Chapter 21 The Old Man
Ye Da exchanged the undrinkable Coke for a bottle of mineral water, leaning against the wall, listening to everyone's laughter, his heart was touched.

"My dear, Xiaoqian is so strange. When the ambulance was blocked, these people were clearly exuding strong negative emotions."

Yes, the same group of people looked at the BMW blocking the ambulance, and their negative emotions were palpable. Many people were lamenting the decline of the world, and they were probably cursing this ruthless society in their hearts.

In a blink of an eye, everyone seemed to feel the light of society, and everyone was full of hope for this society.

But if no one thought of moving the car, or if they thought about it but didn't dare to shout, I'm afraid it would be a completely different ending.

These people may become a spectator who witnesses the tragedy of indifference, and more and more believe that society is already cold, so they feel that their indifference is the most reasonable response.

They may still be a stingy boss, a spitting old man, or a takeaway guy who always runs red lights, but they don't interfere with them here, now, right now.

A good guy, probably.

Looking at his hands, he couldn't tell whether it was engine oil or dirt, in short, his hands were black and dark, and something in his body was touched.

But in the end, nothing happened, and there was no staged change like the last class reunion.

Ye Da didn't care either.

"It's just a little effort", I didn't expect to get anything.

Everyone is the same.

Just as the crowd was gradually dispersing, the ambulance that had just entered came out again.

But looking at its status, it seems that it has not been in a hurry before entering.

Ye Da saw the doctor inside through the glass, his expression was very bad, and he didn't do anything to rescue him. He just sat in the car without saying a word, thoughtful.

I'm afraid I might not catch up in the end.
Several car lifters who were still bragging also guessed something, suddenly lost interest in talking and laughing, and said goodbye to each other.

Life is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten.

Ye Da threw the oil-stained mineral water bottle into the trash can and walked towards happiness.

In the end, the owner of the BMW car did not show up either. I don’t know if he didn’t dare, or he didn’t know what happened at all.

But when Ye Da passed by the BMW, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm.

"I'm dead, I'm dead.?"

Ye Da:.
A hoarse voice came.

The hunchbacked and short figure stood blankly in front of the BMW car, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and one couldn't help but worry that the eyeballs would fall out, a pair of shriveled feet were bare, and the nails were cloudy and yellow.

There was a smell that others couldn't detect. If Liu Xiaoqian's smell was rotten lake bottom mud, then this figure's smell was bitter melon concentrated juice mixed with traditional Chinese medicine concentrated juice. He frowned.

None of the people around could see this weird old lady.

The old man even overlapped with the old lady, half of his body piercing through.

She stuck her big eyeballs that were about to fall to the rear license plate of the BMW car, as if she wanted to see who killed her.

"I'm dead, I'm dead.?"

The translucent figure was a little erratic.

Ye Da's expression didn't change at all, he turned a blind eye and concentrated on walking.

It's a pity that God didn't want it.
The old lady seemed to smell something, her copper-bell-sized eyeballs suddenly rolled wildly, and then locked onto Ye Da.

It was definitely caused by stone needles. I and Ye Jianguo often went to the cemetery before, and I have never seen these unclean things!
Ye Da quickened his pace.
Don't look at each other at this time!
Liu Xiaoqian quickly got into Ye Da's arm, and said with trembling voice:
"My benefactor, is that a ghost?"

Ye Da: "Are you qualified to say this?"

The more she was afraid of something, the more she would come. The shriveled and weird old lady turned her head 270° and looked at Ye Da behind her.

"I'm dead, I'm dead.!"

The old lady stared in the direction of Ye Da and chased after her.
Ye Da covered his face and sighed
The old lady's speed was not fast, not as fast as that of normal people, so Ye Da quickened her pace.

When I walked downstairs, the weird old lady had long since disappeared.

But Ye Da was not completely relieved, he stood at the door of his unit and looked at his watch.

5 minutes passed.

10 minute has passed. 15 minutes passed.
"I'm dead, I'm dead."

Sure enough, the wobbly old lady appeared at the corner, stretched out her withered hands, and walked towards Ye Da.

She never gives up, she's just slower.

Ye Da didn't know how she locked his position from such a distance. If he didn't wait for her for a while, an old lady would suddenly come out when he was taking a bath.

That picture must be very harmonious.

Ye Da took a deep breath.

"Old man? It's almost done. Why don't you go to another place? There is a temple two streets away. The great monk is very spiritual. Why don't you go there and have a look?"

The old lady was still staggering forward, muttering non-stop. The yellow nails on her feet seemed to be a little longer than before, and they were all stuck to the ground.

"We are all neighbors. It's inappropriate for you to follow me like this. I have acquaintances in the police station."

"I'm dead, I'm dead."

"There is a square dance matrix at the end of the commercial street. You must have acquaintances there. Go and have a look. It's late to listen to the stereo!"

"I'm dead, I'm dead."

No matter what Ye Da said, the old lady was unmoved, as if Ye Da was the most dazzling old man in the square, walking firmly step by step.

After crossing thousands of rivers and mountains, he finally stood in front of Ye Da.

Ye Da was helpless.

"Why is that? We are really not suitable for each other."

Looking at the struggling old lady, Ye Da could only raise his dead white fist against the old lady's temple.

"Then I'm sorry, old man. Die early and be reincarnated!"

I already had a "ghost" inside me.

I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it if I have another one.
At the same time, a block away from Xingfuli, a figure in a dilapidated old house was kneeling and worshiping.

The dim light illuminated the body covered with age spots, the shriveled skin stuck to the bones, and only a few white hairs on the top of the head lying on the greasy scalp.

The figure knelt on the ground, its head knocked on the ground, its hoarse voice was like a gear stained with oil.

"Sincerity leads to spirituality. Sincerity leads to spirituality."

But in front of the old man, there was no idol, no altar, not even a hanging picture.

There is only a quaint two-eared square incense burner.

The incense burner, which is less than 20 centimeters high, just stands on the ground, and three of the most common fine incense sticks are inserted on it.

The smoke floated up faintly, condensed at a height of one meter above it, hanging and lingering, like a small cloud in the house.

The smoke gathered more and more, and when the three sticks of incense were burned out, the smoke surged and shrank into a ball the size of a human head.

There is an old woman's face faintly rolling and rising in it.
"The spirit is sincere and the heart is sincere. The spirit is sincere and the heart is sincere."

As the old man mourned again, a strand of white smoke branched out and penetrated into the old man's seven orifices.

Like the most thirsty smoker, the decayed body of a whale sucks a cow's drink, deeply inhaling the smoke into the body.


When the smoke was completely absorbed, the age spots on the old man's body magically disappeared and his skin became more elastic.

The old man let out a long breath, and the sinister prick shot out from his mouth.

Feeling the changes in his body, he immediately wondered:
"Why does it feel like it doesn't taste right this time? There seems to be something missing."

 The update time will be changed to the evening next week. In addition, the first round of recommendations is very important. I hope you can support it and read it every day. Thank you for your little poop.


(End of this chapter)

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