I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 195 The happiness of the rich

Chapter 195 The happiness of the rich
"Can this be sold for money?"

Wei Yueming actually didn't know what Ye Da meant by "opening up the gas field", he still couldn't believe it.

Can this kind of "air" that has no roots and no seeds, escapes every day, come out of the ground, be exchanged for money?
But he was indeed short of money, to be precise, Hu Niang and the others were short of money. Wei Yueming immediately chose to believe this in his heart.

Even if it's a fool, the business has to be confirmed.

Wei Yueming coughed twice, pretending to be calm and said: "Well, how much is this thing worth?"

Chen Jiu thought about it and said, "This is really hard to judge."

The previous yin qi was collected by the people below themselves, and this thing is not circulated in the market, so it is difficult to have a fair price.

Wei Yueming swallowed.

"How about one hundred at a time?"

He offered a price that he felt was a bit excessive.

One hundred at a time, if the other party comes every day, wouldn't it be 3000 a month?

Chen Jiu glanced at Ye Da, and instead of asking Wei Yueming, the master, he chose to ask Ye Da.

"What does Xiaoyou Ye think is appropriate?"

In fact, in terms of price, with Chen Jiu's financial resources, he could give Wei Yueming a price that he couldn't imagine.

But if these spirits and zombies got enough money, would they be willing to hide in the mountains?

As you can imagine, they will definitely change their way of life, and many problems will follow.

Perhaps the ghost family that could have survived in the mountains and forests would go extinct because of the sudden wealth.

Wei Yueming saw that the pricing power was not in his own hands, but in Ye Da's, and looked at Ye Da expectantly.

Ye Da looked at Wei Yueming and suddenly reacted.

People will have their own choices.

It may be because Hu Niang and the others have never done evil things, or it may be because of Hu Er's relationship, Ye Da has a good impression of this group of spirits.

But... since I am a human and the other party is a spirit, it is a bit too self-righteous to put myself in a position far higher than them.

Ye Da shook his head and said to Chen Jiu and Wei Yueming: "I won't participate in the pricing. Senior Chen Jiu can naturally give a reasonable price, but you should pay attention to it in the future. If you are too ostentatious and your identity is discovered by humans, the ending It doesn't make a difference because of how much money you have in your pocket."

Ye Da told Wei Yueming his previous worries completely, and let Wei Yueming make his own judgment.

After Wei Yueming heard this, he also knew that what Ye Da said was true. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I will find a way to restrain Madam Hu and the others. You are right. You really can't get too carried away."

In the end, Chen Jiu and Wei Yueming discussed for a while, and jointly decided to come up with a price that was far lower than Ye Da's expected price.

It was also a price far below Chen Jiu's financial level.

One thousand yuan.

For a month, people will be sent here basically every day, which means about 3 yuan a month.

In fact, for Chen Jiu, whether it is 30 a month or [-] a month or more, it doesn't make any difference. He can afford both and doesn't care.

Compared with money, the continuous stream of pure Yin Qi is obviously more precious.

However, Wei Yueming still took the initiative to lower the price to a level that he felt would free the two spirits from the pressure of food and have a surplus without completely messing up the set.

It doesn't make much sense for the two spirits to give them hundreds of thousands or tens of millions, because they can't integrate into human society and truly fully play the role of money, but it is easy to expose themselves.

It's better to meet the needs of life, have a little surplus, and then establish a good cooperation and friendship with Chen Jiu, a master, master, master, master.

At this stage, it is enough for the two spirits to meet the needs of life.

Wei Yueming was very content with the price that was ten times higher than his earliest psychological expectation. The money was all used in exchange for food, and the two families would be settled, even more than enough. As for more things, Wei Yueming could only wait and see.

With Ye Da's help, Wei Yueming and Chen Jiu completed a deal that both parties were satisfied with.

Afterwards, the three returned to Yam Village.

Looking at this cyber-style building with countless lights, Ye Da felt that the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

It's a pity that Hu Niang and the others have a problem with their identities, otherwise, this place actually has the potential to become an Internet celebrity attraction.

Human beings wanted to build a characteristic town, but it ended badly, and in the end it was achieved by a group of spirits and monsters.

It's kind of ironic, I have to say.

"Don't think about opening a shop to sell things anymore, just live in it yourself. The signboard of this 'Yam Village' should be removed. If you are found, run away. Human beings may be regarded as ghost stories."

Surrounded by mountains and forests, the light cannot reach very far. It can only be said that the building is built in this place. No wonder the project is unsustainable and even unfinished.Everything was over, and it was time for Ye Da to leave.

Hu Niang's family, Lao Ma's family, and Wei Yueming, a large group of "inhumans" stood in front of the gate of "Yam Village" and waved goodbye to Ye Da.

Apparently, the spirits of the two families, as well as hearing the good news from Wei Yueming, were all laughing happily at this moment.

Even Lao Ma, a toad spirit, doesn't look so strange when he laughs heartily.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye is free to come and play!"

Although it only appeared for one night, Ye Da has already changed the fate of "Yam Village".

The word "Yam Village" may not exist in the future, but the "people" of the two big families have the opportunity to live in peace and stability.

Waving to Hu Niang and the others, Ye Da and Chen Jiu left the "Yam Village"

Afterwards, someone from Chen Jiu will take care of the follow-up matters.

In winter, the sun is warm and the wind is slightly cold.

There were only two of them, Chen Jiu said:
"Ye Xiaoyou's previous troubles have been dealt with?"

Ye Da guessed that the other party was talking about the headless spirit body, and said: "It can only be said that one puzzle has been solved, but more puzzles have been involved."

Chen Jiu said with a smile: "About this matter, I actually want to discuss some things with Ye Xiaoyou. No, to be precise, there are several things."

"No problem, but do we have to go back to Donghai first? Can Mr. Chen Jiu take me back directly?"

Chen Jiu shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, my ability, other than my own, can only carry spirit bodies to shuttle, and I may disappoint Ye Xiaoyou."

Ye Da spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I still have to go back to Donghai by car.

It's a little troublesome in this barren mountain.

Just as he was thinking, there were bursts of roaring sounds from the distant sky, and Ye Da looked over curiously.

then dumbfounded
A helicopter, flying from the sky.

The strong wind brought by the propeller made a "cracking" sound.

It's like slapping Ye Da on the face
Is this the happiness of the rich?

Damn it, don’t all the books say that rich people are unhappy?
Chen Jiu smiled and said, "Ye Xiaoyou, please."

To own a helicopter, all it takes is money.

Hmm. A lot of money.

But after owning a helicopter, it can still be used normally, and it is allowed to go into the air and be used as a means of transportation.

That requires more than money.

At least not something that can be handled with money.

Ye Da once thought that driving a sports car worth more than 200 million yuan and feeling the fiery eyes of the opposite sex on the side of the road was already the happiness of a rich man, even though he only had 10 yuan in his pocket at that time.

But when he was sitting in the helicopter, Ye Da realized that the happiness of rich people was beyond his imagination.

The helicopter went all the way back to Donghai and stopped on the top floor of Kyushu Hospital.

It was only then that Ye Da knew that there was an apron on the rooftop of Jiuzhou Hospital.

But the helicopter they made was all black, and it didn't seem to be an emergency helicopter.

Good guy, more than one
On the rooftop, four or five staff members were waiting to greet them, but Chen Jiu directly asked them to go about their own affairs.

The paragraph just said again:
With a helicopter, it can also be used as a means of transportation in daily life, and it can also have its own landing pad, and four or five little girls will greet you when you get off the plane.

Must be quite rich.
And quite happy.

With a smile on his face, Chen Jiu led Ye Da to the dean's office.

As the leading special hospital in the East China Sea, the office of the director of Jiuzhou Hospital is quite large, but it is not very luxurious, and the overall style is still biased towards the pragmatic style of the hospital.

Seemingly knowing that Ye Da didn't drink tea, Chen Jiu poured Ye Da a glass of water.

"Little friend Ye, some time ago, Lao Zhou came to see me."

(End of this chapter)

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