I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 242 Hidden danger

Chapter 242 Hidden danger
Yaolin Grottoes, hidden caves.

Similar to the one on Mount Mo, the scenic caves outside are just the entrance to the real camp.

However, compared with the hundreds of meters underground at Moshan, the depth here is not so exaggerated.

Ye Da reckoned that it was only four or five meters deeper than the area where the tourists walked, which was equivalent to the relationship between going up and down the stairs.

Maybe the Southern Sect and the Northern Division + the boy in white did not expect that this place will be developed into a scenic spot after 150 years..
It's also very interesting to think about it. The above is the tour guide holding a small flag and leading the tourists.The following is the biggest secret of Kyushu and one of the lifeblood of Kyushu.

"Old Wang! Quickly use the lighting technique!"

Wang Weiwen: "If you keep talking with your hands on your hips like this, I'm going to beat you up."

Having said that, the body is still very honest and his hands are together, and a huge ball of light flies up.

Here is still the stalactite grotto, but it is separated from the grotto in the scenic spot just now, and the area is as large.

The feet are full of strange-shaped stones, and the stalactite pillars are as dense as a forest. This is the real undeveloped, primitive stalactite forest, it is difficult to walk, and there is no flat place under the feet.

Ye Da took the lead and walked inside.

Not long after, I saw a familiar object.

A sarcophagus.

This time it is not covered with moss, so it looks more realistic. There are only simple lines on the surface of the sarcophagus, and the whole body is thick and simple, but standing in this dark underground, the atmosphere is full.

There is no underground tomb as a backdrop, but there is a solitary sarcophagus, which is even more strange.

Just as the three of them saw the sarcophagus, there was movement in the sarcophagus, and the lid was slowly pushed away.

Ye Da wondered if these sarcophagi would have some visual trigger mechanism, such as opening the coffin when they were seen.It was the same with the one at the bottom of the pool before.

But unlike the one in the pool, the one who crawled out this time was a strong man.

The same linen plain robe, the same silver hair, but short hair.

Strong muscle lines, combined with pale skin, is quite strange.

The eyes are cloudy gray, and the overall aura is even stronger than that of Shuitan Nuzo.

But it was all futile in front of Ye Da.

Because he was worried that the tourists on the "upstairs" would find out that the news came out, Ye Da didn't prepare to show the battle of chariots and horses at first. When the sarcophagus just started to slide, the six stone needles had already flown out.

This seemingly imposing and strong zombie didn't even have time to make a strange cry, but was pierced into the body by stone needles with a "confused look" and became Ye Da's new "doll".

Rules crush
There is a hang, what kind of life is playing!
Facing the Nine Yin Stone Bian, no matter whether it is a spirit body or a zombie, the Yin attribute is really powerless to fight back.

Ye Da was in a good mood after easily acquiring another combat power close to S rank. The secret behind this big formation was that, for him, it was also a treasure.

Manipulate the zombie to kick forward and come to the side, the team members +1.

Three people turned into four people, Ye Da continued to look inward, and after a while, he saw a huge stone platform again.

The same size, the same "inscribed landscape map of Kyushu".

It's just that the position of the abacus beads on it has changed, and at this moment it is placed in the position representing the Yaolin Grottoes.

"If there's anything wrong, just pull me out."

Ye Da let Wang Weiwen and Liu Xiaoqian stand back to respond, and he repeated the previous operation in the pool. The Juantian incense burner was placed above the abacus beads, and the faint gray mist rose from the furnace cavity out of thin air, turning into a fog wall surrounding Kyushu. Afterwards, the right hand that held Jiuyin stretched out into the mist.

Then he lost his voice.
After a while, Wang Weiwen called out worriedly: "Ye Da?"

Ye Da withdrew his hand in embarrassment: "Well, as expected, there was no response."

Put away the censer, and the vision disappeared.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to leave a memory in every position."

Wang Weiwen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That means it is not the formation that triggers the memory, but you. Once when you gather the stone needles, once when you find the formation for the first time. If you infer this, it should be the next time."

Ye Da nodded: "Yes. Nine times out of ten, this is when I really come into contact with the gray mist."

It feels like playing a puzzle game.

Wang Weiwen said: "Then where is the third stop?"

Ye Da touched his chin, pondered for a moment:

"How about solving a hidden danger first, and then touch the gray mist?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Weiwen understood who Ye Da was talking about.

He looked at Liu Xiaoqian and the new male zombie behind him. "It makes sense. The timing is right."


Weihe County.

Ice and snow is the only adjective here, and it is also the northernmost human settlement in Kyushu.

Further north, there are only some small villages and Pingdingshan.

However, more than half a month ago, there seemed to be some natural disaster on Pingdingshan, and all the small villages within hundreds of kilometers around were moved.

A figure with a hood and a down jacket was sitting in the "cheap fried rice" in the small town, eating with a blank expression.

The face is very young, the silver hair exposed from the hood, and the tired eyes make people uncertain about the age.

Outside the window, a number of black cars passed by in a line, and the license plates were all from other places.

Anyone with experience knows that this model is exclusively for the government. This small town has gathered a large number of personnel from official agencies, and the consumption of materials is almost approaching the limit of the town.

The price of the cheap stir fry has increased by 20%!

"My lord, the surrounding area of ​​Pingdingshan is impenetrable, and all civilian vehicles going in that direction will be persuaded to turn back. This Weihe town is also full of officials' eyes, so it's difficult to handle."

Luo Chao took a sip of shredded mustard soup with no pork, and said: "Pingdingshan is nearly 100 kilometers away, not to mention more nearby areas. It is impossible to be surrounded to death. At most, some common routes are blocked."

The man on the opposite side was full of worries, and after a long while, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, the younger one is a marginal member. I really can't bear the burden. My family is all in Kyushu. See if you can give the villain a break."

Luo Chao glanced at the other party and said calmly: "You are amazing. Those who are parasitized should be loyal, but you can actually say such things to me."

The man was sweating coldly, feeling that all the strength in his body had been sucked away.

"My lord, I am absolutely loyal to the merciful God."

"It's just that you may not be loyal to me, right? That's right, there are not many people in Guanzhou Manchuria, and you have never seen me."

Seeing Luo Chao's unwavering eyes, the man forgot what to do for a moment.

As soon as Luo Chao raised his hand, he directly took over the control of the "split body" in the back of the opponent's head.

The man's face quickly calmed down, and he said in a deep voice: "It is my honor to serve the son of Chuici."

Luo Chao continued to drink the soup.

After paying for the meal with his subordinate's wallet, Luo Chao led the people to the parking lot in the backyard. There were all kinds of field trekking tools prepared by his subordinates in the car, and the car was full of gas.

Luo Chao sat in the co-pilot. If he didn't know how to drive, he wouldn't bother to bring such a person.

The car left the town, instead of going on the main road, but turned off the lights after dark, and drove into the snow.

Both of them are parasitized by the god of mercy, have certain night vision, and drive very slowly.

Fortunately, the off-road performance was good, and there were no major problems overnight. When it was close to dawn, we finally arrived at our destination.

Nianzi Mountain.

Because the mountain peak is named after a big roller, there is nothing special about it, barren mountains and wild mountains.

But the direction of the mountain is connected with Pingding Mountain.

Yes, Luo Chao didn't plan to enter Pingdingshan head-on at the beginning, and the car was too obvious on the snow without any buildings. He took advantage of the night to get rid of the blockade along the way, and planned to trek from Nianzishan to enter Pingdingshan.

With his current physical fitness, it is not too difficult.

After leaving the East China Sea, his strength has strengthened again.

Before entering the deep mountains and old forests, Luo Chao turned his head and glanced at his subordinates who were following behind him sluggishly.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and released the control over him.

The man came to his senses in a daze, and looked at Luo Chao in fear.

"grown ups."

"Your family members are all in Weihe County?"

The man nodded in bewilderment.

Luo Chao turned around, waved his hands, and stepped into the mountain.

"Go back and treat your wife and children well."

(End of this chapter)

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