I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 19 3[-] and Fusion

Chapter 19 [-]/[-] and Fusion
Gao Peng obviously knew Yue Jiankang, raised his hand and said, "Mr. Yue, is there anyone else?"

Yue Jiankang nodded: "Among the freshmen this year, there are only you two spiritual enlighteners."

This number is far less than Ye Da imagined.

In fact, there was only Gao Peng originally. If it wasn't for the newly registered Ye Da, who didn't plan to hold a tutoring class at all, just contact Gao Peng directly for one-on-one communication.

The two of them can do this separately, but President Liu specifically asked about this matter yesterday, so Director Yue must naturally pay attention to it, and the arrangement will be made the next day.

Yue Jianjian didn't find it troublesome. After all, compared to other arduous tasks, teaching two students was considered a rest.

"When you were in high school, you should have been exposed to some enlightenment science on spiritual enlightenment and spiritual sons, but today I still have to start from the beginning, and listen to it carefully after you have heard it."

Ye Da suddenly realized that Jiuzhou had carried out science popularization on spiritual enlightenment since high school or earlier.
Those who have not been to high school are very sorry.

When Yue Jiankang speaks, he always lacks tone of voice. Combined with Director Shang Yue's calm and rigid face, and his meticulous but thin hair hairstyle, it gives people a serious and steady feeling.

"Ling Enlightenment is a kind of talent stimulation of human beings. It can be said that all living beings are equal, but not everyone has the opportunity to open this talent."

Ye Da carefully took notes
"Spirits are contained in everyone's body, but there are different numbers of them, and 'enlightenment' is a sublimation and denaturation of the spirits in the body, making them active and controllable."

Ye Da: Is the reason for the word "Qi" originally here?
"Generally speaking, at any stage from 6 to 30 years old, one may become a spiritual enlightenment person, which results in the changes that spiritual enlightenment brings to each person. For example, if a 6-year-old child enlightens, then he You can consciously plan your life and gain some advantages based on your spiritual enlightenment ability. Physical spiritual enlighteners will develop in the direction of athletes from an early age, and thinking spiritual enlighteners will develop in the direction of scientific research from an early age."

"But if you have completed some of your life plans when you awaken, it depends on whether your spiritual enlightenment ability is compatible, and whether it is worth changing your life trajectory."

This is something that Ye Da never thought about. Think about it carefully, what if a 30-year-old businessman with a successful career awakens spiritual enlightenment abilities that are not very helpful or powerful, such as enhanced jumping ability?It seems that it will not be of much help, at most as a convenience or pleasure in life?
On the other hand, if Hua Ling Xin Yi knew her direction of spiritual enlightenment from an early age, her situation would be completely different. I don’t know if Hua Ling Xin Yi was able to achieve such a high achievement at such a young age because of painting since she was a child.

"So, the earlier the spiritual awakening is, generally speaking, the longer it takes for the spiritual initiate to develop and the more consistent it is with their own path. The later the spiritual awakening, the more troubles and choices they face. For example, I became a teacher in school. After working step by step for many years, I suddenly awakened to some irrelevant abilities, but I am not ready to leave the education work that I love, and Qiling does not help me much in my work."

Yue Jiankang's calm face seemed to be telling someone else's story, but Gao Peng and Ye Da looked at each other at the same time, with deep curiosity.

What is Director Yue's ability?Strong or not?
Yue Jianjiang pushed up his glasses and said calmly: "So, all universities will care about the guidance of spiritual enlighteners on campus. Our guidance class is designed for this. The school is a place for teaching and educating people. So that you can become useful people to Kyushu in the future."

This opening made Ye Da re-acquainted with the relationship between the spiritual enlightener and Kyushu.

It is not the social structure in which the extraordinary is isolated from the secular world or even surpasses the secular world in many novels in the previous life, but fusion.

Police officer Wang Guofang and director Yue Jianjian are both spiritual enlighteners, but it doesn't mean that they only have the identity of spiritual enlighteners. On the contrary, their first identity is the police and the teaching director.

Ye Da suddenly became curious about Jiuzhou Official's social management methods and wondered how Jiuzhou Official maintained this balance.
Next, since it was the first class, Yue Jiankang talked about the basics, but it was exactly what Ye Da needed most.

Ye Da learned that the probability of enlightenment being awakened is about three out of 2000, which means that in a city with a population of 600 million, there are theoretically [-] spiritual enlighteners.

But this is just a theory. Taking Donghai City as an example, it is far more than that.

Because big cities have a population siphon effect, young people like to leave their hometowns and come to the East China Sea to work hard, especially for spiritual enlighteners.

For many people in underdeveloped areas, the first thing they do after enlightenment is to come to a big city.

Another example is that the town where Yeda is located has a population of about 13, but there is not a single spiritual enlightenment person.Oh, by the way, so is Ye Jianguo, so he counts as one.

A basic class, Gao Peng listened drowsily, he could see that he already knew these contents, but Ye Da learned a lot.

"The foundation of modern society is a high degree of division of labor, that is, 'profession'. Only by finding one's own position in society can one become a useful person to 'Kyushu'. Let me emphasize that spiritual enlighteners are not professions, just talents. You can Understand that "smarter people" and "stronger people" are talents, but they still need to "learn something and do something to gain something." If you think that spiritual enlighteners are naturally superior to others, they don't need to study or work hard. They deserve nothing from society, and most of these people embark on a criminal path.”

In the end, Yue Jiankang concluded with a blank expression while his eyes wandered between Ye Da and Gao Peng.

After confirming that there was no abnormality in the expressions of the two, Yue Jiankang nodded in satisfaction, and ended the first tutoring session.

More things will be taught in the next class from time to time. It depends on when Director Yue is available. You will be notified by text message.
Before leaving, Ye Da raised his hand and asked: "Teacher Yue, are there ghosts in this world?"

Yue Jianjiang stared at him for a while
There was a rare hint of teasing in his tone.
"Ghosts are an old friend's misunderstanding of old weirdness. In modern society, they no longer exist."

Director Yue said there is no more.
In other words, was it correct before?
It seems that 700 years ago, in the deep mansion of the Ye family, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts were heard, and "ghosts" accounted for a large proportion.

It has been two days since the tutoring class, and Ye Da is still having a headache because of Shi Zhen and Liu Xiaoqian.

Although what Director Yue said may not be the truth, at least it can be understood as the concept of "ghost", which is extremely rare in the current Kyushu.

There is no instruction manual for the stone needle, and Liu Xiaoqian's memory is chaotic. It is not easy to figure out these things.

But there is one thing you can try, it might help
After school on Friday, Ye Da found a quiet place on campus.

"From now on, without my permission, you are not allowed to come out, and you are not allowed to perceive the external situation. Can you do it?"

Liu Xiaoqian dared not speak out, but she could not disobey Ye Da's order.

"Good benefactor."

He wanted to try to find out Liu Xiaoqian's identity.

Compared to the police and the school, he knew Liu Xiaoqian's name and the fact that she was a student of ancient literature about 10 years ago.

If we can find out Liu Xiaoqian's origin and cause of death, maybe we can know her current condition and why she became a rare "ghost".

Ye Da didn't know the situation of the world ten years ago. The Internet might not be as developed as it is now, but it shouldn't have reached the level of dynasties.

Gradually, through continuous related searches, Ye Da was looking for clues about a girl named Liu Xiaoqian ten years ago.

Until an hour later, the phone became hot and the battery was running low, and Ye Da let out a foul breath.

Looking at the photo of the smiling girl on the phone, Ye Da turned off the phone screen.

"Liu Xiaoqian, the champion of the Kyushu Poetry Competition, is a literary girl from the East China Sea."

(End of this chapter)

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