Chapter 20
The thick bangs and mushroom hair with a sense of age can't hide the girl's bright smile. A certain program on a local TV station in the background has a lot of influence, but it was discontinued a few years ago.

With a shy smile, he compared a pair of scissors, holding a golden trophy in his arms.

This is the only photo I can find online.

Although the mushroom head has turned into a wild weed head, the clean and straight school uniform has become ragged and dirty clothes, and her age is younger than Ah Piao's state, but it is not difficult to recognize that this is Liu Xiaoqian.

In addition, regarding the news of Liu Xiaoqian's death or disappearance, there is no specific information left on the Internet.

Ye Da only found an old post from 10 years ago in the school forum. It was a missing person notice, and the tone seemed to be a roommate or classmate.

There are only four or five layers of posts, and it can be seen that there was no disturbance at that time. The poster and netizens chatted a few words, and then there was no more content.

Looking at the content, it was Liu Xiaoqian who hadn't returned to the dormitory for many days.

As for whether the person who posted the accidental post called the police, and whether Ye Da reported it to the school, it is unknown.

If there is, perhaps the police can reversely determine Liu Xiaoqian's identity, but considering the time span, it may be difficult.

After all, there are many students who disappear every year, and some even drop out of school. It is unclear whether there are any records of such police work ten years ago.
Ten years ago, Liu Xiaoqian disappeared without warning.

For ten years, the bones have been sinking in the mud at the bottom of the lake in the school.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Ye Da left a message under the person-hunting post that had been sinking for many years: "Are you Liu Xiaoqian's classmate?"

It is estimated that the probability of being replied is pitifully small.

Looking at his watch, it was time to go home and lie in the refrigerator. Ye Da tapped his arm and told Liu Xiaoqian to come out to get some air, and then walked towards happiness.

"It finally came out~!" Liu Xiaoqian floated out cheering.

It may be because she has the memory of being confined in the mud at the bottom of the lake for ten years, so she doesn't like to stay in the stone needle, and she begs to come out after a long time.

As soon as I walked to the south gate of Xingfuli, I saw an ambulance blocking the door.

"Whose car is this?! Does anyone know the owner!!"

The red and blue overhead lights make people dizzy, and the rapid horn sound is even more disturbing.

A doctor in a white coat shouted to all around.

The entrances and exits of the old community are narrow. At this time, a BMW car was parked. It was not the kind of car parked in the middle of the road, but the space left was obviously not enough for an ambulance to pass. I don’t know if it was not parked properly or on purpose. of.

Many people gathered around, but no one knew the owner of the car.

The community security guard hurried over, sweating from his brow.

"I asked several buildings, but I couldn't find the owner!"

"Did you call the police?"

"Calling the police is useless! When the police come, everyone will be cold!"

Obviously the ambulance was stuck here for a while.

Ye Da looked from the side, and there was no mobile phone behind the window.

"It's really not a thing, isn't it killing people!"

"It's really wicked, what's the difference between this and killing!"

Obviously, this kind of luxury car blocking the ambulance has made many people complain, and it can mobilize everyone's negative emotions.

When everyone was at a loss, a big brother suddenly slapped his head.

"Isn't it over for him to move the car away, so many people can still be suffocated to death by urine!"

An old man slapped his thigh: "That's right! Let's help each other! If it breaks, I'll be the one to blame!"

Hearing this, many men gathered around him.Ye Da did not hesitate and stepped forward together.

Soon more than a dozen men gathered around, ready to weigh the weight of the car, after all, no one had ever moved a car with bare hands.

I didn't expect that the car would get up easily after just trying it out!
The degree of ease is obviously not expected by everyone.

At this time, Ye Da, who was bearing most of the weight, tried to behave as normal as possible.

The dozen or so people originally wanted to lift the car up a little bit, but they didn't expect that their hands were not much heavier than a bag of rice. Many people showed surprised expressions.

"There are so many people and strength! Is this car so light?"

"Stop making sarcastic remarks, move away quickly, and the people next to you give way!"

Maybe it was unintentional, maybe it was intentional, but the crowd didn't seem to think that there was a spiritual enlightener among the crowd.

At this time, what they are more willing to believe is that unity is strength, and that there is strength in numbers.

Every man has fantasized that one day he can save people from fire and water, but most of them have only fantasized for a lifetime, and have never encountered such an opportunity.

A dozen or so men, including a decent old man, a young brother who delivered food, a fat uncle, and a college student like Ye Da, moved outside while chanting.

Especially the old man who just shouted that he would pay for the damage to the car, his face was flushed now, he was not tired, but excited.

As expected, he is still young!Lifting a car without lifting rice is tiring!
However, there were many people with mixed feet, and everyone looked like a car, and moved with their buttocks up, which was quite inconvenient. Some people walked backwards, some walked sideways, and several staggered and stomped at a time.

At this time, someone shouted: "This car is not heavy, so we can just carry it on our shoulders!"

Ye Da, who was mixed in the crowd, staggered, my good fellow, are you asking a black man to carry the coffin!

Apparently, the "surplus" in strength has dazzled all the gentlemen, and such a random proposal actually has a lot of followers. Soon the car was lifted higher and higher, and it was directly carried on the shoulders of everyone.

The style of painting gradually became strange.

The faces of the old men were all oily, as if they were carrying a cotton pillow.

This magical scene stunned the ambulance doctors on the side.
What's this?Medical miracle?

This old man is obviously a frequent visitor to the hospital, so thin that only a handful of bones are left!

Ye Da also quickly got into the center of the bottom of the car, not caring about the dirt, and stretched out his hand to support the chassis of the car.

Most of the weight was on him. If he let go, the ambulance would return with a full load.

Soon everyone moved out of the life channel of the ambulance, and the ambulance rushed into happiness, not knowing which building it was heading for.

A group of elders chanted and put the car on the side of the road, and Ye Da was the last to stop.

About ten people, each with black ash on their shoulders and faces, as if they just got out of a coal pit, but watching the ambulance enter the happiness, everyone smiled unconsciously, and then a few fat uncles The smoke began to be scattered, and the owner of the nearby canteen brought out a box of iced Coke and distributed it to everyone for free.

"Fuck! I'm going to time out! I'm going to time out!"

The takeaway guy was about to light a cigarette, but when he saw his phone, he was so scared that he hurried away by bike.

Everyone was talking and laughing.

They didn't know each other 5 minutes ago, and they already look very familiar 5 minutes later.

A middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth said with his big belly on his face: "I will definitely not be able to buy a BMW in the future. It's just a big brand, the quality is not good, and it doesn't have any weight at all. It must not be crashworthy!"

The uncle on the side: "When I was young, I almost became a spiritual enlightener. I have always been in good health. My wife still doesn't believe it! I didn't think it was heavier than anti-cotton just now."

A woman next to him came up: "Husband, I just took a video for you, it's so powerful!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged uncle laughed from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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