Chapter 232 Brother, Together

East China Sea, five o'clock in the morning.

Lido Business KTV entrance.

"What about after that?" Ye Da asked.

"After that?" Wang Weiwen looked at the night sky: "It's just killing time. I should be glad that my perception of time is different from that of ordinary humans, otherwise I might not want to live in the next few hundred years."

Ye Da spun out the sixth can of happy water, a little presumptuous today, after all, he hasn't drank it for a long time.

"Then you have fully experienced the alien chaos?"

Wang Weiwen nodded and said: "Yes, but because I was sealed in the human body, my strength became weaker and weaker, and I couldn't help much when the alien race was in chaos. Together, we are all looking for a way to turn the tide, I barely did what I could, but it didn't make a big difference."

Wang Weiwen looked at his hand and squeezed his fist:
"Thinking about it this way, I was at my strongest when I first came down from Liangjianshan. However, I don't like fighting. I have been strong enough in the past few hundred years."

Ye Da asked: "Can demons also awaken their spirits? What happened to the changes in the rules of Kyushu Heaven and Earth?"

You must know that before the Alien Rebellion, there was no such thing as enlightenment, and Wang Weiwen, as a person who has lived from 700 years to the present, can be called a living history book, and he knows more secrets than Ye Da, who has slept for 700 years.

Speaking of this, Wang Weiwen was also quite emotional: "After the chaos of the foreign races, the rules of Kyushu changed greatly, and then there was such a saying as the enlightenment and awakening. In the past, if there were no Dharma masters, no matter how talented the human race was, there would be no magic. Nine out of ten people who are talented but outnumbered in the world."

"Nowadays in Kyushu, talented people can awaken on their own without passing on inheritance, which means they will not be buried in talent, or lose opportunities because others cherish themselves, and extraordinary power will not be monopolized in a small area. This rule I don’t know how God-man decides, but I think it’s pretty good.”

"About a hundred years ago, probably a few years after the alien rebellion ended, I also inexplicably awakened the ability to awaken spirits. I don't know what kind of judgment the rules of the world are based on, and they count me as a human being."

Ye Da smiled and said, "Aren't you already a human being?"

Wang Weiwen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "That's right, besides living longer, what is the difference between me and a human being, haha."

"Then what happened to Wang Weiwu?"

"Wei Wu, nothing happened. He is my brother."

"Junshan, how many years have you been following me?"

"My lord, it has been 15 years since I was 20 years old."

In the Wang family mansion, Wang Weiwen still looks fifteen or sixteen years old, this is the appearance of the shepherd boy, and he is also the appearance of Hong.

Although he can change his appearance to imitate aging, he doesn't like aging because the appearance of aging reminds him of a third-rate poet.

Wang Junshan is his housekeeper, taking care of some external affairs and managing some industries for him.

For hundreds of years, even if it was just done casually, the accumulation of materials should not be underestimated.

It's just that following the change in Wang Junshan's appearance, the two announced to the outside world that they gradually changed from brother to brother to brother to brother, and finally to father and son.

Gradually, Wang Weiwen rarely appeared in front of outsiders. Others only knew that Wang Junshan had a son, but they didn't know the specific situation.

As an existence that has experienced ups and downs for 700 years, Wang Weiwen would not care about these false names. He was thinking about another thing at this time.

"Jun Shan, do you want to marry a wife and have children?"

Wang Junshan shook his hand, but the longing in his eyes could not deceive anyone.

Following Wang Weiwen can be said to enjoy the glory and wealth, but in middle age, he also wants to pass on the family line.

It's not the kind of illegitimate child raised outside, but a truly upright married wife and child.

But if you marry a wife or even have children, it is very likely that your secret will be exposed.
Fortresses were often breached from within.

"Sir, isn't this inappropriate?"

Wang Weiwen shook his head: "There is nothing inappropriate. I should not deprive you of your right to carry on the family line."

So not long after, Wang Junshan, a bigwig in the East China Sea business world, married a popular actress, Lu Zhixuan.

In terms of identity, it is obvious that Lu Zhixuan is Gao Pan who married into a wealthy family. It is rumored that Wang Junshan was dazzled by the beauty and surrendered his status to marry such a woman, but only Wang Weiwen knows that Wang Junshan chose a wife like Lu Zhixuan because he is easy to control , in order to reduce the possibility of his secret being discovered.

After that, Wang Junshan also asked Wang Weiwen to use his spiritual power to confuse Lu Zhixuan's memory, making her ignore the fact that her husband's eldest son was too old, and also ignore the unusual "father-son relationship" of the Wang family.

Soon Lu Zhixuan became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy, who also became the upright second son of the Wang family. After obtaining Wang Weiwen's consent, Wang Junshan named him Wang Weiwu.

After Wang Weiwu started to remember things, Wang Junshan asked Wang Weiwen to confuse the memory of the second son again, so as to ensure that the biggest secret of the Wang family would not be discovered by the mother and son.

But Wang Weiwen teased Wang Weiwu while rejecting him: "It's too troublesome to go back and forth. Besides, it's not good for children."

Wang Junshan worried: "But as Weiwu grows up, this is an unavoidable problem. He will eventually have doubts about your age."

This was also the reason why he was unwilling to marry and have children in the first place. Living in the same room meant that he couldn't hide many things.Wang Weiwen helped Wang Weiwu collect the toys and said with a smile: "Then I'll just be his older brother. It just so happens that living in seclusion these past few years has been quite boring. It would be nice to be a kid again and go to school. "

Under Wang Junshan's surprised eyes, Wang Weiwen became smaller and smaller, and finally transformed into the appearance of a five or six-year-old child.

Just like when the shepherd boy just went up the mountain.

As a result, the Wang family has a pair of brothers who are not much different in age. Because of the reasonable age, Wang Weiwen no longer needs to live in seclusion and can go to school normally.

The two grew up together and grew up together. Everything was originally beautiful.

It's a pity that Wang Weiwen's light was too dazzling afterwards. After all, it has existed for hundreds of years. Even if Wang Weiwen just pretended to be a child with a playful mentality, he can't hide his maturity, stability, academic performance, and spiritual enlightenment ability. living.

In the eyes of the world, he was the most perfect young man, while his younger brother was set off to be unbearably stubborn.

So much so that Wang Weiwu went from admiration at the beginning, to low self-esteem later, to alienation and perverseness in recent years.

"Actually, although it is impossible for me to regard Wang Junshan as my father, let alone Lu Zhixuan as my mother, in my heart, I do regard Wang Weiwu as my younger brother. After all, we 'grew up together'. When we were in the same elementary school, we were I will help him with his homework and help him get ahead. This may be regarded as a kind of...'each one's own opinion'?"

Ye Da grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "It's all the same!"

Wang Weiwen also laughed and said, "Weiwu will eventually grow up and mature, and he performed very well today. What about you? What is your story like?"

Ye Da rubbed his nose and said, "Mine? My story is not as exciting as yours. You have lived for hundreds of years. I just closed and opened my eyes. Hundreds of years have passed. You know, prodigy Ye Da died of the plague, and I woke up three and a half years ago."

Wang Weiwen was dumbfounded, this was something he didn't expect.

I thought that Ye Da, like me, had spent hundreds of years, but it turned out that he had slept for hundreds of years.
Even though it was a confessional round, I felt like I was at a loss!

Ye Da looked at Wang Wenwei, he knew that the other party was waiting for him to continue explaining.

"I don't want to lie to you, but the person who woke me up said that if others know some things, I may die."

Wang Weiwen thought for a long time, and said, "What happened next? Was it related to the 'Headless Giant' that you wanted to buy before? You seem to be in trouble too?"

Ye Da didn't say no, and said: "Yes, and later I became suspicious of the person who woke me up, and there were some other messy things I wanted to figure out, so I was going to leave Donghai for a trip."

Ye Da suddenly felt his heart relax.

Finally, he revealed his biggest secret.

How lucky I am to have friends in this world who can let me tell the truth without thinking, instead of keeping it buried in my heart forever.
It may be the same for Wang Weiwen.

Besides luck, Ye Da couldn't find any other adjectives.

He looked at the butts of the two "Beautiful Cigarettes" at his feet, one belonged to Ye Da and the other belonged to Wang Weiwen.

Ye Da smiled slightly, wondering if it was the effect of this thing.

Two people who met 700 years ago in present-day Kyushu can trust each other to reveal buried secrets and claim their identities.

Feel relaxed and refreshed.

Looking at a figure in the distance holding a telephone pole and throwing up: "I can't say that I live a clearer life, but I don't want to live in a muddle either. I will find out the truth when I leave this time!"

Wang Weiwen also looked sideways.

The person who vomited was put into the car by his friends.

Wang Weiwen watched the vehicle go away.

After a long time:

"You're right, let's go together! Anyway, it's winter vacation."

The corners of Ye Da's mouth curled up unconsciously.

".This is not an easy and pleasant journey. Aren't you getting weaker and weaker?"

"That's also relative to the original self, besides, didn't this just start to hang up tonight, don't you have to go out and show off?"

"Have you always been so young at heart?"

"Don't imagine me with the human sense of time, I'm not old fashioned, of course, I never open the game!"

 There are only 5000 for today's two chapters. This chapter is the end of the story between Wang Wenwei and Hong and needs to be written carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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