed to have been out of the sun for a long time, and it was white without a trace of blood.

Yan Yongheng was stunned in mid-air, which shows how aliens should not appear in Kyushu!

As the captain of the special affairs department, he naturally knows what this means!
As soon as the blond woman got out of the human skin, she immediately wanted to escape.

However, in an instant, two fingers of the other hand of the headless spirit body grasped the chest and abdomen.


Explosive pain made him twist and turn.

Facing the headless spirit body more than ten meters high, her face showed fear. This is her real body, which is different from those split bodies that don't matter if they die.

But all means are meaningless in the face of the terrifying and weird headless spirit body.

Wall penetration method, silk pulling method, skin painting method, bone changing method, soul separation method
All the methods and means have lost their effect, and the jade-colored flame seems to have some kind of sealing ability, so that it can only struggle in vain.

The pretty face became distorted.

"Yeda, I know you're inside, you can't kill me!"

There was only one sentence in the cold voice of the headless spirit body.

"The remnants of the foreign race must be killed."

The jade-colored flame sealed all the means of the woman and burned them.

She was like a grasshopper tethered to an iron stake warming herself, shaking crazily.

Yan Yongheng stayed a little far away, and didn't hear what the woman of the other race was shouting, but he also wanted to try his best to stop it.

"and many more!"

Even if the alien race deserves to die, this woman must be arrested and interrogated!
Why did it appear in the East China Sea?What is the purpose?from where?

How could it be so easy to kill? !

The next moment, the fingertips of the headless spirit moved slightly, and it was about to crush it into a pool of blood.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The headless spirit body tilted its neck.

Thick black smoke rose, it was a shell that exploded on his neck.

A few kilometers away, Li Zifeng joined hands to eject the shell from his large and exaggerated special sniper rifle, and the shell as thick as an arm fell heavily to the ground.

"The most advanced spirit-piercing bullets are useless? How strong is this guy? Big trouble! Try armor-piercing bullets!"

In the park, Yan Yongheng was already furious: "You bastard! This is the East China Sea!! Show some respect!"

Fierce flames erupted from under his feet, Yan Yongheng raised his height, and gradually formed a huge flaming hammer on his hand, twisting his body and smashing it towards the headless spirit body.

The headless spirit raised its other hand and firmly caught Yan Yongheng's flaming hammer, but instead of continuing to fight back, it pushed it away.

Yan Yongheng flew out in a spin and almost hit the helicopter in the sky.

The power gap between the two is too great.

On the other hand, the blond woman seemed to see a glimmer of life, and showed a pear-like expression to Yan Yongheng in mid-air.

Even with tears in her beautiful eyes, she said miserably: "Save me."

Naturally, Yan Yongheng would not be easily charmed, but he was indeed extremely irritable.

This headless spirit body is terrifyingly strong!
Just when everyone thought that the headless spirit would either explode into a fight with Yan Yongheng, or directly crush the woman in his hand to death.

The headless spirit suddenly stopped.

It only maintained the movements of grabbing the person with one hand and the hammer with the other, without moving.

The first to notice the difference was the blond woman. She glanced desperately into the headless spirit body, as if she could see through something.

Inside the headless spirit body.

Ye Da woke up.

No one could see it, but Ye Da's hand, which was hidden inside, did move.

When he woke up from the memory of the boy in white, he found that his perspective was still strange.Part of it is suspended in the unknown jade-colored space, and part of it is outside. It seems to be a giant?

This weird situation made him almost think that he had entered another memory.

Why are you so tall?
This is the East China Sea?
Why is it sticky to your hands?
Thinking about it, Ye Da rubbed his fingertips, and felt a soft and warm feeling.

The blond woman with fingertips screamed a few times.

Instead, Ye Da was startled, who is this!
This hand should not belong to him, but the sense of touch is interlinked at this time, and even some subtle touch between the fingertips has also been transmitted to Ye Da's mind.

This time, I directly drove the Gundam?But where did this big guy come from?What about Liu Xiaoqian and the others?Can anyone come out and explain to me?
On the mirrored exterior wall of the office building, Ye Dacai also saw what he was "driving".

What a big headless macho!
This is the boy in white?

Just now, the boy in white took out the bronze mirror to look at the memory just now, but he was taken aback. When he came out, he encountered a headless spirit body without a head. It is easy to connect the two together. .

Not only did the boy in white leave behind a memory, but he also left behind his own spiritual body in the Nine Yin Stone Brickstone?

Does it make sense to let one's spirit body become the "Susa" that the next host can drive?Why did he do this?
Just as he was thinking about it, a small memory flooded Ye Da's mind. It was the memory of what the headless spirit body did after he fell into a coma.

The content was not long, but it also gave him a general idea, including who the blond woman in his hand was.

The remnant of the alien race, Jiuying.

The remnants of the alien race were judged by the headless spirit body, and the identity of Jiuying was discovered by Ye Da himself based on the pictures in his memory.

In the body of the headless spirit, Ye Da looked at this blond woman with blue eyes. He had not seen such an appearance in many years.
Does the foreign race refer to these guys?

Jiuying looked at the headless spirit body and seemed to be able to see Ye Da inside: "Let me go, I will tell you all the truth."

Unexpectedly, the headless spirit body added strength to its hand.

After a change, the sound of urn sound came.

"Are you thinking about shit? I'll trust you?"

Jiuying turned pale with shock!

Although when he woke up, this guy was in his palm, which was a bit inexplicable.

But Ye Da never changed his attitude towards the skin-changing girl Jiuying.

This is the enemy, hidden behind, the enemy that needs to be destroyed!

The men's room, the viaduct, and even the library, so many conspiracies and schemes to make Ye Da play around, now just because of a little so-called "truth", do you want Ye Da to let her go?

"Wait! You can't!"

The next moment, the fingertips of the headless spirit body moved slightly.

The blonde woman was crushed into a puddle of broken blood.

Not even a normal bone can be found anymore.

A soul, following the fingertips of the headless spirit body, was detained and sent into the "Jueyin".

Ye Da doesn't like reconciliation with the enemy.

If he had to, Ye Da hoped it would be after his death.

With the full version of Jiuyin, no matter what secrets you have, you can talk slowly after you die, under Ye Da's complete control.

As soon as he finished this action, Ye Da felt a scorching gaze from the side.

Turning around, he saw Yan Yongheng flying over, with extreme anger on his face.

If the sight can heat up, Ye Da should be cooked.

Yan Yongheng certainly has reason to be angry.

Even if he killed people at will in front of him, he was still an important suspect.

This mindless guy really doesn't pay attention to Donghai Special Affairs Section! ?

From the horizon, more and more helicopters flew over.

The ground under his feet was also badly damaged, and countless armored vehicles were rushing here from afar.

Ye Da knew that if he didn't want to fight to the end with Quan Donghai's forces.

It's time to run away.

Donghai has several S-level captains.

(End of this chapter)

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