I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 231 At the beginning of the chapter, he is already a human being.

Chapter 231 Looking back a hundred years, I am already a human being.

In the 313th year of Dabin, Yunzhou's parent officer, Yunzhou's Dinghaishenzhen, and 52-year-old Wang Wenwei were enlisted. For a while, the whole Yunzhou felt a sense of depression over the city.

Fortunately, a few days before the beginning of spring, Wang Wenwei, governor of Yunzhou, finally recovered from his illness and walked out of the small courtyard.

The entire Yunzhou City, up and down, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wang Wenwei" pinched the budding wicker and looked at it for a long, long time.

"You still didn't make it to spring after all."

After that, Wang Wenwei launched a new round of plague control work with great action and determination, just like the previous 20 years.

His energy was almost limitless, and he was always on business, never resting.

His subordinates had to work in three shifts to keep up with Lord Wang's pace.

The entire Yunzhou improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that occasionally someone would think that Mr. Wang's capable officer "Red" seemed to have never appeared again.

After years of accumulation, Yunzhou has a set of proficient plague response mechanisms, which are becoming more and more effective and efficient.

No matter where the plague came from or what symptoms it had, Yunzhou was always the least affected and the least dead among the various places in Kyushu. Wang Wenwei's reputation was no longer limited to the surrounding areas of Yunzhou, but resounded throughout Kyushu.

In the darkest age of the human race, Yunzhou has become a rare and peaceful place.

People in Yunzhou put up portraits of Wang Wenwei at home one after another, and kowtowed day and night.

It will take another 20 years to do this.

In the 334th year of Dabin, Wang Wenwei, the governor of Yunzhou, was 73 years old, still full of energy, and managed the entire Yunzhou in an orderly manner.

He rejected the capital's transfer order several times, and only concentrated on protecting Yunzhou.

Dabin's two generations of emperors wanted to transfer this person back to the capital, but they were ignored several times. Even if they sent someone to Yunzhou as the new governor, the new governor, it was just a decoration that even the servants could not command.

People from Yunzhou only recognize Wang Wenwei.

Fortunately, Dabin was already dying, and Wang Wenwei had no children, so the two generations of emperors could only let the deified governor of Yunzhou stay in Yunzhou to monopolize power.

Wang Wenwei, who has white beard and hair in the governor's office, is still dealing with official duties with vigor. The subordinates around him have changed round after round over the years, but he remains the same.

"My lord, the plague is relatively light in various places this year, but in a few counties near Liangzhou, it is rumored that there is a monk in white who collects the corpses of sick people."

Wang Wenwei didn't raise his head: "Order the police to arrest this person quickly along the road. The dead body of a sick person is an important 'source of labor', so don't be careless."


In the middle of the night, when the clerks beside him were dozing off, Wang Wenwei stopped writing.

He spread out his palm and looked at the palm prints on it.

The old palm gradually melted like fading, revealing some red fluff.

This is his real talent, not Hong, nor Wang Wenwei.

However, it didn't take long for this change to be unsustainable, the red appearance faded, and the palms returned to human appearance.

Yes, Wang Wenwei found that he couldn't change back.

He's locked himself under a human façade for far too long.

How long? 50 years?
When was the last time you appeared in your original form?
Which one is the real self?

Wang Wenwei was upset.

But he must do what he promised others.

Just like that third-rate poet, if you say it, you will definitely do it!
Another 10 years passed after that.

Wang Wenwei is 83 years old.

In this era, even if there are capable people and strange men, few people can live to this age. In addition, their state is still full of energy, and it can even be called auspicious among people.

And he has not been involved in the management of the plague for three years.

The coping methods that have been constructed over the past few decades have been deeply engraved in the bones of Yunzhou.

He knew that he could finally leave, and it was time to leave.

Dabin 345 years.

Wang Wenwei, the 84-year-old governor of Yunzhou, left the government office and began to tour the whole state.He didn't miss any place, from big towns to small villages. Any place where more than a hundred people gathered, no matter how high the mountain or the water was, he would visit and sort out the place.

It took a total of one year before and after.

After returning to the government office, it took three months to write "Yunzhou Epidemic Chronicles", which synthesized decades of experience in fighting the plague, and promoted successors who had been trained for many years.

Then he died in the small courtyard behind the government office.

This small courtyard holds many memories.

For example, a man and a demon live next to each other because they are worried about being assassinated, but they are mistaken for keeping a side room.

For example, Wang Wenwei, Hong, and Shang Wenyi used to drink under the moon.

For example, the woman who loved her husband but had nothing to do because of her own health died in self-blame.

For example, that idealistic scholar, after decades of fulfilling his ambitions, passed away confused by the gloomy future of the human race.

Now, Wang Wenwei, the governor of Yunzhou, also died here.

The sky in Yunzhou has collapsed.

The whole state wailed and wailed to fill the sky.

Fortunately, someone left enough pillars to support the sky after he left.

He was finally free, from the commitment to his friend.

Although he can never change back to that red-haired monster basking in the sun on the mountainside.

Wang Wenwei restored his appearance to a "red" appearance.

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy Lang, also looks like the shepherd boy back then.

The name Hong is too special and there is a risk of being recognized. He reversed the last two characters of Wang Wenwei and called himself Wang Weiwen to commemorate his friend.

Outside of Yunzhou, this name is commonplace.

He first went to Liangzhou, and there were rumors that this terrible plague started in Liangzhou at the earliest, but nothing came of it for several years.

After that, he went to Qinzhou. The descendants of the genius doctor Wu Jingsheng had long since died out, and the medical family had not been able to survive rounds of plagues.

He went to Jingzhou and took a look at Shang Wenyi's natal family. This family of officials with a deep heritage barely survived.

He also went to Guanzhou, to Wang Wenwei's hometown, but there were only ruins left.

Looking back suddenly, it has been a hundred years since I left Liangjian Mountain.

The plagues in various places also gradually began to subside.

At first, in the first year, there were no soldiers in Dabin, and the world thought it was a coincidence.

In the second and third years, when the plague still did not appear, the world finally realized the catastrophe of the Nine Provinces human race, this century-old plague that lasted for several generations.
Seems like it's over.

It's a pity that the Dabin dynasty lingered in the plague for a hundred years, but it did not usher in the dawn, but ushered in the end.

In the second year after the end of the century-old plague, rebellions appeared in various places in Dabin, and this decadent dynasty swallowed its last breath that should have been swallowed long ago.

But these have nothing to do with Wang Weiwen.

A hundred years later, he felt lonely again.

At this time, even "Yunzhou Inspector Wang Wenwei" gradually became a legend.

He had lived in seclusion under a certain mountain for decades, and had to leave only when the children in the village became old men.

He once opened a shop in a busy city, and turned it into a century-old shop by himself.

He has also played the role of a powerful alien who specializes in injustice.

He watched the human race prosper little by little in the midst of decline, and the rise and fall alternately over and over again.

Suddenly looking back, he, a monster born and raised by nature, has become a part of the history of the human race.

That idealistic literati, with his last request, restrained him for decades, but also "corrected" his affiliation to the identity of the human race.

It just doesn't matter how long he has lived, how many places he has visited, and how many people he has known.

The deepest memory in my heart will always be the 50 years in Yunzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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