Chapter 187
The car fell into the mountain, but luckily everyone was fine.

On the edge of the woodland, there was a dim ray of light, like the light revealed in the house, but when you looked closely, it was a little erratic, as if it was shaking with the wind.

Ye Da narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Then he looked at Zhuang Man and Zhuang Miao, and said, "The most urgent thing now is to go to that village to rest, get a good night's sleep, and make plans tomorrow morning."

As soon as he finished saying this, Ye Da felt vaguely that something was wrong.
I hit a car. The first priority is to take a rest and get some sleep?
Why does it feel like there is a door?
In this case, wouldn't there be a chance to have some unexplainable things with Zhuang Man?

Ye Da glanced at Zhuang Man who was slumped on the ground, Miao Man's figure made him unable to move his eyes.

Zhuang Man looked at Ye Da as if he was aware of it, and his face was a little blushing. He lowered his head and whispered: "You are right. The top priority now is to go to that village to sleep for a night."

Ye Da's heart was burning, he nodded, pulled Zhuang Man up, and then hugged Xiao Zhuang Miao, walking towards the bright place outside the forest, pulling Zhuang Man from time to time.

As she walked, she changed from supporting Zhuang Man to holding Zhuang Man's waist.

Zhuang Man didn't resist, his body became softer and softer, and Ye Da's heart was burning hot.

I hope there is only one room in the hotel in this village.

No, there must be two rooms, and Xiaozhuang Miao must be settled.

But if there are two rooms, how can there be any reason to separate Zhuang Man and Zhuang Miao from their mother and daughter?
Isn't this a dead end?
When he was having a headache, Ye Da finally reached the place of light with his mother and daughter.

But it's not a village, but an entire building.
The whole building is huge, square and square, with a length and width of more than [-] meters, presenting a "kou" or "hui" shape.

It is no more than four stories high, made of red bricks and yellow mud, a bit like the square earthen buildings that Ye Da had seen in his previous life. Inside the huge and heavy building, it seems that there is a universe inside.

There are three big characters "Yam Village" written on the main entrance.

Ye Da was amazed, this village is interesting, is the whole building the whole village?Judging by the size of the four-story back-shaped building, there must be hundreds of houses, but it can indeed accommodate the population of the next village.

There are such interesting places in Kyushu.
Ye Da didn't think much about it. It doesn't matter whether he sleeps in a hotel in a small village or a hotel in a town. The key is how to sleep.
with who.

several times.

Holding Zhuang Man's waist, Ye Da walked inside.

There is a door opening on the front signboard, just like a city gate, an old man with glasses and a two-layer vest is dozing off in the door opening, he seems to be the gatekeeper.

Hearing footsteps, the old man pushed his crooked glasses.

"What's the matter with you guys?"

It seems that few outsiders come here. Ye Da looked inside and said, "Is there a hotel in your village? Our car broke down and we plan to sleep here for the night."

The old man looked at Ye Da and Zhuang Man's mother and daughter for a while, his cloudy eyeballs protruded, like a pair of copper bells that might fall out at any time, after a long time, he suddenly grinned and showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and said sullenly: "The hotel Ah, yes, let's go in."

Ye Da nodded, and walked inside with Zhuang Man, who had flushed cheeks, holding Xiao Zhuang Miao in his arms.

Walking out of the doorway, there is indeed a cave inside. The square house is divided into countless small rooms, and the corridors on each floor are also balconies.

In addition to some residential buildings, there are obviously many businesses here, and there are many signs hanging around, making Ye Da feel like he is in a small world.

“Super God Internet Cafe”

“Xinyuan Hotel”

“Okay come back for a little stir fry”

“Great Supermarket”

"Colorful clothes dry cleaning"

"Regent KTV"

The messy shops are not big, and the signs are very rustic and vulgar, but there are really many types.

Many shops made Ye Da doubt whether he could make money by opening them in such a place.However, this "Yam Village" is so special. Maybe it is an Internet celebrity tourist attraction. For people in big cities, this place is indeed unique and unique.

Don't worry so much about someone who is passing by and anxious to sleep.

There are all kinds of shops, but there are no people outside, maybe they are all inside, Ye Da hugged Zhuang Man and walked towards "Xinyuan Hotel".

When passing by, I took a glance at the signboard of "Bang Bang Bang Cheng R Supplies" not far away, and took note of the location.

Xiao Zhuangmiao said, "Uncle Ye, I'm hungry."

Ye Da thought it was the same, the little girl couldn't resist hunger, she settled down in a while, and came out to order two dishes.

Walking to the "Xinyuan Hotel" on the third floor on the west side, the three of them walked in directly. In the dilapidated corridor, iron bars and wooden tables formed a front desk, and a fat woman was dozing off behind.

Ye Da knocked on the table and said, "Is there any room?"

The fat woman was excited, opened her eyes, looked at Ye Da blankly, and after a while she said leisurely: "One day 100."

As he said that, he didn't want Ye Da to register anything, and threw a key out from behind the iron railing.

Before Ye Da said anything, Xiao Zhuang Miao in his arms yelled: "I want to sleep alone, I want two rooms, one for Uncle Ye and mother, and one for myself."

Zhuang Man blushed, lowered his head and dared not speak, Ye Da looked at Xiao Zhuang Miao in relief.

There are not many children who are so sensible now.

I’ll buy you a lollipop later.

After taking two keys, Ye Da was ready to pay, but the fat woman said that only banknotes were accepted. Ye Da patted his pocket, and finally Zhuang Man paid the 200 yuan.

When the fat woman reached out to take the money, under the dim light, Ye Da saw that the back of her hand was black and covered with black hair.

Ye Da was thoughtful.

The walls of the small hotel are all muddy and yellow, and the conditions are naturally not much better. The doors of the two rooms are next to each other, and there are only beds inside except for the toilet.

In other words, Ye Da was surprised that such a small hotel had a separate toilet.

"You guys take a rest here first, I'll go to a small restaurant outside to buy something and come back to eat."

Then he thought that mobile payment might not be possible here, and looked at Zhuang Man with an embarrassed smile.

Zhuang Man took out a handful of cash from his pocket and gave it to Ye Da without counting it. Then he whispered in Ye Da's ear: "Don't forget to buy something. I'll put Xiaomiao to sleep first."

Ye Da smiled crookedly, his heart was burning, he patted Zhuang Man's butt, nodded and left.

When I came out, the fat woman was no longer behind the counter, and I didn't know where she went.

Ye Da went out and turned left, and walked towards "Okay, Let's Xiaochao".

Like the others, this one is surprisingly small.

Behind the dilapidated curtains, there were four or five small square tables. The thick layer of greasy made the tables lose their original color, and there were some broken bones scattered on the floor tiles, which seemed to be chicken bones.

Ye Da frowned at the poor sanitation environment, but when he looked up, he saw an old man in a white coat standing behind the stove, holding a kitchen knife and looking at him expressionlessly.

And the one inside is the old man who was guarding the door before.

There is only one table between the stove and the dining area. The hairless bald head of the old man with glasses is shiny, and the kitchen knife in his hand emits bursts of coldness under the dim light.

He just stared at Ye Da directly.

"Guest, what do you want to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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