I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 185 This child has a disordered language system

Chapter 185 This child has a disordered language system
"Smoking? You guy, I've only been away for a dozen hours, and you've already learned to smoke? Isn't the speed at which you learn to be a bad person too exaggerated? Besides, you're just a ghost, and you're smoking like a ghost!"

On the other side of the phone, Liu Xiaoqian's voice was hoarse and she said anxiously: "My benefactor, I smoked a ghost, no, it was a ghost who gave me the cigarettes, saying it could help my benefactor."

It was only after Liu Xiaoqian finished talking nonsense that Ye Da roughly understood that what Liu Xiaoqian was smoking was "Beautiful Cigarettes". Chen Ruyan had been watching over Liu Xiaoqian until just now, and that cigarette was Chen Ruyan's claim that it would help Ye Da.

"Does smoking help me? How does it help?"

"It's said to be a good thing."

Good metaphysical statement.

The ghosts are dumb, and the living are not allowed to be directly pumped into the ICU?This smoke is really strong!
But I don't have time to take care of this for now, let's talk about it when I go back.

"You take a good look at the house, I will try to go back tonight."

Liu Xiaoqian hummed heavily, feeling a little relieved.

She decided to clean the toilet and welcome En Gong home.

This service area is not a high-speed service area, but a state highway service area. It is located on the edge of Jiangzhou, hundreds of kilometers away from the East China Sea, and it will take a lot of effort to go back.

Ye Da stood at the entrance of the service area and looked at the passing vehicles. Most of the vehicles passing by here were large trucks. It would be very difficult to get back to Donghai in one step, but you can take a ride to a place with a train station or bus station, and then Turn back to the East China Sea.

When he was free, Ye Da took out the sparrow from his pocket and fed a few melon seeds bought in the service area.

A whole melon seed was pressed to the sparrow's mouth, and the little sparrow didn't open its mouth for a long time.

Ye Da sneered: "What's the matter? Hunger strike?"

The sparrow looked at Ye Da with eyes as big as mung beans: "If you don't peel the shell, do you want to choke me to death?"

Do sparrows eat melon seeds but not shells?

He hasn't raised birds either, but he has raised fish, ghosts, and skateboards.

Ye Da didn't bother to shell the sparrows one by one. He didn't have this spare time, and he didn't really devote his love to raising pets.

Just put the sparrow back in his breast pocket, and threw a handful of melon seeds into it.

"Peck and play by yourself, don't go on a hunger strike."

Replied and added one more sentence.

"No shit in there."

Most of the vehicles passing by here were trucks. Ye Da asked several vehicles with a smile on his face, but no one was willing to pick him up.

It's hard for Ye Da to tell whether it's true, or there are fewer enthusiastic drivers like Lao Liu.

To be honest, if it wasn't so conspicuous in broad daylight, he would have wanted to run to the nearest town with both feet.

However, at this time, the authorities must still be trying their best to hunt down the headless spirit body. It is hard to say that the location at this time is out of the circle of suspicion, so it is better to be cautious.

Ye Da made up his mind that if he couldn't go back at night, he would move from the forest with his feet, or let the talking board fly over to pick him up.

About half an hour later, after Ye Da cleaned the melon seeds from his breast pocket twice, a private car finally drove into the service area.

When Ye Da saw the license plate, it was actually a Donghai license plate, and immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

What a coincidence!
But when the car window was opened, Ye Da's heart was half cold.

Without him, this is a female driver, and there is only a little girl sitting in the back seat.

Such a combination, from a safety point of view, is almost impossible to bring along a grown man like Ye Da.

It must have returned in vain, Ye Da didn't even want to speak, so as not to cause trouble to others.

But before Ye Da could speak, the female driver rushed out of the car in a hurry, grabbed Ye Da and said:
"Help me watch the baby!"

Then stepped on a small high heel and rushed towards the toilet in the service area, his movements were a bit out of shape.

Ye Da:.
I glanced at the little girl in the back seat, about seven or eight years old, holding a tablet computer.

The two people, one big and one small, looked at each other for a moment, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Ye Da: "Don't panic, kid. Uncle is not a bad person. Your mother will be back soon." The little girl: "Let me explain, my mother is peeing, not defecating."

Ye Da: "."

What the hell are you talking about!
Little girl: "Can this increase her image in your mind?"

Ye Da made a fingertip universe gesture.

"Hehe, it has increased a lot!"

"Uncle, did you just ask for a free ride?"

Ye Da corrected: "It's a hitchhiking, not a free ride. Are you going back to Donghai?"

The little girl nodded, staring at Ye Da blankly, her small eyeballs rolling.

this child.
Quite lively.
Just three sentences that never leave the bowels
Ye Da suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "Can you persuade your mother for me later? Uncle is not a bad person, and he wants to hitch a ride back to Donghai."

"Are you single?" the little girl asked.


"That's fine."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows, this little girl's brain circuit is very strange.

After almost 5 minutes, the female driver who was in a hurry to go to the toilet just now came back in a hurry.

At this time, Ye Da had the time to look at the opponent.

He looks in his early 30s, looks very tender, and his figure is at the most attractive age, belonging to the thick face.

Judging by the clothes, the economic conditions should not be bad, and the car he drives is not bad.

Generally speaking, a young woman whose body and appearance are above the standard line has high marks in all aspects.

Seeing Ye Da from a distance, the female driver was a little embarrassed. She was so overwhelmed just now that she couldn't care about anything. At this moment, she naturally felt how bold she was just now.

Fortunately, the child is fine, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

However, he still put on a smile and thanked Ye Da: "Hello, hello, thank you so much just now, I was a little anxious."

She is not so shy when she is away from home, she has already passed that age.

The little girl yelled from the backseat: "Mum, this uncle wants to get in the car and poop, and he's single! Just say yes."

Female driver: "."

Ye Da: "Your child's language system is quite disordered."

Ten minutes later, Ye Da sat in the co-pilot of the car.

"It's okay. It's inconvenient when you go out. It's all back to the East China Sea. It's a trivial matter."

The female driver's name is Zhuang Man, and her daughter's name is Zhuang Miao. They are on their way back to Donghai from their hometown.

The little girl took her mother's surname, obviously there are many stories in it, but Ye Da was very sensible and didn't ask.

After a short chat, Zhuang Man seems to be running a small business in the East China Sea. Before that, he took his daughter back to his hometown to see his grandparents, and he is currently on his way back.

Ye Da: "Thank you for giving me a ride."

The original plan was to hitch a ride to a city with a train station. Although the speed will be slower now, it is not unacceptable to go directly to the East China Sea.

If there are no problems, we will reach the East China Sea at night.

I don't know if it was because of safety considerations, Zhuang Man didn't let Ye Da and his daughter sit in the back, but let him sit in the co-pilot.

In fact, for a pair of mother and daughter, it would not be too safe for an adult man to sit no matter how malicious he is, but Ye Da, as the beneficiary, would not say too much.

There are not many good people, but there will always be.

(End of this chapter)

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