Chapter 201
Scan the QR code of Scratch to the machine.

This kind of machine automatically scans the code to match the prize.

"Ding dong! Huaqianbao has arrived."

Ye Da felt a little unreal until the phone 50350 arrived.

Really won the lottery?
By scratch? !
Among them, 350 is the grand prize of that one, and the other [-] is the total bonus of the remaining nine.

You know, Ye Da only spent 50 yuan in total, and the scratch-off music is five yuan apiece.

This thing, Ye Da even thought it was a scam before, and the price of 10 yuan and 20 yuan for scratch-off music is already the limit.

And as the grand prize of 5 yuan was scraped out, Ye Da also felt in the dark that something was exhausted.

The effect of "strong luck" is over.

Ye Da couldn't judge for the time being whether the time had reached the limit or his luck had been exhausted because of winning the lottery. Only then did he feel the preciousness of 20 (currently 19) Meili cigarettes.

This effect is too strong.

So strong that he wanted to call and ask Chen Ruyan:
So, what is the price?

My own research on the "Six Nine Assault Formation" just now went so smoothly, and I was able to get familiar with it so quickly, so that there were no disturbances, would it also have the effect of "strong luck"?

Ye Da touched his pocket, this cigarette case must be kept well, not to be worn out.

Looking back, I looked for an opportunity to ask Chen Ruyan if she had a chance to refill the cigarette. It seemed that it was not too precious to her, and Liu Xiaoqian smoked three of them.

According to Chen Ruyan, "strong luck" will affect people close to him. For example, if someone gets the effect of "strong luck", then during this period of time, at least his family members should not have any major accidents, otherwise what would happen to him himself? It's not really "lucky".

Maybe I was taken out of the East China Sea by a headless spirit body, and I made such a big commotion, but I came back without any danger and did not meet the official search force. Is it also due to Liu Xiaoqian's "strong luck"?
Among all the spiritual enlightenments that Ye Da has used, seen, and heard, Meili cigarettes may be the most powerful.

Ye Da even felt that he could not lose to the weird "Nine Yin Stone Bian".

Because it involves a trace of cause and effect.

Has the scratch card that won the big prize been lying in this machine all the time?The idea of ​​buying lottery tickets came out by myself, was it accidental?
Ye Da restrained his urge to try another cigarette, and returned home.

I took a shower and got into the freezer.

Early the next morning, after Ye Da got out of the freezer, he went through the daily procedures again.

Feed the female ghost, feed the fish ghost, pat the ass (actually the head) of the skateboard.

When he reached the window, Ye Da stopped.

In the glass, the beetle was dying.

Maybe it's because it's really hard for the human soul to fit in with the beetle's body, or maybe it's because Ye Da raises the bugs too unscientifically. In short, the beetle is going to die.

Ye Da thought for a while, and asked Liu Xiaoqian to grab a new beetle from the lawn downstairs. It was [-]% similar to the original one, but Ye Da couldn't recognize the difference.

Pulling out a ball of light from the body of the beetle in the glass, the light ball instantly turned into the image of a woman.

Bai Ying looked at Ye Da with resentment.

She was confused inside the beetle's body, but during the break between changing bodies, she regained some of her thinking.

"Wait. I have something to say."

Ye Da ignored the other's murderous eyes, and didn't even give her a chance to communicate.

Pointing with her right hand, Bai Ying entered the new beetle's body again, and became dazed again.

Throwing the beetle into the glass again, Ye Da turned and left.

He didn't even bother to feed, and changed his body when he was about to die, just to speed up the process of reincarnation.

Today is Friday, Ye Da went to school as usual, Wang Weiwen still didn't come, Ye Da sent a private message to Wang Weiwen, asking if he needs help, and also confirming whether the other party can come for tomorrow's training.

Jiang Hou said that tomorrow is not necessary, so don't ask for leave.

It took an hour for the message to be recovered, and Wang Weiwen replied that there would be no problem with training tomorrow.

Afterwards, Ye Da remembered that there was one more thing that had not been dealt with, and it was useless to procrastinate, so let's get rid of it today.

Ye Da made a phone call to the screenwriter Lang Dao, and learned that the other party was still in Donghai, and it could even be said that he was waiting for him.

In the evening, Ye Da came to the agreed tea room on a chatterbox skateboard.

"My vehicle, skating in the city every day is so boring. Have you forgotten that I can fly?! When will I take you to fly to make you feel good?"

Ye Da stepped on the butt (actually the head) of the skateboard, and walked into the tea room with the skateboard's head (actually the butt).

"I would like to fly if I have the chance, but it's too conspicuous in the city." Judging from the appearance and figure of the guests, this teahouse is quite high-end. Ye Da looks a little out of place with his skateboard. Fortunately, there are only private rooms here, except No one could see the strange look in the welcome girl's eyes.

Walking into the room, the chunky and wretched Lang Dao was already waiting here, and Cao Bin was also there.

But judging from Lang Dao's expression, he didn't like to see Cao Bin very much.

Seeing Ye Da coming, Cao Bin hurriedly got up. He saw that Ye Da's side was not easy to break through recently, so he put his mind on Landau's screenwriter. Be a little more familiar with the road, and show off your shameless spirit.

As long as it is finally made into a movie, it makes no difference whether the project is approved by Landau or Ye Da. He has already changed his mind and found a few rich women investors.

My eye sockets have been sunken lately.

Of course, Ban Yeda contacted Lang Dao, and he was not in vain. Ye Da gave 5 of the money from selling the car to Cao Bin as a reward for helping to make connections.

Not much, but fair.

Knowing that Ye Da didn't drink tea, Lang Dao poured Ye Da a cup of hot water.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Landau took out his notebook and began to record stories in the form of small talk.

The process was easier than Ye Da imagined.

Landau is certainly not the first time to record character stories in this way.

As he said, it was a deep talk and a small talk.

Sometimes people's thoughts are continuous, and the continuous truth is mixed with lies. Even Ye Da will get stuck. Coincidentally, Ye Da has a lot of things to hide.

Landau will not get to the bottom of it. He is very clear that when a character talks about his past, there is no possibility of fully revealing his heart. This process already incorporates the subjective polish of the character himself.

Ye Da always felt that Lang Dao looked at him too hotly.

What Ye Da didn't know was that Landau had already had a brainstorm after meeting at the Donghong Hotel last time, linking the ancient Ye Da with the current Ye Da.

Afterwards, Wensi was like a diabetes collapse, and Landau locked himself in the hotel, unscrupulously releasing his imagination, which is the characteristic of his many years of practice.

When the imagination is flourishing, Landau will let them go completely.

In today's in-depth discussion, Landau was actually focusing on two things. Part of his record of Ye Da was used to compile the previously agreed adaptation script.

Another part is used to perfect the whimsy of the previous burst of inspiration.

Landau's wretched eyes rolled around. Every time he saw Ye Da, he felt that his inspiration would explode.

I feel that I can retreat for a few days when I go back, and improve the things in Donghong Hotel before.

Because the brain hole is too big and has not been polished yet, he will not make this thing public in a short time.

In fact, the prototype of the 10w-word script is already lying in Landau's notebook.

Tentative title: "The Poem of Eternal Life".

 It will be put on the shelves when it reaches 100 chapters, and it will be summarized when it reaches 200 chapters.

  I don’t like complaining to readers. My grades are my own business, so I won’t mention them.

  In short, the number of subscriptions and even the promise to increase the number of updates were not triggered.

  Talk about the plot.

  The situation has been somewhat special recently. At the end of December, I unfortunately fell into a bleary state.

  During those days when I was sick, I kept writing in order to keep updating.

  In that state, it is inevitable that the plot concept is somewhat inappropriate.

  So that after Yang Kang died, looking at the previous content, it was a bit tricky.

  We need to bring the plot back to its original trajectory and start filling in the holes without messing up the rhythm.

  So a lot of effort was wasted.

  Then things will get back on track, and the plot will even go crazy.

  In addition, I am preparing to save manuscripts for the New Year. If I want to keep updating during the New Year, I can only rely on saving manuscripts.

  After all, there are so many things to do during the New Year, so I can’t hide in my room with my phone, right?Wouldn't that mean he would be beaten to death?
  So although I have written a lot, there are not many updates.

  The New Year is approaching. I wonder if everyone is ready to go home. There is only one week left.

  If you are about to embark on your journey home, I wish you all a safe journey.

  Those who celebrate the New Year locally may not have much real experience, but those who go home to celebrate the New Year have already started planning.
(End of this chapter)

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