I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 240 Using Yang to Control Yin, Controlling Death and Playing Lives!

Chapter 240 Using Yang to Control Yin, Controlling Death and Playing Lives!
When Xin Zhenhao knelt, he was upright and meticulous.

Although he is a well-ranked figure in Kyushu, the Xin family has great power in the business, political, and even military circles.

But outside this small courtyard, he knelt without changing his expression.

After calling out to see him, Xin Zhenhao clasped his fists together, waiting for a response, but did not make another sound.

After a short silence, Ye Jianguo's voice came from the courtyard.

It seems to be sighing.

"You shouldn't have come, you broke the rules."

Xin Zhenhao didn't stand up, but knelt down and said loudly: "Senior Ye, it's been 50 years, and the Great Formation of Kyushu has undergone changes. The secret is only known to Senior Ye, although the Xin family has lost its 'Superior', but these years have also gained some secular power, and they want to do their part."

"Senior Ye, this junior knows that senior doesn't want to come out of the mountain, but the fog formation in Kyushu has leaked everywhere, and there have been foreign races intruding in Guanzhou. If senior really doesn't want to go out to repair the formation, the Xin family is willing to do it for you to eliminate Kyushu. crisis."

Xin Zhenhao's words can be said to be powerful and righteous.

However, in exchange, it was just silence.

After a long time, a faint voice came from the courtyard:
"The little baby of the Xin family. Do you know why back then, I made an agreement with that guy that the Ye and Xin families would never interact with each other until death? Do you still pass this down as a rule?"

Xin Zhenhao secretly thought something was wrong, but he still said loudly: "This junior doesn't know, maybe there is some misunderstanding between Senior Ye and the ancestors."

The voice in the hospital said: "Because... it has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is difficult to protect future generations. Someone with selfish motives pops up."

Following Ye Jianguo's sigh, Xin Zhenhao's heart rang out!
The meaning of air has changed
No. It’s this space that has changed.

That's the smell of death.
"You baby brought so many people here, and in front of so many irrelevant people, told the biggest secret of Kyushu, do you want to use dozens of lives as a sideline? Or do you want to test my old bones, are you willing? kill?"

The elite bodyguards around were shocked.

Just now Xin Zhenhao ordered everyone to turn their backs, but he did not avoid them when talking to the people in the courtyard. Although these bodyguards were Xin family confidantes, Xin Zhenhao was still a little surprised when he spoke.

Is this something they can hear? !Why doesn't President Xin let us go away? !
Although not very understandable, is this appropriate?

Now, they only understood when they heard what the man in the courtyard said.

Mr. Xin wants to use their lives to frame up the people in the courtyard!

There was a strong wind outside the small courtyard, and there was a faint sound of crying and howling.

More than 20 elite bodyguards raised the alarm one after another. Many of them were good spiritual enlighteners, and some of them drew their guns directly.

Xin Zhenhao's expression changed drastically.

He only had time to do one thing.

He grabbed the hand of the white-haired housekeeper: "Take me away!"

From the very beginning, the white-haired butler was at the nearest position by his side, just to be able to escape at any time.

He had thought about whether he could hide the truth from the "Southern Sect" a hundred and fifty years ago, and these confidant bodyguards did have the intention of being close to him.

But what's more, he underestimated Ye Jianguo's attitude towards the "rules" of the two families, and also underestimated Ye Jianguo's indifference.

Indifference to human life.

Use yang to control yin, control death and play life!
Ye family, how ruthless! !

It's a pity that he told me to take me away quickly, but he didn't get a response.

Looking up, the white-haired butler's eyes were smeared with gray, and he stood there in a daze.

In the next moment, more than [-] elite bodyguards, including the spiritual enlighteners among them, were not spared, and everyone's eyes turned gray.

Some even held guns.

Ye Jianguo's voice came from the courtyard, and his tone was a little cold: "Baby of the Xin family, these people should stay with me. I don't want to kill the descendants of the Xin family. The Xin family has no top, so don't get involved in the Kyushu formation. ." Xin Zhenhao said unwillingly: "I am here not only on behalf of the Xin family, but also on behalf of the official government to ask the seniors!!"

The voice in the courtyard did not fluctuate at all: "The Xin family is not allowed to be an official. This is also the rule established back then. You are smart and have not broken the precept, but your tentacles are stretched out very long. You go, don't come back again. How is the officialdom now? I don’t need you to deliver any news.”

Xin Zhenhao clenched his fists so tightly that his teeth were about to be crushed.

But in the end, he clasped his hands together and said, "Farewell, junior!"

From the beginning to the end, he never even entered the wooden door.

Xin Zhenhao glanced at the bodyguards standing around, and then at the white-haired housekeeper.

The Xin family has secretly cultivated people with incomparable spatial abilities for decades.
Even he was heartbroken.

Is the Ye family really so indifferent to life and death?Why is it different from what was recorded in the clan!
Although he knew the location of this small courtyard a long time ago, he never dared to come until the current situation forced him to move.

The "Southern Sect" recorded in the clan records that he ran for the calamity of Kyushu, spared no expense of his own life, and even worked hard, shouldn't be like this!
His strategy today was wrong from the very beginning, outrageously wrong!
Finally, I couldn't help but say loudly: "Xin Qizhong also has the blood of my Xin family. He is qualified to know the Nine Provinces Formation. Senior Wang, for the sake of the love between the two families, please don't hurt your life."

"Let's go, let's go, I have my own plans."

Xin Zhenhao took a deep look at the wooden door for the last time, trying to get a glimpse of the scene through the crack of the door, but in vain.

Came here overnight, thinking he had a plan, but could only leave in disgrace.

In the courtyard, Ye Jianguo felt that the descendants of the Xin family had indeed gone down the mountain, so he resumed his work of fanning and smoking bacon.

After a while, he said to himself:
"Xin Shilin, you have always figured it out clearly. The descendants of the Xin family really have other ideas."

After a long time, Ye Jianguo suddenly laughed:

"It's not as convenient as Ye's house to get there, and it will be pure after death."

At the foot of the mountain, Xin Zhenhao walked down with a livid face.

Some of his people stayed at the foot of the mountain. Seeing Xin Zhenhao walking down alone at this time, the people below were a little dazed.

Xin Zhenhao didn't want to explain either, and said coldly, "Let's go!"

One person couldn't hold back and asked: "Mr. Xin, where are the others? Master Qi Zhong didn't come down either."

Xin Zhenhao grabbed the man's throat and lifted him up. The pupils behind the gold-rimmed glasses showed no emotion: "I said go, didn't you hear?"

The man struggled with both feet, feeling as if an iron clamp was about to break his neck.

In the end, when he was about to faint, Xin Zhenhao put it down, patted and rearranged his suit, and regained his meticulous, capable and majestic appearance.

He also patted the man on the shoulder: "Don't do this next time. Don't question my orders. Do you understand?"

The man was like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, he wanted to cough but didn't dare, so he nodded in fear.

The vehicle slowly went down the mountain, and Xin Zhenhao picked up the phone: "The old antique road is dead. It's been one hundred and fifty-four years, and you're still so stuck in the rules!"

The person on the other end of the phone said anxiously: "Mr. Xin, what about us?"

"Let's find our own way! Surveillance! Toll booths! Hotel registration! That guy who pretends to be Ye Jianguo's son will check out all the pits in the toilet for me!"

That afternoon, a man came to Aihua Farmhouse at the foot of Moshan Mountain.

"Hello beauty, let me ask. Did this person live here last night?"

Looking at the photos of the guests who had just checked out, the lady at the front desk said vigilantly, "Sorry, we can't disclose the privacy of the guests."

The man smiled slightly, obviously not surprised. He opened his coat, revealing a thick stack of banknotes in his inner pocket, and then said:
"Can you do me a favor? My boyfriend seems to be cheating on me. I'm here to have a room with Xinhuan. Can I bear it?"

The lady at the front desk burned out her CPU instantly.
(End of this chapter)

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