Chapter 200

When I came to the roadside garden at the back of Happiness, there was no one here at this time, and even the street lights couldn't shine inside, it was pitch black.

Ye Da walked to the center and sat on the wooden bench.

After thinking about it, Ye Da took out a vintage cigarette case and took out a cigarette from it.

I have heard about Meili brand cigarettes for a long time, but I have never tried them.

What is the role of this "strong luck"?
When Chen Ruyan was injected with spirits before, the other party seemed to have smoked Meili brand cigarettes in advance.

I just want to do something later, order one and try it out.

Ye Da held the cigarette in his mouth and realized that he had no fire.
Just about to get up and go to the convenience store to buy a lighter, the cigarette on his mouth ignited spontaneously.

A faint green smoke rises and smells delicious.

Ye Da took a deep breath.

I can't say what it feels like. Ye Da had a taste of cigarettes in his first life. He had obviously changed his body, so he shouldn't feel "cool" anymore, but at this time Ye Da had a habit of smoking cigarettes. After three days and three nights, I finally clicked the first one.

It's that sense of stability and relaxation that comes from the depths of the soul.

A little tension and heaviness dissipated, and the whole person became high-spirited.

Whether "strong luck" has played a role is still unknown, but the mental state is already refreshed, and I feel that everything will go smoothly and I will not be nervous.

But I heard from Liu Xiaoqian that two sticks of this thing will get angry, and three sticks will make my voice hoarse. I can't use more, I only have 20 sticks, and I need to use them at critical moments.

Ye Da settled down, called out Liu Xiaoqian, and asked him to take Xiaoqing to guard the surroundings, and if anyone approached, he would use illusion to drive away.

Getting ready, Ye Da took out several stone needles from his right hand.

There are nine Yins in total, among which "Taiyin", "Shaoyin" and "Jueyin" are the most special, which have three functions of "injecting the soul and devouring the spirit", "accumulating the soul and nourishing the spirit", and "restraining the soul and dispatching the spirit".

The other six roots do not have a separate name. Apart from being used as a medium for injecting souls, they can also control corpses.

In addition, it has another ability, which is to form a formation called "Nine Yin Array", but after Ye Da collected all the Nine Yin Stone Pointers, he never had the chance to try it.

Tonight, he was going to explore it.

Of course, the premise is that this "Nine Yin Formation" will not make too much noise. If the momentum is too exaggerated, he will stop it immediately.

Ye Da followed the internal information of the Jiuyin Stone Bian, and used Yin Qi to control the envoy, and threw the six stone needles out.

A miraculous scene happened, the six stone needles did not fall on the ground, but were suspended in mid-air.

Exudes fluorescence, slightly ups and downs.

Ye Da was a little puzzled, what's the use of this?

He tried to control the stone needles.

"Shh" sound.

Then there was a crisp sound.

The stone needle pierced through the big tree beside him.

Ye Da was startled by the sound of crackling wood, and ran over to check. On the big tree surrounded by two or three people, a hole the size of chopsticks penetrated from left to right, and the hole even smoked.

The stone needle that pierced through the big tree was unscathed, and it was still suspended on the other side of the big tree. Ye Da was somewhat familiar with this posture.

At Donghong Hotel, the three stone needles were suspended in the air and pierced into his body.

Later, Wang Weiwen also heard that when the remaining stone needles were in the Wang family, he tried to mobilize them, but the stone needles were useless except for levitation.

"The so-called Nine Yin Formation. I thought it was some mysterious formation, but it turned out to be a 'killing formation'."

I thought it would be some kind of effect of gathering yin energy.
This was really beyond Ye Da's expectation, but it was also reasonable.

Strange people like the boy in white must be driven by some method of killing.

It's just that in the memory I saw, facing the steel flamethrower, the boy in white just responded with a pair of fleshy palms. I don't know if those enemies are unworthy.

Ye Da continued to try to control the remaining ones, not to mention his arms and fingers, but he also moved according to his heart.

Flying up and down, stabbing forward and backward.The material of the stone needle itself should not reach this level, but it becomes indestructible after adding "Yin Qi".

Strength and speed seem to be related to the amount of Yin Qi injected, the more injected, the higher the energy consumption and the greater the power.

Slim shape and indestructible properties.
It reminded Ye Da of the movie of the first world, a certain blue-skinned whistler controlled a flying arrow by voice control.

But Ye Da can control six.

This boy in white is really smart. In terms of killing efficiency, this method is simple and effective, and the efficiency is much higher than the ability of a lot of sparks and whistles.

This is indeed the most effective killer of needles.

Ye Da manipulated the six stone needles to fly around the park to improve his proficiency.

He found that it is not difficult to manipulate one or two, but if he manipulates six at the same time, he must buff himself with the "Yin Qi Concentration" BUFF to improve his concentration and focus on nothing else.

But even so, to manipulate the six stone needles, one's own body can only do some simple movements, and it is not realistic to use one mind for seven purposes.

Basically, in actual combat, the six stone needles will occupy most of his mind, and the main body can only cooperate with some running or positioning.
As for the power, Ye Da depends on how much Yin Qi is injected, but even the most basic strength cannot be tolerated by a flesh and blood body, leaving a hole through the body is the end of most creatures, and the stone needle The lingering yin energy will also have a certain erosive effect on the living beings. The big tree that was pierced first has a feeling of wilting.

Sin, sin, if there are people who love trees, please apologize first.

Since there were no living things around, Ye Da could only try his armor-piercing ability by himself. He attached Yin Qi to his right hand, and his entire arm became pitch black.

Yin Qi gloves, Ye Da also called them "black hands" in his heart.

In this state, Ye Da's defense will be greatly enhanced.

After Ye Da's practice, the area that can be covered by the black hand has become larger and larger, and now it can completely cover the main parts of the upper body.

Or the main position of the lower body.

First, with the most basic strength, manipulate the stone needle to pierce his palm.

There was a beep of "Shua", and then Ye Da felt a strong attack.

The palms of Shi Needle and Ye Da collided, and the sound of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the park.

Ye Da was not repelled, but was injured!

Yin Qi gloves cannot completely defend against the stone needle's stabbing, even if it is the most basic power.

The blackness on the palm receded, revealing Ye Da's fleshy palm.

It goes in, but not all the way in.

Pulling out the stone needle, Ye Da looked at the wound that healed quickly. He had a better understanding of the lower limit of the stone needle's power, and carefully felt the condition of the wound.

If you take it slow, you will be healed.

Ye Da mastered the manipulation of the stone needle very quickly, and he was fully proficient in just over an hour. I don't know if it was the blessing of "Beautiful Cigarettes" that made his luck better.

However, it is a bit strange to control six stone needles, but it is called "Nine Yin Formation".

The boy in white is very powerful, but the level of naming is not flattering.

From now on it will be called the "Six Nine Assault Formation".

On the way back, Ye Da saw a 24-hour convenience store, remembered something, and walked in.

The clerk was dozing off, but Ye Da didn't come to buy anything.

In a corner of the convenience store, there is an automatic scratch-off vending machine.

It cost 5 yuan a piece, Ye Da scanned the QR code and bought ten.

He wanted to see what the effect of this "strong luck" would be.

10 minute later.

Looking at the scratch-off in his hand, he repeatedly confirmed the number and amount on it.


Five dollar scratch tickets.
I won 5!
Chen Ruyan is awesome!
Beautiful brand cigarettes are awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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