I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 189 It's Too Difficult To Make Money, We Don't Make Money Anymore!

Chapter 189 It's Too Difficult To Make Money, We Don't Make Money Anymore!

The blood and water accumulated more and more, and it was warm at first, so Ye Da took the opportunity to soak his feet to relieve his fatigue.

Putting his fingers into the water, Ye Da rubbed his feet, thinking that this is better than soaking feet in red wine to nourish his health?

Twisting his fingers, Ye Da had an idea, and drew a heart on the bed sheet with blood, and put Zhuang Man's clothes in the middle of the heart.

The atmosphere of billions of points of fun rises in the room.

There were many pairs of eyes peeking out of the window again, this time it was even more extreme. Even if Ye Da turned around to look, the countless horrifying eyes with many whites and few eyes did not escape. They just hung upside down on the window edge, staring at Ye Da.

Ye Da laughed for a while, got up and drenched in blood, and pulled up the curtains.

"A group of dead children are not afraid of the eye of a needle. Is this something children can see?!"

But gradually, Ye Da became impatient with waiting.

Why hasn't Zhuang Man come out yet?

Although washing is for nothing, the cleaner the better, but it won't do if it delays the business.

Ye Da thought to himself that he had come to this point, there was nothing to hide, why not go in by himself and wash together.

Thinking of doing it, Ye Da straightened up like a carp and rolled over.


The shirt on his body has been torn by him.

It's that wild!

Be gentle during the day, and become a beast at night!

Taking out his mobile phone, Ye Dagong played dynamic DJ dance music, threw the mobile phone on the bed, and twisted his body to the beat.

clothing!rip off!
Pants!take off!
shoe!Fly away!

"Manman, are you done washing? Can I wash it for you?!~"

Ye Da was about to knock on the bathroom door.

Someone knocked on the door of the room.

Ye Da's face froze, so he could only open the door first.

Bright red blood poured out of the room like a flood, and the entire corridor was submerged.

Under the dilapidated and flickering old light bulb, the old man with eyes like copper bells was standing outside the door holding a kitchen knife.

With foul-smelling saliva flowing from a mouthful of yellow teeth, he stared at Ye Da maliciously.

Ye Da frowned and said, "What's the matter?!"

The uncle with copper bell eyes was dumbfounded by the question.

He looked at the golden mountain of blood all around him, then at the flickering light bulb above his head, and at the kitchen knife in his hand.

Brother, with this atmosphere, what do you ask me?

Ye Da looked at the blood that had lost more than half of it, and said impatiently: "Hurry up, the hot water is all gone."

The eyeballs of the protruding old man almost fell out.

hot water? !
What kind of ruthless person is this!

Seeing that the other party still didn't answer, Ye Da suddenly realized.

"Is there no tableware? There is no need to come here specially."

As he spoke, Ye Da took the kitchen knife from the uncle.

"Okay, I see. I'll send it back to you when it's used up."

Saying that, Ye Da closed the door with a "snap".

Now no one should bother me anymore, right? !
As a result, the door rang again.

Ye Da pinched it unconsciously, and the kitchen knife in his hand was pinched with a row of fingerprints by his powerful force.

What's going on with this broken place!

Ye Da opened the door again with a fierce expression, this time it was the fat woman.

"what happened again!"

The fat woman shivered when she saw Ye Da, who was almost naked and soaked in blood.

I forgot all the lines I thought about.

"Well, do you want to buy insoles?"

The fat woman trembled, and took out a handful of insoles from her bosom, it could be seen that they were all made by hand stitch by stitch.

"I made that myself"

The fat woman lowered her voice as she spoke, because Ye Da's expression already looked like a man-eating ghost.

"You knock on my door in the middle of the night just to sell insoles?!"

Ye Da gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes dangerously.The fat woman's hand shook: "Um, if you don't need it, forget it, I'll just ask."

Ye Da threw out several hundred-yuan bills, snatched the insole from his hand, and raised his hand: "Is it okay now? Don't bother me again, or the consequences will be serious!"


The door of the room was closed heavily, the entire wall was rustling, and a row of wall dust fell down, mixed with blood and rolling.

Outside the door, the fat woman glanced at the eye-catching old man not far away.

what to do? !This ruthless man is so fierce!I feel like I can't be good tonight!

The old man with protruding eyes kept swinging his legs.

"How about we confess."

In the room at this time.

Ye Da was about to get furious, and the long wait made him lose all patience.

He just wanted to rush into the bathroom and fight Zhuang Man for [-] rounds.


The door was knocked again and again.

Ye Da froze at the bathroom door.

The temperature in the whole room dropped.

"Hehehe, there really are some people who are not afraid of death. I want to see who dares to knock on my door!"

"Boom!" Ye Da suddenly opened the door.

The turbulent "Yin Qi, Corpse Qi, and Evil Qi" escaped, exaggerating the entire corridor from the Shura Ghost Realm.

Ye Da tilted his head, his eyes flashing with a dangerous red light: "Didn't I tell you not to bother me again?"

Outside the door, there were two figures, one fat and one thin, kneeling on the ground, already terrified, it was the old man with prominent eyes and the fat woman.

"Sir, we were wrong if we took away magical powers."

Ye Da:.
"What do you two mean?"

The old man with protuberant eyes said: "Sir, we have no intention of harming anyone, and we don't know why you came here."

The fat woman said: "We just want to make some money and stop doing it. We won't do it anymore. It's too difficult to make money! Wow."

As she spoke, the fat woman began to cry and took out two insoles to wipe her tears.

Ye Da was silent for a moment.


The fat woman and the bulging-eyed old man looked at each other, tremblingly said: "We just want to make some money from human beings. Buying chickens is not harmful to people. Later, we couldn't pretend anymore, so we wanted to scare the adults away. The money can be returned to you."

Ye Da was startled suddenly, and looked at the fat woman's exposed half of her furry tail, and the abnormal distance between the eyes of the old man with protruding eyes.

He finally realized what was wrong!
At this time, the blood in the room dissipated, which was obviously some kind of illusion ability, and only the mottled ground could be seen.

Ye Da hurriedly opened the bathroom, and sure enough, he saw Zhuang Man wrapped in a towel and fainted in it, as if he passed out halfway after taking a bath.

After patting twice, Zhuang Man still couldn't wake up, Ye Da could only cover Zhuang Man with a bath towel, and then hugged him to the bed and wrapped him in the quilt.

That's it!

Did he fall into an illusion without knowing it? !
Just when Liu Xiaoqian was no longer by his side, did such an oolong happen?
Still such a vulgar illusion!Not only did I ignore many unreasonable things, but I also looked like a sperm in my head.
At this time, Ye Da looked at the two people outside the door with unkind eyes: "You guys are really good at it. You also know how to use charm skills to influence me so deeply."

There is already a killing intent in my heart.

The old man and the fat woman looked at each other: "Huh? No, we just did something scary."

Ye Da was stunned: "You didn't let me."

and many more.

It seems that I have not been normal before arriving at Yam Village.

The car fell into the mountain, why didn't you call the police?Or back on the main road for assistance from passing vehicles?Why would Mao want to sleep before talking about it? !

What was your brain circuit at that time?Why did Zhuang Man also think of talking after sleeping?

A flash of light flashed in Ye Da's mind, he thought of something, and rushed out immediately, and pushed open the door next door under the surprised eyes of the fat woman and the eye-catching old man:
"Zhuang Miao?! Are you okay?!"

On the bed in the next room, the little girl Zhuang Miao was hiding under the quilt, showing a pair of eyes, looking at Ye Da who rushed in, and said in surprise:

"So fast?"

Ye Da knocked Zhuang Miao on the forehead with a chestnut.

"Hurry up! Is it your fault!"

"I didn't expect that you little guy has already awakened to become a spiritual enlightener!"

(End of this chapter)

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