I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 199 Brother and Brother

Chapter 199 Brother and Brother

"Hold on, in another ten days, spring will begin."

"Yeah. Yeah, you are tired too. Year after year, the days are like years."

"You can't leave, you must stay. Yunzhou can't live without you, and it can't live without Wang Wenwei."

Wang Weiwen suddenly opened his eyes.

Is it a dream?
There have been more dreams recently, when did it start?It seems to be after watching "Dynasty and Heaven".

Even earlier, Luoyunshan's own "dharma" was stolen.

For him, the memories of the past are too complicated, so that most of the dreams make him feel heavy, and even wake up from sleep.

Wang Weiwen took out his phone from his pillow and glanced at the time.

Just over a little
On the screen saver of the mobile phone is a group photo. A few months ago, Yunzhou Lake Farmhouse just came to the island. Before so many strange things happened, a group photo of ancient literature majors.

That was the only group outing so far.

In the following days, unexpected incidents continued, and the entire Kyushu was not peaceful. From Yunzhou Lake, to the Lingzi incident in the library, to the sharp increase in the number of Kyushu ghosts, and to the "headless muscular man" floating in the East China Sea. superior.

Everyone also lost the interest and courage to travel.

In the group photo, Wang Weiwen stood in the center, with Ye Da next to him.

Look at the smiles, everyone is very happy.

Looking at the photos on the phone, Wang Weiwen was a little dazed. It took him a while to sort out his memory and find a sense of the times.

Looking at the person next to him, Wang Weiwen murmured: "Ye Da. Could it be that you are chasing stars? Haha?"

"dong dong dong"

A crisp knock sounded on the door.

"Brother, are you asleep?"

Hearing this address, Wang Weiwen was taken aback.

It's been a long time since Wang Weiwu called him "brother".

In other words, Wang Weiwu has tried his best to avoid communicating with him since a long time ago, let alone calling him by this name.

Without hesitating for too long, Wang Weiwen asked Wang Weiwu to come in.

Wang Weiwu pushed open the door. He was dressed neatly at this time, and he didn't look like a person after one o'clock in the middle of the night. He probably didn't sleep at all.

"what's up?"

Wang Weiwu didn't go into his brother's bedroom, but stood at the door, and said after a while, "Brother, is there any news about Luo Chao?"

Wang Weiwen picked up a glass of water from the bedside, and rubbed between his brows wearily: "Not yet."

Recently, he has spent a lot of effort for Wang Weiwu's request, cooperated with the special affairs department to participate in the investigation, and even asked for leave from the school.

But unfortunately, not much has been achieved.

I just found out that the group of people who bullied Luo Chao were also possessed by the God of Mercy.

But a few days ago, the body of the God of Mercy was expelled on the Yuezhou Sea, and this group of people has been completely silent, and they might even leave the East China Sea.

To this day, it is an obvious conclusion that Luo Chao was parasitized by the God of Mercy.

So no matter how much Wang Weiwu hopes for his friend's safe return, this hope will inevitably turn into disappointment.

With the current technology and research, the parasitism of the Merciful God is irreversible and will definitely affect thinking. Luo Chao is already "abnormal".

He was unwilling to tell Wang Weiwu about some things. First, he was afraid of hurting him. Second, Wang Weiwu was just an ordinary person after all, so there was no need to get involved in these dangerous things.

The more you know, the easier it is to cause trouble with Wang Weiwu's personality.

Hearing the negative answer, Wang Weiwu clenched his fists.

He felt that Wang Weiwen was perfunctory.

He knew that he was unreasonable, but the resentment in his heart could not be suppressed.

People often let negative emotions vent when facing people close to them.

"Are you looking it up! Don't you usually have supernatural powers? Why can't you find anyone!"

Wang Weiwen's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Wang Weiwu was taken aback by his brother's eyes, but after standing firmly on his feet, he still poked his neck and said, "Aren't you very powerful? A-level spiritual enlightener? Dawn team? You are not paying attention at all! You are perfunctory me!"

Wang Weiwen got out of bed expressionlessly, put on pajamas, and walked in front of Wang Weiwu.

Seeing his brother walking in front of him step by step, Wang Weiwu closed his eyes due to the perennial prestige, and he even felt his brother's slap on his face.

But this is all his illusion.

Wang Weiwen gently put his hand on Wang Weiwu's shoulder.

"Weiwu. Even I can't do anything." "You have to know that not every expectation can lead to good results."

After saying all this, Wang Weiwen patted Wang Weiwu on the shoulder and said, "You need to rest early, you have to go to class tomorrow, it's worse than screwing up one important thing, it's screwing up everything."

The rooms slowly closed.

When there was only one gap left, through the dim moonlight, Wang Weiwu saw the color in his brother's eyes.

It is deep disappointment.

Wang Weiwu stood in front of the door for a long time.


He slapped himself hard.

This is the most angry look in his eyes at home.

It was also him, the most resentful self.

Ye Da returned home and looked at the beetle in the glass.

Sluggish, rigid behavior, no different from general insects.

With the physiological structure and brain capacity of a beetle, it can only support Baiying's "alive".

The restriction in her soul will be wiped out very quickly, and what will also be wiped out is her cognition of "being born as a human being".

In the end, it became a "memory package" with no soul and no self-awareness.

"It will take a while."

Bai Ying is definitely not worthy of sympathy, because of her good looks and good figure, one should not ignore that she is an old hag who has lived for a hundred years and killed thousands of people.

Still an alien.

According to Ye Da's estimate, with his current operations, Bai Ying will definitely not last for a month, and his willpower is weaker, even half a month is enough.

That is to say, there is still less than a month left before completely exploring the secret of the Dharma seeker and mastering all the "Dharma" that Baiying possesses.

Those who seek Dharma are coming. Let’s pretend it’s not far away.

Standing on the balcony, staring at the old building outside the window.

But Jiang Hou's words sounded in Ye Da's mind.

"Increase strength."

Possible Dharma Seekers strike.

Ye Jianguo, who was originally a solid backing, now lacks a somewhat confusing motive.

The changes in the environment of Kyushu, the strangeness of the God of Mercy.

All these put Ye Da under a lot of pressure.

Ever since Xiangxi was dug out by Ye Jianguo, Ye Da actually didn't pursue the word "strength" too much.

Because when he just climbed out of the coffin, he was already very strong.

Except for Ye Jianguo, who couldn't beat him, he could kill the people, dogs, chickens, ducks, pigs, and all living things in the whole village with a single breath of "corpse aura".

But this kind of "strength" is obviously not what Ye Da wants, and he even regards it as a negative force.

What he wants is not the power to kill hundreds of people casually, but to be able to eat normal food, drink normal drinks, have a face that doesn't scare people to death, integrate into human society, watch movies, eat delicious food, make friends, Then marry a wife and have children.

The strength of "flying stiff" is nothing more than a "monster".

Humans are not happy about becoming a "monster", especially if the monster is ugly.

Even if this monster is very strong.

So he has been very cooperative with Ye Jianguo's transformation of himself, constantly suppressing his "inhuman" power and transforming himself.

If he hadn't suppressed his own "flying stiff" power, his best result would be Wei Yueming who was hundreds of times stronger, either killing all directions or living alone.

Today, in terms of strength, although he has some external assistance, Ye Da's true essential strength is much weaker and unusable due to being suppressed compared to when he just got out of the coffin board.

Likewise, he has achieved many of his goals at the time.

You can watch movies, grit your teeth and eat normal food, make friends, go to college, integrate into human society, and enjoy the life that human beings should have.

But the deduction of fate pushed him to the point where he had to seek more power.

In the past, he always resisted these things.

He is now in a paradox.

The body already has its own power, but it cannot be used.

We can only make up for the deficiency by constantly looking for external forces.

"Try. What is the Nine Yin Formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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