I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 184 The Road to Home

Chapter 184 The way home
The entire Donghai City has entered a state of emergency.

The strange thing floating in the sky before was too conspicuous, and it appeared too suddenly. There were countless witnesses, and the authorities had no possibility of concealing it.

The whole riot lasted about an hour, and in the end, countless people saw the muscular headless man flying away from the East China Sea, chasing many planes behind him.

Yes, "headless muscular man" has become a consensus term on the Internet.

Although it is ugly, it is very realistic.

The Special Affairs Section immediately launched public relations work and held a press conference.

A professional spokesperson answered the incident to a certain extent on TV to appease the people.

"This incident was suspected to be caused by an unrecorded spiritual object out of control. The Special Affairs Division responded in a timely manner. No casualties have been caused so far, but we apologize for the inconvenience caused to the citizens."

The loss of control of the enlightened spirit is one of the possibilities that the Special Affairs Section has come up with, and it has also been used as an external caliber, which is actually very close to the truth.

As for the woman of a different race caught underground, this incident had too much influence and was concealed.

99% of Kyushu people don't even know that there are aliens in this world, let alone what they represent.

The special affairs department has entered the underground base that was exposed by the headless spirit body for the first time, and it has been confirmed that this is the secret base of the law-seekers.

Since they didn't know that Bai Ying was a person who lived in Kyushu hundreds of years ago, the special affairs department could only imagine the problem in the most serious direction.

That is, the Dharma seeker and the foreign race got together.

Combined with the recent eventful autumn in Kyushu, the severity of the matter has been infinitely exaggerated.

But just when the special affairs department was about to investigate.

That headless spirit body was lost in Jiangzhou.

With the cooperation of the fighter plane and the satellite, the other party shouldn't have the chance to run away, but the headless spirit body is an energy body after all, and inexplicably disappeared in the air in the area near Yuezhou in Jiangzhou.

The Special Affairs Section can only deploy forces to continue searching in the area near where it disappeared.

Just when the East China Sea was blown up, Ye Da was trying to find a way to return to the East China Sea.


The roar above his head sounded again, and Lao Liu, the truck driver, looked up through the windshield, but couldn't see anything.

It was just dawn at this time, but it was impossible to see the plane, and nothing could be seen in the gray-white sky, but there was a lot of movement.

"What's the situation today, so many planes, military exercises?"

Lao Liu, who had been driving for more than ten hours, didn't know that something big happened in Donghai.

Just as he was about to light a cigarette to refresh himself, the headlights of the car suddenly caught on to the side of the road ahead, and a figure seemed to be blocking the car.

Lao Liu woke up for a moment, took the brakes, hesitated, and slowed down to a stop.

"Young man, why are you stopping the car here?"

He often runs a sports car on this small road, and there is nothing for hundreds of kilometers before and after, and there are no mobile phone signals.

Ye Da put away the hand that was blocking the car, showed a big smile, tried to look friendly, and said, "I lost my way on foot."

He still hasn't figured out where he is, and his mobile phone has no signal. Fortunately, he found a road and waited for nearly an hour for a car to pass by.

Lao Liu looked at the young man in front of him, he was very handsome and sunny, he shouldn't be a villain.

After all, this is a world of appearances. If you grow up like this, going to beg for food is more profitable than robbery.

I'm afraid my brain is not good enough to come here to hike in the wild mountains in the middle of winter.
"Where are you going?"

When Ye Da saw that there was a door, he hurriedly said enthusiastically, "Brother, are you going to Donghai? I can transfer the toll for you when the mobile phone has a signal."

Old Liu moved his mouth and said: "Forget about the travel expenses, let's take a message and chat."

Old Liu cleaned up the sundries on the co-pilot and let Ye Da sit on it.

"You young people are so energetic. You are hiking here alone. If I hadn't saved some tolls, I would tell you that there might not be a car passing by here all day long. There are so many monsters recently. You are really lucky. "The freight trucks smelled of stale smell, but Ye Da didn't care. He plugged in his cell phone with the driver's charging cable and waited for a signal.

Chat with the driver from time to time.

From Lao Liu's mouth, Ye Da knew that this car would not go to the East China Sea, but it could take Ye Da for a while in the general direction.

"How far is it from the East China Sea?"

"Let's say eight or nine hundred kilometers."

Good guy, you ran so far all of a sudden
Or is the headless spirit flying so fast!

Just as he was talking, Ye Da's breast pocket moved, which startled Old Liu.

"What's the matter?"

The pocket was pushed open, revealing a bird's head.

Ye Da said: "Catch them in the mountains, keep them for fun."

Old Liu said: "Nowadays, all wild animals are protected animals, so you have to be careful."

Ye Da took out the bird from his pocket and put it in his palm: "This is a sparrow, not a protected animal."

Old Liu thought to himself, what a weirdo: "What's so good about raising sparrows? They used to be just snacks, but now people can raise them for anything."

"Teach it to talk or something."

Old Liu couldn't help but let out a sigh, and said with a smile: "I've only heard of parrots talking to pugs. This gray-haired beast thinks it's a waste of seasoning for barbecue. Can it learn to talk?"

Just as he was about to make fun of Ye Da, he saw the gray-haired sparrow turn its head to look at him, opened its beak slightly, and said two words:

Old Liu: .
Ye Da tapped the sparrow's head in his hand and said, "I'm sorry, sorry, I've only learned one bad word so far."

"Fucking brother, man of God! How did you teach it?! Sparrows can really learn to talk! Are you really caught on the mountain?"

Two hours later, Ye Da was put down in the service area, and the truck driver Lao Liu was reluctant to part with him, but it was a pity that he didn't use the young man's bird taming skills.

Otherwise, if you tame one and keep it in the car, it will relieve your boredom.

The sparrow is naturally the soul of "Bai Ying".

This is also a way to bypass the prohibition in his spirit.

It is through the power of the nine yins that the soul is continuously injected into the non-human body. Due to the mismatch between the body and the soul, the prohibition and will to resist in the soul will be gradually weakened and stripped.

After all, the body and the soul complement each other. If the human soul is injected into the dog for 10 years, the difference between him and the dog will not be much after 10 years, especially its intelligence level will also be affected by the body.

In a sense, this is equivalent to forcing the soul to reincarnate. If it is reincarnated for ten lives among all kinds of weird animals, then no matter what kind of restrictions and obsessions there are in the soul when it was a human being, They will all be obliterated almost.

The power of Jiuyin is so terrifying.

Baiying's soul has just turned into a sparrow, but the sparrow is by no means her end, but its starting point.

Until she fully revealed all the secrets in her memory and was drained of all value.

And even if her soul was injected into the sparrow, she still couldn't disobey any orders from Ye Da.

This is still an obedient pet, it is very interesting to do whatever you want.

In the service area, Ye Da let Baiying's incarnate sparrow slip back into his breast pocket honestly, and then called the landline at home, and it was Liu Xiaoqian who answered the call.

Sure enough, Liu Xiaoqian went home. She was smart enough to wait for the phone call.

"Grandpa! Are you okay!"

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm trying to find a way to go back. Why is your voice hoarse?"

"I... smoked."

Ye Da:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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