Chapter 241
On a country road, a large off-road vehicle was advancing at a speed of 60 yards.

A skateboard is strapped to the roof.

The rear seat glass was lowered, and a delicate girl of eighteen or nineteen was curiously stretching her hand out of the car window, feeling the wind blowing across her fingertips.

It's completely different from the spirit body.
Liu Xiaoqian thought.

How long has it been since I had this real sense of touch?ten years?

So delicate, so real.
On the co-pilot, Ye Da saw the scene behind through the right rearview mirror, smiled and said: "According to Chen Jiu's experience, your current sense of touch is still only about 70% of that of a normal person. With matching, it can reach 90%.”

Liu Xiaoqian was in a daze. It turned out that the feeling of being so real was only 70%. In fact, it was already very good.
The feeling of the wind flowing through my palms, the feeling of the sun shining on my face, the slight bumps from the car, and the indescribable smell in the air.
After a long time, Liu Xiaoqian said softly: "Grandpa, thank you. I..."

It's a pity that most of the words were scattered by the wind, and Ye Da only heard the first half of the sentence.

In the rearview mirror, Ye Da raised his eyebrows greasy, meaning "You're welcome."

After a while, Wang Weiwen finally couldn't help but said: "I said, you two are not afraid of the cold, I am afraid! It is winter now, can you close the car windows so that I can turn on the air conditioner!"

Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian raised the car windows in embarrassment.

Wang Weiwen said: "The next stop is 200 kilometers away, and it will take three hours on small roads. I hope there will be no more trouble this time."

Ye Da nodded, his strength is still recovering, and he will be more careful this time.

Get sucked one more time and something big could go wrong.

"If no new memories appear this time, the other positions will not need to run for the time being. There can't be 81 memories in 81 positions, right?"

Wang Weiwen nodded: "I didn't expect to eat melon and eat myself."

He already knew from Ye Da that the 81st position was directed at the century-old plague, and the disaster that year might have been man-made.

Wang Weiwen is naturally concerned about this: "If the hundred-year plague was caused by that bullshit boy in white, I will definitely find him and get to the bottom of it."

His past that has been difficult to let go for hundreds of years, the hatred of Wang Wenwei and Shang Wenyi, and the tragedies in Yunzhou and even Kyushu are all inseparable from the century-old plague.

Wang Weiwen was in charge of a state for half a century, and he was most sensitive to the number of deaths from the epidemic. According to his estimates, in the long 100 years, more than [-] million people died of the plague in Kyushu.

100 years, [-] million, two terrifying and heavy numbers.

If it is said that Wang Weiwen started, it was because he untied his heart knot and simply accompanied his friends for a while.

So now, he is also in the game.

While it was on, Ye Da's cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it, his eyes narrowed.

It shows that the caller is "the 32nd generation great-great-grandson".

Ye Da thought for a while, and blessed himself with the state of "Yin Qi Concentration" to avoid any omissions, and then answered the phone.

"Small! How are you doing recently!"

The familiar voice of being old and disrespectful came, full of air, and the people around could hear it even if the hands-free was not turned on.

Ye Da sneered: "Sun thief! Grandpa is fine!"

Wang Weiwen looked over.
Here is also "different opinions" ha!

Ye Jianguo didn't care too much, and said with a smile, "It's winter vacation now, why haven't you heard anything about it? Have you snatched the ticket back?"

Ye Da's thoughts changed sharply, and he said without any hesitation: "Not yet, I'm taking an exam recently, so I don't have time to worry about this."

"Then are you coming back for the Chinese New Year? There are only two of us left in the Ye family. It's not suitable for us not to be together during the Chinese New Year, isn't it?"

Ye Da naturally didn't want to face Ye Jianguo face to face so soon, but he didn't want to make him suspicious. Looking in the rearview mirror, Liu Xiaoqian was playing with his fingers. Feeling Ye Da's gaze, he raised his head blankly and saw Ye Da in the mirror. They stared at each other, blinking their eyes.

Ye Da had an idea, and said: "It depends on the situation, I talked with a local girlfriend, maybe I stayed in Donghai."


Now it was Ye Jianguo's turn to be silent.

Whether it is true or not, the original purpose of the two of them, or Ye Jianguo's self-reported purpose, was to make Ye Daxiu a living person, marry a wife and have children to continue the Ye family.Before this layer of window paper was pierced, this reason was extremely legitimate.

"How's your cultivation going? Don't harm the girl..."

Ye Da knew that the other party was talking about "How to Live in the World", but he was not prepared to tell his exact progress.

"The progress is very fast, isn't this prepared in advance?"

Ye Jianguo was silent for a while on the phone, and finally said: "That's kind, please send me a picture later. As a parent, I also want to send a red envelope or something during the Chinese New Year."

After a few more words of nonsense, Ye Jianguo said: "It's Chinese New Year, be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Da's face was gloomy and uncertain, and under the blessing of "Yin Qi Concentration", he quickly reviewed the conversation just now.

Wang Weiwen asked while driving: "Test?"

Ye Da nodded.

Ye Jianguo seems to have some changes there. He may be calling to test his own condition.
Moreover, it seems that I really want to go back to celebrate the New Year.
But whether what awaits him is a red envelope or an ax, it's hard to say.
No matter what, procrastinate as long as you can, and never see him until you figure out the cause and effect.

Ye Da, who was in deep thought, didn't notice that Liu Xiaoqian in the back seat lowered her head, and her fingers were twisted.

In the afternoon, the car finally arrived at its destination.

Jiangzhou, Yaolin Grottoes.

This is a large natural stalactite cave, one of the 81 large formations.

Of course, the local tourism department will not let go of such a good resource, and it has also been transformed into a tourist attraction.

Ye Da got out of the car and stretched his waist. The feeling of weakness still remained, and it might take another day or two to fully recover.

Looking back at the "doll" female stiff wearing her loose sweater, that is, the ignorant Liu Xiaoqian, she reacted and said:

"You can use illusion to change back to your own form."

Liu Xiaoqian nodded shyly, her figure changed into her own face, the big silver balls behind her were also hidden, and even her clothes became a slim dress with a thin windbreaker.

I usually like to pay attention to the girls around me, and Liu Xiaoqian's outfits will never disappoint.

In particular, the female zombie was originally only pretty, with a face value of 70 points, but in terms of beauty, Liu Xiaoqian, who has transformed into a ghost, is even better for a week. The strange beauty is extremely rare. Among the people Ye Da knows, only Xin Yi It is at the same level as Liu Xiaoqian's appearance after turning into a ghost.

Hmm. If you’re transgender, I’m pretty much the same.

Ye Da praised sincerely: "It's even more beautiful."

Liu Xiaoqian became even more shy.

No, when buying the ticket, the elder brother with his wife and children was stunned.

Liu Xiaoqian hadn't been seen in front of people for a long time. In the past, no matter what state she was in, only Engong could see her. Now she is very uncomfortable, and she never raised her head when she lowered her head.

It wasn't until Ye Da used his eyes to make the elder brother turn his head away in embarrassment that Liu Xiaoqian felt better, but she still stuck tightly behind Ye Da, like a little quail.

The scenic spot was about to be closed, the three of them didn't waste time, they bought the tickets and checked in immediately. The stalactite cave is underground, and they have to go through a downward corridor. There are some introduction photos along the way. The free explanation of the scenic spot will take you inside.

In all fairness, the stalactites and artificial lighting are still very beautiful, but Ye Da and the others are not in the mood to look at them here.

When they passed a certain corner on the way, the three people quietly left the team. The place was winding and winding, and no one noticed it for a while.

After exploring for a while, Ye Da identified a corner.

The old rules, one hand on hips, one hand pointing forward.

"Old Wang! Quickly use Earth Dungeon!"

 It didn't work out yesterday, but it worked out today.

(End of this chapter)

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