I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 238 Controlling the Lifeline of Nine States

Chapter 238 Controlling the Lifeline of Kyushu
Faced with Ye Jianguo's excitement, even the "Northern Division" was stunned.

"Do you know what you are talking about? How can such a dangerous thing as the century-old plague be activated so easily! It is a devastating disaster! It can easily kill tens of thousands of people!"

Ye Jianguo looked at the "Northern Division" dressed in a suit and sneered: "What the hell, the lives of aliens have nothing to do with me in Kyushu! I said that I would restart the formation on the premise of ensuring that it only takes effect on aliens. If I can't do it, Naturally I will not mention this method again, but you! Which side are you on?"

"Bei Shi" was reprimanded by his friends, but he didn't back down. After all, he was the one who reached the end of his practice, and said seriously: "Not everyone among the foreign races is invading Kyushu, and there are also friendly people who have passed on techniques and science!"

Ye Jianguo: "Repaying grievances with virtue, how can we repay virtue? Don't forget the righteousness because of small feelings! How do you know that those so-called friendly people from different races are not spies sent to confuse us?!"

"What about the countless civilians? There are not only Kyushu people and white aliens in this world! Can you ensure that the plague only kills white-skinned aliens!"

As they argued, the aura around the two of them became stronger and stronger, the surrounding grass was pressed to the ground, and there was a faint tendency to strike at the slightest disagreement.

Until a voice like Huang Zhong Dalu interrupted the two of them.

"You two have a picture!"

The tense atmosphere suddenly stopped, and the Southern Sect and the Northern Sect turned their faces away from each other.

The boy in white said gently: "You two, whether it is activated or not, since these 81 positions can create a century-old plague, it means that it can affect the entire Kyushu. It may be the wedge to solve the current crisis of the Kyushu continent being extinct. I Without the formation method, we still need two people to work together."

"Northern Master" took the lead to adjust his mood, nodded with a normal expression, and said, "Senior, I made you laugh." Ye Da followed the boy in white and nodded.

The century-old plague that swept across Kyushu and created an entire dark age was actually caused by this formation.
In other words, Ye Da himself died in this battle!The painful pain I suffered in the hospital bed back then is still deep in my memory!He never wanted to experience that feeling of weakness and despair.

What kind of god-man did this, and what do you want?
But come back.

In all fairness, Ye Da felt that Ye Jianguo's plan was very feasible and straightforward.

People from other races are already offering rewards for the scalps of people from Kyushu, what are you talking about!
If it is really possible to ensure that the plague only takes effect on aliens, Ye Da feels that he can accept the restart of the formation.

After all, it is a situation of genocide.

The enemy has become a ghost, so why should I be a Buddha?
The boy in white raised his hand slightly, and six stone needles came in front of his eyes, which were the Nine Yin Stone Bianstones.

Ye Da was also able to see the boy in white take out this object for the first time.

The six stone needles were on the boulder at the feet of the boy in white, weaving like weaving, and the stone foam splashed. In just a few minutes, they portrayed the whole picture of Kyushu's mountains and rivers.

in this way!It is actually [-]% similar to the pattern on the stone platform at the bottom of the pool!

The notch on the stone platform at the bottom of the pool was actually made by a boy in white!
Compared with the place at the bottom of the pool, although the details are simplified, Ye Da is still astonished.

This level of control is far from comparable to his. There is a lot of difference between Jiuyin Stone Bian in the hands of the previous master and in his own hands.

Don't talk about carving the mountains and rivers of Kyushu with stone needles, now he can only use stone needles to poke holes in people's eyes!

The sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" was endless, and the boy in white manipulated the stone needle again, and clicked 81 points on the Kyushu landscape map, which were exactly the positions of the 81 positions.

"This formation has been abandoned for hundreds of years, and the core objects have been taken away one after another. If you want to use it, you must find new things to connect the formation. If you want to have 81 types, it is obvious that ordinary treasures will not work. , it still needs you and me to build it."

Master Bei said: "That's right, but the most troublesome thing is not the core of the formation, but how to change the function of this formation. We can't let Kyushu suffer another hundred years of plague, right?!"

Ye Jianguo also nodded. He wanted to use the formation to create plagues to deal with aliens, not to help the people of Kyushu get rid of the copy of the century-old plague. If he couldn't find a way to change the effect of the heavenly formation, he would never go there. Touch this big array.

The boy in white waved his sleeves and said, "If you want to change the effect of the formation, you'd better figure out a direction first, otherwise it's just cutting your feet to fit the shoes, and getting twice the result with half the effort."

Nanzong and Beishi nodded, but the Beishi didn't have a mature plan yet, and Ye Jianguo's plan was also refuted just now.

After a while, the two looked at each other, and they all looked at the boy in white.

They said in unison: "Since Senior invited us to visit twice, Senior already has some ideas, why don't you say it first?"

Ye Da's perspective locked on the person, and the boy in white waved his sleeves, and a puff of white smoke filled the air and landed on the boulder.

Surrounded Kyushu.

He smiled and said, "If not, what about using this Kyushu to make the world go to heaven?"

Ye Da sighed slightly.

Only then is it truly confirmed.

The fog wall that spans thousands of miles and seals off the Kyushu is made by the boy in white, the three people from Nantong and Beishi, with the help of 81 big eyes that reach the sky.

Just when Ye Da thought he had seen the truth.

But in the current memory, when the boy in white uttered this idea, neither the Southern Sect nor the Northern Sect agreed.

Beishi said: "Senior, our Jiuzhou has fallen behind the foreign races outside the region. The heroic spirit mentioned by Jedi Tiantong is just a coward in the final analysis. The people of Jiuzhou should catch up hard, how can we deceive ourselves." In his opinion, it was not as good as Ye Jianguo's plague strategy.

Ye Jianguo also said: "No matter how mysterious this formation is, how many years can it last? 100 years? 300 years? When the formation fails, wouldn't Kyushu be left behind even more! It wouldn't be surprising if it was directly slaughtered. The three of you and I have passed away, aren't we the sinners of Kyushu?"

At this point, Ye Jianguo suddenly reacted and looked at the boy in white, with a look in his eyes.
There is actually a little more precaution!
Ye Da didn't understand why Ye Jianguo changed his eyes at first, but when Bei Shi also reacted and looked at the boy in white again, Ye Da suddenly understood the meaning of the two of them!

The white-clothed boy in front of them has survived a hundred years of plague. He has lived for more than 600 years at least. It would not be surprising to live another 100, 300 or even longer years.
Moreover, these 81 formations were originally found by the boy in white who took the initiative to invite them and led them to find them one by one. Now it is confirmed that they are a terrifying formation that will create a century-old plague.
Who can guarantee that this heaven-reaching formation was not made by the boy in white himself? !

Ye Da thought for a while, but was also surprised.

The 81 positions that can't be estimated and can't be observed, are they all discovered by accident, as the boy in white himself said?
Is it too much of a coincidence?One does not fall?
Once this doubt arises, it cannot be ignored.

Everything seems reasonable, no, only this seems reasonable!

Maybe this large formation must be performed by several extremes together?After a hundred years of plague, the boy in white waited for hundreds of years before he came to "Southern sect and northern master, two extremes in one generation"? !

The boy in white collects a large number of corpses during the Hundred Years of Plague. Juan Tian absorbs the vitality and controls the ghosts of the dead. He remains immortal for 600 years.
Think even further.
If Kyushu is completely banned, then the person who masters this great formation and masters 81 formations.
It can be said that he controls the lifeblood of the entire Kyushu.
The 'doll' zombie in the sarcophagus must be Ye Jianguo's back-up man?The boy in white should be well versed in this, right?

Ye Da felt a shock all over.

In Huajing City, Kyushu
Will there be one sitting upright, an immortal
What about the Uncrowned King?
Ye Da's perspective suddenly froze.

The world seems to have been pressed the pause button.

Everything in front of me is gradually fading.

Ye Da realized that this memory was over.

Just when Ye Da was about to wake up.

Ye Da's perspective suddenly rushed forward, and he slowly turned his head.

I saw the bald boy in white with no head, only musculoskeletal sections left, and a neck.

"Do you think so too?"

Ye Da stopped breathing for a moment, and for the second time, when the memory picture ended, the headless boy in white would talk to him once.

What I said last time: Do you remember everything?
Ye Da wanted to say: "What are you? The remnant soul of a boy in white?!"

However, he can't speak here, and no one responds to him.

The line of sight is extremely retreating, as if being tied to the buttocks of a high-speed rail.

The next moment, Ye Da opened his eyes, and what came into view was Wang Weiwen's face.

"It's too close."

Wang Weiwen slightly distanced himself.

"Aren't I at the bottom of the water?"

Wang Weiwen was also soaked through, and he said angrily, "Brother! You stayed in there for four hours! I thought you were going to lose your hair!"

Liu Xiaoqian also got out at some point, surrounded with Xiaoqing, and looked at Ye Da worriedly.

"My dear friend, I just wanted to pull you out, but I couldn't touch you."

After soaking for four hours, Liu Xiaoqian naturally noticed it too, and after getting out of Ye Da's body, she wanted to wake him up.

But Liu Xiaoqian found out that for some reason, she couldn't touch Ye Da, so she could only fly out of the pool, and the illusion appeared and asked Wang Weiwen for help.

Ye Da scratched the back of his head, a little unbelievable.
Although four hours is mainly for show in terms of breathing, this length of time is indeed outrageous.

Ye Da raised his hand, feeling extremely weak.
The power in the body was actually close to bottoming out, and the three energies of "Yin, Evil, and Corpse" were completely empty. It was even close to the time when Shen Shanrong sucked the library dry.

Wang Weiwen took out his mobile phone: "Fortunately, my mobile phone is waterproof! You looked very weird just now! I had to fish you up."

Ye Da tried his best to support his body, feeling weak all over. Wang Weiwen pointed the phone screen at Ye Da. This is the photo he just took.

In the photo, Ye Da was lying on a huge stone platform.

The whole person is like a baby, huddled together, slightly undulating with the water flow, exuding bursts of fluorescence
Like a.
 I'll try to see if I can get a chapter out of it.

  Go for it. I’ve been saying that recovery would be better for several days, but I still haven’t done it.
  This makes me put my old face somewhere, and this makes me straighten up in front of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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