I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 202 New members and Jiang Hou's blindfold

Chapter 202 New members and Jiang Hou's blindfold

On Saturday, Ye Da came to the youth training camp on a skateboard.

Today is the long-lost Dawn Squad training day, and it is also the day when Jiang Hou returns to show his face.

He also specifically said not to ask for leave.

The training was agreed at 10:[-], but Ye Dao arrived earlier, at [-]:[-].

In front of the headquarters of the youth training camp building, Ye Da saw Zhuang Man in a lady's suit, and Zhuang Miao dressed like a porcelain doll.

In all fairness, the mother and daughter are still very handsome, which has attracted many passers-by.

Seeing Ye Da, Zhuang Miao waved quickly.

"This is the Youth Training Camp of the Special Affairs Division. You should come here for the first time."

Zhuang Man squeezed his daughter's hand nervously and said: "I checked online and they all said that this place is very powerful and not easy to enter. Only geniuses from all over Kyushu can join. Do you think Miaomiao can pass this time?" ?”

Ye Da patted Zhuang Miao's head and said: "This is not a commercial training institution. Whether you can pass depends entirely on Zhuang Miao himself. It's useless for you to be nervous. It mainly depends on talent and necessity. For such a young child, ability It’s still dangerous, and I think the authorities will be willing to accept it as soon as possible.”

Zhuang Man nodded, and then secretly whispered in Ye Da's ear: "Should I prepare a gift or a red envelope or something?"

She usually does business, and unconsciously applies the experience of dealing with some marketing departments in the past.

Ye Da's ears were a little itchy, he shook his head and said, "No, don't fix these useless things, it might be counterproductive."

Zhuang Man didn't know why, but when facing Ye Da, it was easy to act like a little girl. She was usually very capable.

Maybe we were honest after all.
Zhuang Miao was on the side, looking at his mother with hatred.

He was so fierce when he beat me, and he was like a little sheep when he went to the battlefield.

Hang in the nest!
This year's adults are too difficult to bring.

Then he hugged Ye Da's arm naturally.

Ye Da walked into the gate with Zhuang Manzhuang Miao mother and daughter.

Li Youren has already been waiting here in advance.

Li Youren looked at Zhuang Miao, who was like a porcelain doll, and smiled unconsciously on his face. He knelt down and said, "You must be little Zhuang Miao."

Zhuang Miao was so frightened by his old chrysanthemum-like face that he hid behind Ye Da.

Ye Da said: "This child's ability is quite special. I'm afraid it's hard to measure it with ordinary methods. Is there a way?"

Zhuang Miao's reaction made Li Youren push his glasses in embarrassment: "Psychology, it's a little troublesome to measure the Psychology, but we still have professional methods, don't worry, if this child's ability is really so powerful, we should guide him early Better."

With Zhuang Man on the side, he could only nod dignifiedly. Since he was completely ignorant of the world of the spiritual enlightener, and couldn't even understand it, he could only rely on Ye Da to communicate.

The first thing Zhuang Miao faced was not an ability test, but a mental test.

Li Youren needs to make sure that Zhuang Miao's mind is stable and sound (relative to his age), and he can understand and follow some instructions, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble for the subsequent measurement ability.

Zhuang Miao has no problem in this regard, although she is weird and needs a beating, and she almost let her mother pay for it in vain.
But Zhuang Miao is indeed a good boy, at least his mental state is relatively stable.

Ye Da stayed with him for a while, and watched Zhuang Miao do a few small tests, which also calmed Zhuang Man down.

But then it was time for the training set, so I had to say goodbye first.

I hope Zhuang Miao's determination can go well.

Walking to the seventh floor above ground, Ye Da pushed open the door of the familiar conference room.

This is the meeting room where I first came to the headquarters of the youth training camp building and met the members of the Shuguang team for the first time.

When Ye Da opened the door, there were already many people in the meeting room.

A new face appeared inside, with his arms crossed and his chest in a cold shape.

"Yo, big back, it really is you."

In the conference room, the man immediately jumped up: "My name is Ren Shilin! You guys haven't remembered my name until now!"

Ye Da smiled and waved his hands: "It doesn't matter, as long as I remember your people."

"No! This is important!"

Da Beitou shook his legs a little irritably.That's not quite right. When Captain Jiang Hou persuaded me, didn't he say that Ye Da really wanted him to come? Didn't he say that he was Ye Da's favorite teammate?Didn't it mean that Ye Da admired my ability and tried his best to fight for it?

You won't be cheated!

To be honest, Ye Da's attitude in Jiang Hou's mouth greatly affected Ren Shilin's decision.

Apart from the rookies, Wu Fei, Li Zifeng, and Zhou Meirong were all already there.

Ye Da and several old teammates looked at each other, but they hadn't seen each other for a while.

At this time, Wang Weiwen's voice sounded from behind: "It feels like there are more and more people."

Ye Da turned his head, looked at Wang Weiwen, and said with a smile, "Yes, there are more and more people."

I'm afraid that this battle won't be easy for Dawn Team in the future.

Suddenly, two big hands rested on the shoulders of Ye Da and Wang Weiwen: "You two boys, long time no see!"

Jiang Hou's voice.

Ye Da was about to turn around to say hello with a smile, but the moment he turned his head, he froze.

Jiang Hou's right eye was actually wearing a black eyepatch!

Not only Ye Da, but everyone showed surprised expressions.

Only Dabeitou seemed to know something and sighed.

Zhou Meirong hesitated and said: "Captain Jiang, your eyes"

Jiang Hou touched the blindfold and said, "Ah, this one, Yuezhou suffered a little injury, but it's not a big problem."

Ye Da frowned.

If it's not a big problem, I'm afraid you don't need to wear a blindfold.

It's impossible not to care.

His eyes hurt?who did itGod of Mercy?

Although he had a smile on his face, Jiang Hou's originally majestic and rough appearance became even more fierce under the blessing of this black blindfold.

Jiang Hou didn't seem to explain the idea of ​​the eyes, he called everyone to sit down, and began to introduce new players.

"Ren Shilin, A-level spiritual enlightener of the Yuezhou Special Affairs Section Youth Training Camp, his ability is the rule system: earth and rock control, you should be familiar with it, and you are all teammates who have fought together."

Speaking of himself, he stood up with his back and nodded to everyone, which was quite formal.

With the addition of Ren Shilin, the Shuguang team already has six powerful spiritual enlighteners.

If only considering the level and number of spiritual enlighteners, this configuration is already stronger than the general official team of the special affairs department.

Even if the official team is dominated by spirit enlighteners and ordinary members, it is impossible for them all to be around A-level.

"With the addition of Ren Shilin, the number of members of the Shuguang team has reached six. In order to facilitate management, I decided to appoint an official captain. In principle, I would like to seek everyone's opinions on who is more appropriate to be the captain."

Speaking of this, everyone looked at Ye Da, including Jiang Hou himself and Dabeitou who had just arrived.

Judging from Luoyunshan's performance, only Ye Da is qualified to be the captain of this ultra-standard young team, and only Ye Da can convince everyone.

If there is another possible competitor, it is Wang Weiwen who is also not weak. Luoyunshan saved everyone's life and is mature and stable. However, Wang Weiwen also looked at Ye Da at this time, obviously not planning to compete for the captain's position.

Without waiting for Ye Da to respond, Jiang Hou nodded and said: "It seems that everyone has a candidate, so let's move on to the next topic."

Ye Da:.
Keep people from talking?
"I told Ren Shilin before that the Shuguang team is special. I called up so many outstanding talents, not to follow the routine and carry out the regular projects that can be carried out in any youth training camp. So I, as the chief instructor of the Shuguang team, today Announcing the next phase, the primary task of the Dawn Squad."

Everyone looked towards Jiang Hou, waiting for the next sentence.

Even Ye Da is a little curious, the battle is getting bigger and more formal, what will Jiang Hou plan to do next?
Combat training?Ask Yang Tian to arrange another mission?or something else?

"Project Dawn has officially entered the second phase, called 'capacity enhancement'."

"As the name suggests, find ways to make your abilities greatly enhanced and break through the limit."

"In the future, it may not necessarily be possible to increase the level of spiritual enlightenment ability."

(End of this chapter)

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