Chapter 198
As a beetle, Baiying obviously couldn't fit in well with her human soul, even worse than when she was a bird.

Unable to speak, unable to express, if Ye Da hadn't sensed her soul, she would actually look no different from an ordinary beetle.

This kind of soul injection has a greater impact on the obliteration of human consciousness and the obliteration of soul restrictions.

I don't know if Baiying's expected savior will be able to make it in time.

The next day Ye Da went to class as usual, and taking a few days off did not cause any waves among his classmates, even though he was a well-known figure in the school.

However, Ye Dada didn't know until he arrived at the school that Wang Weiwen had also asked for leave for the past few days, and he hasn't come back until today.

What broke the peaceful campus life was not news from the practitioners, but Chen Jiu's phone call.

Only one day later, Ye Da received a call that Chen Jiu's side was ready.

Ye Da was also a little surprised at this speed. He thought it would take some time even for Chen Jiu to get a suitable corpse, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

At night, Ye Da came to Kyushu Hospital on a talking board skateboard.

Due to the need to rely on the entity of the "Nine Yin Stone Bian", the "abandoned hospital" space that can only accommodate consciousness cannot be there.

This time Ye Da did not go to the dean's office, but to the garage entrance of the inpatient department.

Walking to the entrance, there was no one in the security booth, but a translucent spirit standing at the corner.

A little girl wearing an old-fashioned nurse's uniform is very transparent, far less solid than Lao Zhou and Chen Ruyan.

Fortunately, ordinary people can't see it, otherwise they will be scared to death.

Ye Da walked over, the spirit body seemed to know Ye Da, and bowed to Ye Da.

"Mr. Ye, please come with me."

I don't know if there were so few people in the hospital garage at night, or if Chen Jiu had done some cleaning.

Ye Da asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

The spirit nurse didn't turn her head, and said in a low voice, "The morgue."

"The morgue is in the garage?"

Ye Da did not expect this.

The spirit nurse nodded and said, "It's cool underground, it's convenient for the hearse to pick up and drop off, and it's not easy to scare the living."

Obviously, this man also worked in the hospital before he was alive and knew a lot.

But it's not easy to scare the living, Ye Da put a question mark, this car came to the hospital, turned around in the garage and drove to the mortuary, how scary.

Going down from the entrance of the garage on foot, Ye Da followed the spirit body of the nurse around the garage several times.

Finally found the entrance to the mortuary around the corner.

No wonder the other party said that it is not easy to scare people, and there is not even a sign.

Walking into it, the structure and layout are somewhat similar to the previous funeral home, but there are not only morgues, but also anatomy rooms and specimen rooms. Maybe such a place does not need frequent renovations, and the overall appearance looks quite old .

Chen Jiu was already waiting here, and Lao Zhou was with Chen Jiu.

Lao Zhou looked at Ye Da and squeezed out a cramped smile.

"Mr. Ye"

Ye Da didn't embarrass Lao Zhou too much, and nodded his head as a signal, and Lao Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, he didn't keep the secret after all, and was worried that it would hurt Ye Da's mood.

Ye Da looked at Chen Jiu and said, "Did you find a suitable body so quickly?"

"Good luck, I may need to trouble Ye Xiaoyou twice today."

Ye Da looked at Lao Zhou behind Chen Jiu, and said, "Two at a time? One is Lao Zhou? Who is the other?"

Chen Jiu took out a cigarette case from his sleeve, and Chen Ruyan was in the picture frame, holding a board: "Ye Langjun, we meet again."

Chen Jiu tapped the corpse freezer, and two drawers popped out.

Probably because he was worried that Ye Da might misunderstand his speed too fast, Chen Jiu took the initiative to explain:

"These two bodies, one died of cancer last week, and the other died of sudden cardiac death three days ago, have gone through the body donation procedures, and have given enough compensation to the two families in private. It's a disastrous thing."

Compliance is more or less not completely compliant, but it is already very disciplined.

Opening the body bag, the two bodies inside looked complete, fresh, and without any defects.

One is a man in his 50s, with a thin face and only fatigue between his brows. It seems that he was tortured by illness for a period of time before his death.

The other one is a woman in her twenties, with a good face and a good figure, except for some sunken eye sockets, there is no abnormality.

This body should be the one that died suddenly, and Ye Da couldn't help but lament that the world is impermanent, the best age is in his 20s, and he can leave as soon as he wants.

Ye Da didn't talk nonsense, he took out a stone needle from his arm, and slowly pierced into the forearm of the female body.

After thinking about it, I recalled that in the county annals of Wen County, the boy in white seems to have pierced more than one stone needle when he gave acupuncture to control the corpse of the dead. I don't know whether the number will affect the final effect, but Ye Da still pierced two stone needles, one in the other. left and right hands.

After doing all this, Ye Da looked at the cigarette case in Chen Jiu's hand with some difficulty.

This is a spiritual object, Chen Ruyan's soul does not know how to combine with this cigarette case, how can he take out his soul?
Without Ye Da having a headache, Chen Jiu moved his fingers slightly, and Chen Ruyan's spiritual body floated out of the cigarette box, and Hou stood aside.

It seems that it is not difficult for her to get out of the cigarette box. It seems that she just doesn't like to stay outside?
Correspondingly, the cheongsam beauties on the frame of the cigarette case disappeared, and the whole cigarette case also became unpretentious, and some inexplicable sense of agility and magic disappeared.

This was also the first time Ye Da saw Chen Ruyan who was not attached to "Beautiful Cigarettes" in the real world.

It's nothing special, just like the one in the abandoned hospital.

Ye Da nodded, on his right hand, on the chip circuit-like tattoo, the thickest and longest one, a little bit of fluorescent light appeared.

That is, among the three main needles, the power of "Taiyin" is being stimulated.

Ye Da grabbed Chen Ruyan's hand, and guided Chen Ruyan's spirit body through the power of stone needles.

"Don't resist."

Although it is not the first time to use Jiuyin Zhuling, Li Siyue's remnant soul and Baiying's soul are completely under Ye Da's control, but Chen Ruyan is completely different. other problems.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Chen Ruyan's spirit body was successfully guided, first turning into a ball of light, and then being injected into the corpse.Soon, the young female corpse slowly sat up, and her eyes gradually changed from cloudy to clear.

After a while, she opened her mouth and said slowly: "It's really successful."

Chen Jiu heaved a sigh of relief, while Lao Zhou clenched his hands excitedly.

Chen Ruyan carefully rubbed her fingertips, cold and hard. But how many years has she not experienced this kind of real touch?

Just the touch of her fingertips already gave her the urge to cry.

She was so excited that she couldn't help herself.

It's a pity that she couldn't cry. Although she had a body at this time, it was still far from a living person.

Looking at Ye Da with a pair of eyes, there are mixed feelings in his heart.

Because of the existence of "Beautiful Cigarettes", she has always trusted her instincts.

As early as the first time she met Ye Da, she had a premonition that Ye Da would be her nobleman, her lucky star.

One day, she will be reborn because of Ye Da.

This premonition was unreasonable, but she believed it.

That's why he wanted to follow Yu Da, and even persuaded Uncle Jiu to come forward.

Although he failed in the end, Chen Ruyan still confirmed his hunch after going around.

Stared at by this body, or the one who could be called Chen Ruyan now, Ye Da scratched his cheek strangely.

Is there something on my face?

The first "Infusion of Spirits" went extremely well, and Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief.

The next step is much simpler, just inject Lao Zhou's soul into another body.

After half an hour, it's all over.

Originally there were only two people standing in the morgue, but now there were four people.

This will definitely scare the average person out of their minds.

Lao Zhou and Chen Ruyan are still getting used to the sensation of their bodies, and their movements are a bit strange and uncoordinated.

Chen Jiu was amazed.

I thought to myself that he was indeed a descendant of the Ye family. It was really amazing.

It’s just that Ye Xiaoyou also has a Yin body. I don’t know which generation of the Ye family he is a legacy of.
Ye Da's words interrupted Chen Jiu's train of thought: "Although they have a body, it is difficult to unite their spirit and flesh after all. Using the spirit to control the body will consume a lot of energy. It is best to replenish Yin Qi every day, and they still need to rest. It is recommended to run around for 24 hours, just like a living person going to sleep."

Chen Jiu nodded. Of course, he had already thought about this before. As the first attempt, he would be responsible for the situation of Chen Ruyan and Lao Zhou, and would keep an eye on him to ensure that there would be no problems. Can it last for a long time, and is it effective for all spiritual bodies.

After leaving Kyushu Hospital, Ye Da stepped on his skateboard and headed towards Happiness.

In his pocket, there was an extra pack of cigarettes.

It was Chen Ruyan's personal gift.

There is no Chen Ruyan himself, but the efficacy of the 20 cigarettes already in the pack still exists.

As for the effect, it is also very metaphysical.

"Strong luck".

A mysterious and mysterious statement.

Liu Xiaoqian once smoked two, in order to pray for Ye Da's safety.

According to Chen Ruyan, a person's fortune will also affect the fortune of those close to him.

Because someone close to him is unlucky, then that person cannot be called lucky.

Ye Da hasn't tried it yet, but next time he needs to fight for probability, he can order one to try.

According to Liu Xiaoqian, it is very powerful.

The kind that can make your voice hoarse.

On the deserted night road, the chatterbox skateboard said: "Hey! My vehicle, can you wipe the wheels for me when I go back, I feel like I went to the morgue and the whole board is not clean."

Ye Da: "I'll put water for you, you go in and twist it yourself."

After turning two more intersections and waiting for the traffic light, Ye Da suddenly said, "Xiaoqian, do you want to try it?"

Liu Xiaoqian got out of her arm, looked left and right, and no one could see her, so she said: "Gongong means entering the body?"

Ye Da nodded first, but then shook his head and said, "More than that, I can do more."

If you use a large amount of vitality white smoke to infect a recently dead body.

According to the power of Jiuyin and Juantian, it should be possible to completely revive Liu Xiaoqian.

As a living person, start again.

After talking about this method with Liu Xiaoqian, Liu Xiaoqian did not reply directly, but asked, "What about benefactor? Can benefactor use this method?"

Ye Da pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't."

His own situation is rather special. The white smoke of vitality cannot act on the "core" of the essence, and will conflict with "yin energy, corpse energy, and evil energy", and can only act on the "body" shaped by Ye Jianguo.

He wants to become a living person, which is more complicated than spirit bodies and ghosts like Liu Xiaoqian and Chen Ruyan. Maybe only "The Way of Living in the World" can do it.

If it is really as effective as Ye Jianguo said.
Ye Da touched his neck subconsciously.

Liu Xiaoqian said: "Forget it then, I will think about this again when my benefactor succeeds."

"What kind of benefactor is like, is what I am like."

Eunuch is a zombie, and I am a female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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