I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 239 Seek Senior Ye!

Chapter 239 Seek Senior Ye!
Something happened to Mo Shan.

When Ye Da was carried by Wang Weiwen and returned to the ground again through the technique of earth escape.

It's already dawn.

After the fog is lifted, there are often more fogs.

The strength in his body hadn't recovered yet, and he was struggling to move a single finger. Ye Da could only obediently lie on Wang Weiwen's back.

This is only the first stop after leaving the East China Sea. Although it is still foggy, Ye Da is not overwhelmed.

To be honest, this time it can be said that it has achieved remarkable results, and not only has it further revealed the secret behind itself.

Also brought back a powerful combat power.

Seeing the 'doll' woman stiffly walking along with a silver dumpling on her back, Ye Da was still satisfied.

The strength of this 'doll' is close to S rank, and it is a head-to-head attack type, with extremely strong strength, speed, and defense, and it has weird long hair.

If used properly, it might even double his strength.

Except for the female zombie who was obviously a defensive backhand, Ye Da thought twice about other things and didn't touch them.

First, I don't know enough about the operating mechanism of the stone platform and abacus beads, so I squeezed all the energy out of myself, just in case!What should I do if I touch the abacus beads and suck them to death?It is impossible to say that this is the back-up plan of the North Division, something similar to a trap.

Another one, although the Jedi Tiantong formation has been damaged during this period of time, it is still in operation after all. Ye Da and Wang Weiwen are a little worried, whether there will be something owed here, and the wall of fog that spreads thousands of miles across Kyushu It disappeared completely.

Maybe this is an extremely precise formation?
Countless movies told Ye Da that debts are the biggest culprit in disaster movies.

(eg 'Don't answer.')
The Wall of Fog may have had a crooked mind at the beginning, but now it has a protective effect after all, and it cannot disappear completely in a blink of an eye.

Coming down from Mount Mo and returning to the farmhouse, many guests have already gotten up and are checking out.

The lady at the front desk saw the two of Ye Da, one was weak and couldn't walk, the other was carrying his back, and there was a strange woman behind him.

What's the situation?What is this girl wearing in winter? Wasn't this man fine yesterday? Why can't he walk today?

If the other party hadn't taken the initiative to follow Ye Da and the two, the lady at the front desk would have thought about kidnapping and selling.

After struggling for a long time, there is still no problem after all, after all, it is morning, if you see it in the middle of the night, you may have to go up and ask.

Back in the room, Ye Da rested for nearly an hour, and was finally able to move around normally.

Looking at the 'doll' girl standing sluggishly aside, Ye Da thought about how to deal with it.

It's not troublesome to carry it, but it's just that it's controlled like this. The 'doll' woman's stiff expression is very rigid, which is easy to attract suspicion.

But anyway, the linen clothes had to be changed, it was too conspicuous.

Ye Da rummaged through the suitcase for a large sweater of his own, so as to hide his exaggerated silver hair, and found a pair of pants of his own.

As for underwear, I don't think it's necessary.
Next, I am going to put on the female zombie myself.


A small alarm bell sounded in her mind, and Liu Xiaoqian flew out, thrusting her hands in front of her chest.

"Engong, this is not good, let me do it for you!"

When Ye Da saw Liu Xiaoqian who was on guard, he suddenly had a thought.

"Xiaoqian, how about"

"Engong, when you talk, can you take your hand out first?"

".Oh, I forgot."

Ye Da withdrew his palm from the girl's stiff linen clothes.

Then, without changing his expression, he said in an upright manner: "Xiaoqian, do you want to try it too?"

Liu Xiaoqian pursed her lips and said, "Does it hit your chest?" Ye Da shook his head and said, "I mean, try to feel the body?"

Liu Xiaoqian looked at the "doll" standing there sluggishly with a delicate face.

There was a flicker of heart in his eyes.
Liangzhou, Xiangxi.

Wen County, known as Wenshui in ancient times, is a small county. Although people settled here thousands of years ago, it has not developed much because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

However, Wen County is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the development of agriculture and tourism is enough for a county's population to live on. The past few years have been pretty good.

The best business card here is probably the name of the hometown of "child prodigy Ye Da", and the county still has some humanistic value to be tapped.

There was a meeting this year, planning to launch a tourism project of "Ye Da's former residence". Aren't there several old dilapidated houses in the county that are rumored to be the residence of the Ye family? Woke up.

It doesn’t cost a lot of money to repair the dilapidated house. There are fake people and fake antiques inside. The famous poems of child prodigies are lined up like a museum. Can’t you charge 100 yuan for this ticket?As soon as the supporting business is established, and some people from the literary world are invited to the meeting every year, the face and face will be saved.

However, the matter advanced to the county magistrate, who was scolded bloody, and the county magistrate went somewhere to apologize overnight, and finally let it go.

The county seat of Wenxian County is long and narrow along the river bank, from west to east for about [-] miles. In addition, there are dots of villages on the surrounding mountains. The ones that are closer are integrated with the county town, and the ones that are far away are less developed. .

Among them, the mountainside in the southwest of Wen County is the most special. It is the old cemetery in Wen County. As a settlement that has existed for a long time, there are countless ancestral graves, occupying most of the mountain, and it is a bit frightening to look at from a distance.

These are all recent and maintained by someone, and there are countless wild graves that cannot be found on the stele, so the entire area near here has not been developed much in recent years.

However, few people know that this place, where people in Wen County would not come here for more than 360 days a year except for burning incense and offering sacrifices to their ancestors, was once the home of the extremely famous "Ye family" in Wen County.

Over the past few hundred years, it is precisely because of the "Ye Family" that this place has become like a group of tombs.

Old houses with gray tiles, blue bricks and white walls.

In the yard, a grey-haired but energetic old man was burning firewood, with strips of black and red meat hanging on it, smoking bacon.

"Chinese New Year is coming soon, this bacon should be smoked slowly with fresh leaves to get enough flavor!"

The old man said he was dressed in linen, he looked a bit retro, it was Ye Jianguo.

But his mentality is very active, while fanning, he is still muttering.

"Goudan became the county magistrate, but he didn't forget to be filial all the time. Look at this meat, it's so beautiful!"

Suddenly, Ye Jianguo, who was originally smiling, suddenly restrained his expression, and then a look of hesitation appeared on his face.


The continuous sound of brakes came from outside the courtyard.

A series of seven black luxury cars parked outside the courtyard.

A series of strong men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses got out of the car and spread out, completely surrounding the road outside the small courtyard, looking around vigilantly, and communicating through the walkie-talkie from time to time.

It turned out to be a group of professional bodyguards.

Being capable is very capable
It just doesn't fit in with this dilapidated courtyard and the [-]th-line county town.

The old man who looked like a butler bent down to open the car door.

A man in his forties, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, lean and straight, and even a man with a trace of majesty walked down.

Looking at the dilapidated wooden door in front of him, I felt a burst of emotion in my heart.

He winked at the white-haired old man at the side, and the white-haired old man immediately gave orders, all the bodyguards turned around and turned their backs to the gate of the small courtyard.

The middle-aged man tidied up his clothes, then strode to the dilapidated wooden door.

Without a trace of hesitation, without a trace of resistance, he knelt down like pushing a golden mountain or pouring a jade pillar.

"A descendant of the Xin family, Xin Zhenhao, please see Senior Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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