Chapter 188

"Guest, what do you want to eat?"

Ye Da looked at the old man with glasses for a while, and said uncertainly:
"Were you the doorkeeper just now?"

The old man with glasses nodded, and the kitchen knife swayed according to his movements: "If you have customers, come back to do business, if you don't have customers, go down and look at the gate."

Ye Da nodded and asked, "What are some things?"

Behind the stove, it also looks quite sloppy. The sink is full of dishes and chopsticks that haven’t been washed in time. There are several strings of unknown meat hanging on the roof. A whole section of sausage.

Although its appearance is unattractive, there is a strong smell of meat coming from this dirty stove.

Ye Da took a deep breath, and actually got an appetite.

This is rare for him, he rarely has such an obvious appetite for human food, and he doesn't know what kind of meat is hanging.

After a while, I can consider eating something myself.

For the sake of such a delicious taste, Ye Da didn't bother with the poor sanitation environment anymore. He pointed to the menu and said, "Steamed cured meat, stir-fried pork, blood fat sausage, all of them. Don't you have any vegetables?"

The old man nodded dullly and said: "Vegetables are delicious."

Ye Da: "That's how it is, pack it up when it's ready. How much is it?"

“One dish for 100”

Good guy. The price is not cheap.

But for the sake of the barren mountains and wild mountains, Ye Da didn't care about it.

After paying the money, Ye Da said "Okay, let's make a little stir-fry again", then turned around and walked towards "Bang bang ring into R supplies".

Prepare to buy the important things first, and then get the packed dishes later.

After bypassing the purple and gaudy inexplicable light box and walking into the "Bangbang Xiangcheng R Supplies" store, Ye Da found that there were still familiar people inside.

The fat woman from "Xinyuan Hotel" just now was sitting behind the counter of "Bang Bang Xiang Cheng R Supplies", looking straight at Ye Da.

"Are there only two people in your village?"

The fat woman said dully: "There are few customers, and one person manages several shops."

"Which other store is yours?"

"The dry cleaners are mine too."

Ye Da scratched his jawline. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.
Forget it, business matters.

But I glanced at the store, and although the lighting was gaudy and atmospheric, the shelves were empty, with no familiar small umbrellas, only a few pieces of dusty stockings in the corner.

Ye Da asked doubtfully: "You don't even know the most basic things?"

Selling only silk stockings is considered a hammer-like adult product.

Even stockings have many functions.

Really can't do
The fat woman said, "What do you need?"

Ye Da showed an expression that everyone understood, and whispered something in the fat woman's ear. The fat woman nodded and took out a black pill the size of glutinous rice balls from under the container.

"Women eat, you can take care of it for a month."

Ye Da picked up the pill, and a strange smell of medicine came into the tip of the pen. The dark red pill was made of unknown material.

Do you think this village is so unpretentious?By taking medicine?

What kind of medicine is so strong, one pill can be used for a month, can this body resist it?

"how much is it?"

"One piece is 100."

Well, the pricing in this village is so uniform.

Let's buy it first, whether to eat or not depends on Zhuang Man's intentions, just relying on his own physical fitness, it is not a must.

Squeezing the pill, Ye Da came out of the shop door. There was a rustling sound from downstairs. Looking down, seven or eight pairs of eyes flashed away, and then a group of short black shadows ran away, like a group of children. Peep and hide.

While running, he also made strange noises. He was a shadowy figure under the moonlight, using both hands and feet, and his speed was extremely fast.

Ye Da was stunned for a moment.

"It's so lively."

Ignoring the irrationality, Ye Da thought it was quite reasonable. At least there were not only two people in this strange village, so Ye Da felt more at ease.

Back at the restaurant, there were a few plastic bags at the door, which seemed to be ready-made meals. Ye Da looked inside, but the old man with glasses was no longer there. I wonder if he went back to look at the door.

Ye Da returned to the hotel with the food in hand.

There was no one behind the counter, and Ye Da didn't care, so he went into his room.

He's coming back to claim his prize.

Xiao Zhuang Miao was gone, only Zhuang Man's full set of clothes were neatly placed on the bed, and the sound of water came from the bathroom.

Ye Da knocked on the bathroom door and said, "I'm back. Are you clean?" There was only the sound of water rushing in the bathroom, but no one responded.

"Probably can't hear it." Ye Da sat on the big bed bored, Zhuang Man's clothes were still warm, and Ye Da was distracted for a while.

This is a day-to-day life, non-stop defeating various conspiracies and exploring various truths.

He almost forgot that his purpose was not to save the world, but to marry a wife and have children.

In fact, Zhuang Man is not bad. Although he is a little older, he is not young in other places.

And no matter how old you are, can you be as big as yourself?
An old cow eating tender grass is not enough to describe himself.

It must be the ashes of a cow from 700 years ago, sprinkled on the tip of the tender grass.

Just thinking about the specific operation for a while, which should be divided into several different stages, Ye Da's pair of happy little feet couldn't help but tilt up and shake back and forth.

"crack clack"

Inferior disposable slippers, the sound of treading water came.

Ye Da looked down suspiciously.

Thick blood flowed out from the gap in the bathroom door, and at some point, it had covered the entire room.

His own feet were soaked in a pool of blood.

In the bathroom, the sound of splashing water did not stop, and Zhuang Man seemed to be still taking a shower.

His feet moved, and the viscous blood was stirred up by him to create ripples.

Ye Da was silent.

Ye Da calmed down.

Ye Da's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


How unlucky!
Is it actually Aunt M who is here?
Ye Da waved his fist angrily, feeling an indescribable disappointment in his heart.

Feel loveless.

Ye Dabai's bored Pia kicked his feet and slapped the blood that was accumulating on the ground.

It was a pain in my heart.

I bought all the pills, give them to me.
and many more!

"No! Something is wrong!"

Ye Da looked down at more and more thick blood.

Looking at the door of the bathroom again, the sound of splashing water never stopped.

From the moment the car rushed down the hill, everything flashed through Ye Da's mind.

Car accident
The dim light outside the forest.
Yam Village.
Hotels, restaurants, adult supplies stores.

Everyone's looks and words flashed through Ye Da's mind like a series.

Indistinctly, it seemed that an idea was about to jump out of his mind, but it was just a little short of inspiration.

"What is it? What is it? Come to think of it! Ye Da, you must have overlooked something!"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across Ye Da's mind.


Ye Daming realized.

It is impossible for Zhuang Man to come to Aunt M!
Obviously since the car crash, the two have been tacit understanding, and Zhuang Man never meant to refuse, and even took the initiative!
Doesn't she know her own situation?
Obviously Ye Da was thinking too much!

There's still play tonight!
Happily picking up a puddle of blood with his feet, and evenly sprinkled it on the wall, Ye Da's mood turned from cloudy to sunny again.

It seems that the thief will definitely not be empty tonight!
Let's take the ashes of the cow, we must taste whether the grass tip is tender or not today!

Outside the window, a few black shadows with sharp-billed monkey cheeks were hanging upside down to peep into the window. Their snow-white eyeballs and pupils were smaller than soybeans, and chirping laughter came from outside the window. When Ye Da turned his head, the black shadows came again Disappeared without a trace.

"Who's child is not afraid of falling when climbing so high."

Turning to stop paying attention, I have already started to design my own silky little combo for a while of strenuous exercise.

On warm nights, the atmosphere is a little bit more charming.

"Yam Village", roof.

Several shadows gathered together, discussing something.

"Are you still leaving? What's the situation with this person? It's too powerful!"

"No way! The blood is all over his knees, and he's still rubbing his feet there. Oh my god, it's so creepy! I'm so scared!"

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Let's work harder!"

(End of this chapter)

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