I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 196 The Deal and Favor with Chen 9

Chapter 196 The Deal and Favor with Chen Jiu

Ye Da originally thought that Chen Jiu would ask about the headless spirit body first, but unexpectedly Chen Jiu mentioned another matter.

It seems that Lao Zhou still reported to Chen Jiu.

Ye Da was not surprised. If Lao Zhou chose to hide it from Chen Jiu, Ye Da would be more worried.

Worried about Lao Zhou's mental state.

"Old Zhou was very conflicted, but he still told me that if he offended Ye Xiaoyou, I would like to apologize on behalf of Lao Zhou, but this matter is a good thing, and I think we can cooperate with Ye Xiaoyou."

What Chen Jiu was talking about was naturally the matter of putting the soul into the corpse.

He may not know that Ye Da, who has both "Nine Yins" and "Juantian", can do more than just find a body for the soul, but can "create life".

But Ye Da is not going to reveal this ability for the time being.

This ability is only in his imagination and has not been really tested, and it will involve the secret of the boy in white.

As for Chen Jiu's opening to cooperate, it is also reasonable.

As the king of spirit bodies in the East China Sea, Chen Jiu was responsible for a large number of spirit bodies. When he found out about this, he naturally had to make plans for his subordinates. Otherwise, he would be derelict in his duties as a leader.

Even the "Yam Village" matter may be used as a pavement for future openings.

Ye Da didn't hesitate for too long, and agreed in principle to cooperate with Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu provided the material, and Ye Da came forward to use the ability.

For Chen Jiu who owns more than one hospital, it is not difficult to get suitable corpses. However, Chen Jiu is not planning to operate in large quantities, but will select individual suitable spirit bodies and set up a test field first.

According to the game in his previous life, Chen Jiu belongs to the neutral order camp, and even tends to be kind. He will not kill and seize the corpses for his subordinates, but will use more complicated and reasonable methods, such as corpses donate.

Ye Da felt that there must be existences like Chen Ruyan and Lao Zhou among the first batch of spirit bodies to undergo the test.

As for Ye Da's salary, Ye Da deliberately didn't mention it.

Although Chen Jiu could provide a lot, Ye Da still decided to postpone the matter.

He has a major event in the future and needs Chen Jiu's help.

Chen Jiu actually hoped that Ye Da could make a specific request, because he also knew that the free ones were the most expensive.

After agreeing on the follow-up matters, the two inevitably talked about the headless spirit body.

"That day I felt an incomparably powerful spirit body appear in the East China Sea. When I rushed over, Ye Xiaoyou was already wrapped in the body by that powerful spirit body. I guessed that Ye Xiaoyou was safe and sound, so I didn't bother you too much. I just let Ru Yan go to appease Look at that little girl."

Ye Da thanked: "No matter what, I'd like to thank Fuzhao, that girl Liu Xiaoqian is quite impatient, if you don't take care of her, I don't know what troubles will happen."

This favor also has to be inherited.

In fact, starting from "Yam Village", the two have been doing human pull.

Because the two of them are not characters that can be driven by money, it is more complicated to deal with each other.

But obviously in the end, Chen Jiu owed Ye Da much more, which also meant that he would pay a lot in the future.

What's more interesting is that Chen Jiu didn't know about it, and Ye Da himself didn't know much about some secrets of the Ye family.

And Ye Da didn't know that Chen Jiu knew some secrets of the Ye family.

For example, Chen Jiu knew the name of the headless spirit, and he thought Ye Da also knew it. Ye Da didn't know the name of the headless spirit, and he didn't know that Chen Jiu knew it.
Some coincidences and taking it for granted that both of them missed a lot of things this time.

Ye Da lost a lot of intelligence, while Chen Jiu lost an important opportunity.

Ye Da pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked:
"Senior Chen Jiu, do you know what the state of 'Extreme Peak' is? Are you already 'Extreme Peak'?"

Chen Jiu was not surprised that Ye Da would ask this question, but showed a longing expression.

Yes, longing.

"Jue Ding is the pinnacle of the old practice path. There are hundreds of millions of living beings in Kyushu, and even one 'Jue Ding' may not appear in two to three hundred years. Although I have been on the path of cultivation for a long time, it has always been difficult to reach the realm of Jue Ding. "

Ye Daruo thought: "'Superior' is the realm of the old practice path, does the spiritual enlightener also say this?"

Chen Jiu nodded and said: "Different paths lead to the same destination. I guess that spiritual enlighteners also have a chance to reach the end. The path may be different, but the end is there. However, I don't think there are top-level spiritual enlighteners in Kyushu now. The top of all living beings is a rare event in a hundred years. You should not pay attention to whether the spiritual enlightener can reach the top, but should pay attention to who can reach the top." Ye Da thought about Chen Jiu's words over and over in his heart.

"Different paths lead to the same destination"

The way of practice in the old days was to cultivate the Dharma, and the modern Kyushu is to develop one's own spiritual enlightenment ability.

There are not only reasons for the severance of the inheritance of Dharma sects, but also reasons for the changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

The key node in it is likely to be the period of memory that I saw before, that is, the period of alien invasion, this part that was erased in the history of Kyushu.

Among the spirit enlighteners, the strongest Ye Da has ever seen so far should be Jiang Hou.

The kind of power that can easily face anyone, Ye Da has not seen any predicament of Jiang Hou's lack of combat power. Basically, it seems to be crushing to everyone, which also shows that his strength has not been tested yet.

Even Yan Yongheng and Qinzhou Chief Officer who are also captains, to be honest, Ye Da felt that one-on-one was far from Jiang Hou's opponent.

But there won’t be a single “unparalleled success” in two to three hundred years.
Ye Da always felt that Jiang Hou almost meant that.

After leaving Kyushu Hospital, Ye Da finally got a short rest time. From the accident of "Deshan" a few days ago to now coming out of Kyushu Hospital, it is impossible to say that he is not tired.

Zombies are not made of iron, they also have to sleep in the refrigerator and eat roast duck.

Ye Da didn't care about the deal with Chen Jiu for the time being, nor did he want to care about Ye Jianguo's secrets, nor did he want to care about the interview with screenwriter Lang Dao and Zhuang Miao's joining the youth training camp.

He just wants to go home now, he's really tired.

In the familiar happiness.

The familiar "Aunt Li Roast Meat".

"Xiaoye, I haven't been here for several days. I thought you went home early for the New Year."

Ye Da was taken aback.

Yes, winter vacation is coming soon.

"I had something to do a few days ago. Bring me two roast ducks and half a roast goose."

Ye Da noticed that Aunt Li's daughter, the senior who was supposed to be helping inside in a wheelchair, was not here today.

Seemingly seeing Ye Da's curiosity, the boss said, "My daughter is recovering today and she is in the hospital."

Said, showing a worried expression.

"It's too painful, even though my legs are gone, and I still have to suffer. The doctor said that it can improve the quality of life in the future."

Spirits and monsters have troubles with spirits, and human beings have disasters.

Ye Da nodded, carrying a big bag of roast duck and goose, and walked towards the community.

I don't know if the proprietress woke up Ye Da with a word. He didn't think it at first, but now he felt a lot of depression in happiness.

Ye Da suddenly reacted.

Those who don’t celebrate the Chinese New Year seem to have nowhere to go.
Want to go back to Xiangxi to find Ye Jianguo?
He really didn't want to meet Ye Jianguo until he figured out some things.

After traveling through Kyushu for so many years, there are no places where you can celebrate the New Year.

In the previous life, the Ye family's main house was considered interesting for celebrating the New Year, but now, it seems that there is only one Ye Jianguo left in the Ye family.

While thinking, Ye Da took out the key and pushed open the door.

The cold and soft feeling hit Ye Da's arms.

Liu Xiaoqian rushed into Ye Da's arms.

"Grandpa, welcome home!"

Ye Da froze for a moment, and said after a while.

"Well, I'm back."

(End of this chapter)

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