Chapter 186
On the state highway, the white car was driving at high speed.

The three people in the car were a little embarrassed.

Or rather embarrassing for two adults.

From Ye Da's point of view, he is just a big poop, ah!It’s a free ride, thank you, and just pay the fare. There is no need to chat with the driver. We really don’t know each other well, and there is no need to do so.

What's more, the driver is a woman.

But the little girl in the back seat didn't think so.

"Uncle Ye, what color do you like?"

Ye Da was silent for a while, not going to answer this question.

However, the little girl kept staring at him with firm eyes, as if if you didn't answer, I would pop my eyes out to show you.

After a while, Ye Da was defeated.


The little girl Zhuang Miao nodded, and then wrote and drew on the tablet: "My mother likes yellow, so what kind of animals does uncle like?"

Ye Da thought of Sister Li's roast meat, and said, "Duck."

The little girl clicked something on the tablet again.

"Okay, little ducky. My mom likes chicks."

Zhuang Man quickly interrupted and said angrily: "Miao Miao! Don't repeat all the words!"

He asked a few more questions about cerebral thrombosis, just when Ye Da thought the little girl had finally calmed down.

Zhuang Miao held up the tablet and showed it to Ye Da: "The matching degree between you and my mother has reached 98, which is a good match from heaven."

Ye Da looked at the colorful page with colorful ribbons floating down, and laughed awkwardly: "What is this?"

"Marriage prediction applet, full membership can also test Type 36 personality, but I don't care about that."

While Zhuang Man was concentrating on driving, he couldn't see what his daughter was showing, but he was still dissatisfied: "Miao Miao, be honest, if you do this again, mother will be angry."

However, Zhuang Man has been unable to control his daughter for a day or two. As long as she has a little bit of majesty as a mother, the little girl will not be so out of control.
So Zhuang Man could only sulk while driving.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Ye Da took out his mobile phone tactically.

I don't know when I received several text messages.

Wang Weiwen: "Everything is normal?"

Ye Da replied with an "OK" expression.

Wang Weiwen may have guessed something. After all, after Ye Da got the three stone needles from the Wang family, there was such a thing as a headless spirit body. It is very reasonable to doubt it, but since the other party does not ask, Ye Da is also happy. easy.

Suddenly, Ye Da remembered a previous question.

That's why Bai Ying didn't go to Wang's house to get the remaining six stone needles by herself.

Even if it is a game, the stone needle is in Baiying's own hands, so it should be more proactive.

Thinking of this, Ye Da took out the sparrow from his pocket, and in order not to scare Zhuang Man, he held it in his hand without revealing anything, while secretly flipping through Baiying's memory.

After a long time, Ye Da came to a conclusion, or saw the conclusion that Bai Ying had drawn.

"The royal family is dangerous"

Bai Ying has patrolled around the Wang family many times, and finally came to the conclusion that "it is too dangerous, even if it is separated, it will be uncontrollable."
Ye Da tapped Bai Ying's bird head with his fingers, but his heart was not at peace.
He has been to Wang's house before, and he doesn't have any special feelings, but he is not a sensitive type in this regard.

Another piece of news is from the screenwriter Landau, who invited Ye Da to have an in-depth discussion this week to help adapt the script.

Landau's information helped Ye Da a lot, and Ye Da was not prepared to renege on the good deal, but he really didn't have time for the past two days, so he delayed replying to the other party for two days.

The sky was getting dark, Zhuang Man was driving at a relatively slow speed, and the time it would take to return to the East China Sea might be longer than Ye Da had expected.

Ye Da wanted to decide on his own, but he couldn't say it.

Just about to read the news of 999+ in the class group, I heard an exclamation from the driver's seat.

"Oh! It's going to be abducted here!"

Zhuang Man missed the intersection and stopped in the middle of the road with a sudden brake.

Then prepare to carry out such a promising behavior as "reversing the car".

Ye Da quickly stopped and said, "No, keep driving forward and get off at the next intersection." This is not a highway, so missing an intersection is no big deal, but reversing is a bit stupid.

Zhuang Man froze, and finally walked back to the main road, but his heart was already in a mess.

The panic of missing the intersection will cause many people to lose ground, even the old driver will be annoyed for a while, especially Zhuang Man, with a panicked face and eyes constantly looking around, as if looking for the next intersection.

Just when Ye Da was about to say a few words of relief, Zhuang Man seemed to see a gap on the side, his eyes dazzled, and he was a little anxious.

Ye Da could see clearly, what kind of intersection was that, it was just a broken section of the fence beside the road!
"Fuck! Don't!"

Sure enough, the car rushed down the state highway, fell headlong into the mountain, and started to bump wildly, causing Zhuang Man to scream in fright.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

Yes in the mountains.

Behind the gap in the fence is a steep hillside dense forest!
Ye Da hurriedly said: "Step on the brakes! Step on the brakes!"

Don't panic, he is confident that he will not get hurt, and he is also confident that in most cases, he will protect the mother and daughter from major problems.

But elder sister, can you open your eyes first!
Zhuang Man kept his eyes closed all the way, and stepped on the accelerator, or Ye Da didn't know if he stepped on the accelerator and brake together.

The small car just pushed against countless bushes, rushed down hundreds of meters and didn't stop, even faster and faster!

Ye Da couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled Zhuang Man's leg out of the damn cab, and helped her hold the steering wheel.

Since he couldn't step on the brakes, Ye Da could only slow down by turning continuously while pulling Zhuang Man's leg.

The car slid another few tens of meters, and finally hit a tree and stopped.


There was a loud noise in the forest.

Zhuang Man was completely numb, staring blankly at the already gray windshield.

A branch as thick as an arm pierced through the windshield and pierced her chest.

And a big hand, 5 centimeters in front of her chest, blocked the branches, avoiding the tragic scene where she was strung into a blood gourd.

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew his hand, and quickly turned to look at the little girl Zhuang Miao.

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xiao Zhuang Miao was holding on to the seat belt tightly, and there was no serious problem.

Zhuang Miao: "Will this lower my mother's rating in your heart?"

Ye Da: "Yes! I'm so good! I'm so excited!"

Xiao Zhuangmiao sighed: "Okay, but I want you to know that you still have a basic score of 98."

Ye Da noticed that Xiao Zhuang Miao was not completely unharmed, his forehead seemed to be broken, and some blood oozes out, but it doesn't look too serious.

The car door had already deformed to a certain extent, and Ye Da simply kicked it open.

Looking back, the slope is actually not too steep, but when I was sitting in the car just now, I felt like rushing down the cliff, no wonder Zhuang Man didn't dare to open his eyes.

After carrying Xiao Zhuang Miao out of the car, Ye Da opened the door of the driver's cab.

Zhuang Man was still in fear at this time, he glanced dully at Ye Da, and then at the branch on his chest.

Ye Da sighed, unbuckled her seat belt, and helped her out.

"Miao Miao, are you alright! I scared my mother to death! Woooooo!"

"Mom, I'm fine. Don't drive next time."

Xiao Zhuang Miao was calmer than Zhuang Man.

Only then did Zhuang Man realize that he had walked through the gate of hell, his legs were weak, and he fell directly beside the car, unable to exert any strength.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have died."

At this time, Ye Da didn't want to say anything, just took out his mobile phone, glanced at the signal, and then looked back at the direction he was rushing down.

It’s only a few hundred meters away from the road, so why is there no signal? !

Xiao Zhuangmiao suddenly pointed not far away and said, "Uncle Ye, look there is a light!"

At the far end of the forest, faint lights came, which seemed to be people living nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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