I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 18 Introductory Lesson

Chapter 18 Introductory Lesson

"Three stone needles? I don't know."

Ye Jianguo's side was a little noisy, and he could vaguely hear the voice of "Call someone strong".

Ye Da knew that this guy went to press his feet again.

"Aren't you very good? I don't even know."

"Great but not omnipotent, use a little strength, haven't you eaten!"

The second half of the sentence was not addressed to Ye Da.

"Then what will happen if Ah Piao resides in the body?"

"You need to figure it out yourself. These are your practices."

Ye Da could hear cocoons in his ears.

"If, I mean if. I go to the hospital for examination, can this body survive?"

Ye Jianguo seemed to groan twice and said: "You can't draw blood or do tests. Ordinary imaging tests should be fine. After all, you are a human being. You have heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. I was a bit dry at first, but I I’ll help you get it all wet again. Of course, if it involves a spirit check, that’s not necessarily the case.”

Doesn't sound like it's okay at all.
In short, try not to go to the hospital for an examination. If a tube of black ash is drawn out of the blood, don't talk about it.

It seems that there is no way to hand over the invisible and intangible stone needles to Kyushu officials.

As for Liu Xiaoqian, she can only save her life first, because she is the only channel through which Ye Da understands the stone needles. Without Liu Xiaoqian, he would not even be able to perceive the existence of any stone needles.

After picking up his mood, Ye Da still chose to go to class normally first.

Although he had been a hostage, kicked his balls, fought criminals in the men's room, and found the body in the middle of the night, there was still A Piao in his body.

But he, Ye Da, really wanted to be an ordinary college student.

Today's high math class must not be absent!

In class, the teacher's haunted voice kept rubbing against Ye Da's spirit, but he didn't dare to relax for a moment.

And when Ye Da was in class, Liu Xiaoqian would float out and circle unconsciously above her head, her eyes were sometimes clear and sometimes silly.

After confirming that no one can see her and she won't disturb others, Ye Da doesn't care about her anymore. This A Piao seems to be different from the A Piao that Ye Da understands.

Liu Xiaoqian seems to have a memory of college life, but it is very vague.

But the more she stayed in the stone needle, she felt more and more clear-headed, and her thoughts became more and more flexible, but her memory was still chaotic.

The one-day course of study was intense and fulfilling. Except for the high math class that fell into the sand again, everything was Ye Da's satisfied college life.

Ye Da was a little nervous about high-level mathematics. He had to pass six credits in one subject, and it was all for nothing for a whole semester.
I have to think of a way, at least to graduate smoothly!

Speaking of which, why does a zombie have to get a diploma?

It seems to be to marry a good wife? !

But can't I be superficial and rely on this unpretentious handsome face to find a good woman?
I am not afraid of steel wool.

He can even exhaust a rich woman to death!

In the end, Ye Da still decided to be a deep person, and he couldn't have such a once-and-for-all idea.

After class, Liu Xiaoqian got out again.

"Is Engong struggling to study?"

Ye Da was expressionless: "Correct me, it's just a little bit of difficulty in high math."

"My dear, it's so hard. I'm also majoring in ancient literature. I didn't seem to have to study mathematics before."

"Remember more things?"

"Yes, I feel that the longer I stay in Engong's body, the clearer and stronger I become."

Liu Xiaoqian spun around in the air, her ragged clothes revealing a large number of photos from the period.


He, Ye Da, has no interest in changing his profession to the Undead Knight.

If you want to switch, it’s also a human knight! "What's so great about it?"

"Now that I have mastered the ability to sense other people's emotions, maybe I will have the ability to help Engong learn in the future!"

This time Ye Da didn't expect it, and looked at Liu Xiaoqian in surprise.

There were many students in the teaching building, and Liu Xiaoqian tilted her head and expressed their emotions one by one.

"This person is very tired, it seems that he did not have a good rest last night"

"The girl is very happy, as if there is something good to do with love."

"Hey? How come there are three reactions in this girl's body? One is obvious, and the other two are weak."

Ye Da was a little surprised. What is this?Spiritual enlightenment ability?It seems not.

"What about that person?"

"Let me try. He seems to be in a hurry to go to the toilet?"

What Liu Xiaoqian can perceive is a mixture between "thinking" and "emotion".

The more one-sided thinking and the stronger the emotion, the clearer she can perceive it!
"What about me? Can I feel my emotions?"

"No, only my benefactor can't."

She is very happy now, having spent ten years at the bottom of the lake in a daze, and cherishes her current state very much. Although it is only the first day, she has already fallen in love with this feeling.

Ye Da moved his lips, but said nothing.

Although Liu Xiaoqian showed magical abilities.
But Ye Da's first choice is still to transcend it, and find a way to "pull out" the stone needle.

Now Liu Xiaoqian is kept because he needs to know more about the stone needle from her.

He needs to live like a normal person in order to become a living person after practicing the "Live in the World" instead of strange stone needles and ghosts residing in his body, which is obviously far from the concept of "normal person".

That day will come sooner or later, and the sooner the better.

Ye Da just didn't find his way for the time being.

And in just one day, Liu Xiaoqian's state has undergone a huge change, and Ye Da is not sure what the other party will look like if it drags on.

Wouldn't it be possible to cultivate something like a "ghost king"?I don't know if "Flying Zombie" can beat it.

Just as Ye Da was thinking, a text message came from his mobile phone, informing him that there would be a "Spiritual Enlightener Guidance Class" in the teaching building soon.

I didn't expect to have a tutorial class so soon!
It was only then that Ye Da suddenly realized that he was definitely not the only one who was the spiritual enlightener in the school. The fact that ordinary people couldn't see Liu Xiaoqian didn't mean that the spiritual enlightener couldn't see or feel anything abnormal, so he hurriedly asked Liu Xiaoqian to go back into his arm.

After tidying up his schoolbag, Ye Da went directly to the designated classroom upstairs, but because he came early, the classroom was still empty.

Ye Da wasn't idle either, he took out his high-level math book to revive it, and was reviewing today's lesson.

After an unknown amount of time, the classroom door was pushed open, and a tall boy walked in, wearing a basketball uniform and holding a basketball, with slight sweat on his body, he looked as if he had just stepped off the basketball court.

When he saw Ye Da, he took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, is this a spiritual enlightenment guidance class?"

Ye Da put down his advanced mathematics book and shook hands with the boy, but his hands were wet with sweat.
The goodness didn't show on his face, Ye Da said with a smile: "It should be, but at present there are only two of us, I don't know how many people will come."

"I heard that only freshmen would take this kind of class. It's probably the same as the enlightenment class in high school, just talking about some useless common sense."

Ye Daxin said that what he lacks now is common sense, and he envies those of you who can go to high school normally, unlike him, who spent three years studying questions like he was in prison.

The boy's name is Gao Peng, who is surprisingly from the Department of Mathematics. Ye Da is in awe!

"I thought you were a major in spiritual science."

"The major of spirituality has nothing to do with the identity of the spiritual enlightener. It is mainly the research direction. In fact, there are not many spiritual enlighteners in the spiritual discipline. They will not come to this kind of class. Those who study this have their own professional courses."

The two were chatting when the classroom door was pushed open again.

The teaching director, Yue Jiankang, was the one who accompanied Ye Da to the police station yesterday.

Ye Da was a little surprised. Is this class taught by Director Yue?He is the enlightener?
Yue Jianjian glanced at the two of them, nodded and said, "That's fine, then let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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