I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 243 You guys are talking about chapters!

Chapter 243 You guys are talking!
Luo Chao entered the old forest and jumped onto the tree.

The scenery here is not much different from that of Pingdingshan. The almost black tall coniferous forest and the white snow are the only things.

Since no one fell down, the trees here are generally extremely tall, and big trees with several people hugging can be seen everywhere.

Luo Chao was also a little confused about what he was about to do.

That night in Donghai, he was defeated by Ye Da and Wang Weiwen face to face, and then he was able to escape only by the threat of the God of Mercy, which made him realize many things.

For example, my own strength is not enough, for example, the water in Kyushu is very deep.

Especially what Wang Weiwu said before losing consciousness made Luo Chao have mixed feelings.

To parasitize all those who have bullied him, to torture and revenge every day, such a beautiful dream was never imagined before.

He thought that he could enjoy the pleasure of revenge forever, one year, five years, decades, watching Dong Ge's group of people under his hands like a dog, licking the soles of his shoes.

But the truth is, after only one month, he got tired of it.

Torturing those people has become dull, and controlling the life and death of others is no longer novel.


This word was also said by Wang Weiwu.

He didn't admit it at first.

Unscrupulous venting will bring pleasure, but this feeling will not last long, and there will only be emptiness after it is over.

In addition, the God of Mercy has indulged him, but has hardly made any demands on him.

Task?Target?Sacrifice?Not at all.

After the pleasure of venting dissipated, Luo Chao quickly entered the next stage: confusion.

That's why at that time, he suddenly contacted Wang Weiwu and asked him to come out to meet him.

Wang Weiwu is like a thread between him and the past.

When he is confused and empty, he will want to pull this thread to confirm where the other party is and where he is.

After escaping from the East China Sea, Luo Chao was angry, unwilling, and finally even more confused.

He asked the merciful god to give him more power, and the merciful god gave him.

But the God of Mercy couldn't give him direction. It seemed that it never expected Luo Chao to do anything. It was Luo Chao who was asking for it and borrowing the power of the God of Mercy.

Until a week ago, the God of Mercy finally made a request.

Let him leave Kyushu.

Luo Chao, who lacked a goal, did not resist.

Maybe after leaving Kyushu, you will find something else, something called a goal.

Wang Weiwen will take good care of grandma.
A few hours later, Luo Chao had advanced hundreds of kilometers in Nianzi Mountain. He used the towering giant tree as a foothold, and kept jumping at a very fast speed, which was far beyond the comparison of ordinary people wading through the snow.

Suddenly, Luo Chao stopped, stood on top of the giant tree, and listened attentively.

There was movement. There was movement that shouldn't happen in the deep mountains.

After a while, Luo Chao raised his head abruptly.

The movement comes from the sky?
The next moment, he froze.

Through the gaps in the needles, he saw two black dots falling rapidly from the clouds.


That's two people!
"Boom!" With a sound, two figures landed in front of Luo Chao.

One male and one female.

The male one has a strong body and is nearly two meters tall. Even wearing a loose sweater, his body is bulging, which makes people wonder if the clothes are bought too small, and his face is pale, unlike ordinary people.

As for the female, the strange beauty was only seen by Luo Chao in his life. Unlike the man who landed heavily, this woman gradually slowed down and floated lightly one foot above the snowy ground, suspended in mid-air.

Luo Chao's eyes shrank. Are these deep mountains and forests here for him?

But he had never seen these two people before!
The two seemed to have already locked Luo Chao's position, and looked over after landing.Luo Chao opened his mouth and said, "You guys."

As a result, the strong man didn't mean to talk nonsense at all, and rushed up directly.

"So fast!"

The man leaped forward like a cannonball and kicked Luo Chao on the tree.

When Luo Chao was in the nick of time, he leaned back to dodge, and his strong leg kicked the giant tree beside him.

"Bang!!" There was a muffled sound, followed by the sound of wood cracking.

The big tree that the three of them hugged was kicked down.
Luo Chao's pupils shrank.

What a power this is.
The big tree fell slowly, and the two looked at each other briefly.

When Luo Chao fell, his right hand became a claw, and he pushed forward: "Eight Divine Skills - Sky Fury"

A huge energy beam rushed out, hit the strong man's chest, and sent him flying.

"Fortunately, although the power is strong, the reaction is not fast."

But Luo Chao hadn't been happy for too long, when he saw the man in the middle of him who was "wrathful". Although the clothes on his chest were broken, he seemed to be okay. He turned somersault in the air, using the fallen tree as a leverage rushed over again.

"This defensive power!"

This is simply a human tank! !

And the bewitching and beautiful woman on the side hasn't joined yet.

Luo Chao felt a little absurd...
He is obviously stronger.
Why every time I meet an enemy, I feel like I can't beat it!

The key is! ! !
"Who the hell are you! Come on and do it!?"

Above the sky, a strange skateboard hangs at an altitude of hundreds of meters, which looks as small as a bird from a distance.

On the skateboard, there are two people sitting cross-legged, they are Ye Da and Wang Weiwen.

Wang Weiwen twisted his butt: "It's a bit crowded."

It's just a long board, not a two-person board, how can two big men not squeeze it?
Ye Da was closing his eyes and waving his hands continuously: "It's too close, I have to concentrate on controlling it."

Yes, Luo Chao's sudden attack was done by Ye Da.

After the Yaolin Grottoes, the two guessed that the next memory might need to touch the real gray fog, but before that, Ye Da wanted to solve a hidden danger first.

That is Luo Chao.

That night in Donghai, he was threatened with 32 lives and had to let him go, but Ye Da knew it well.

The more desperate the god of mercy is, the less he can let Luo Chao really fish into the sea.

After such a long time, whether it is the God of Mercy or Luo Chao, they should have lost their vigilance. At this time, it is the right time to kill a carbine.

Since Wang Weiwen's ability to find people can't cover the entire Kyushu even if he is on the hook, so Ye Da relies on the induction of Li Siyue's remnant soul to find the approximate location, and then replaces it with Wang Weiwen to determine the specific location.

In the state of Li Siyue's remnant soul, it can't have any obvious impact on the current combination of Luo Chao + the God of Mercy, but both Luo Chao and the God of Mercy seem to be relatively unfamiliar with the concept of "spiritual body". Evicted and found nothing.

Originally thought that this guy would be by the sea, but unexpectedly, he ran into the ice and snow of Guanzhou!

It took Ye Da three days to get to the vicinity following the hidden location sensing. After arriving there, he heard about the recent anomaly in Guanzhou Pingdingshan.

Since this place is very close to the gray mist, Ye Da initially wondered if Luo Chao came for the gray mist's loophole.

It just so happened that he needed to find a place of gray mist to try to open the third memory, and the two things came together.

"The most important point is not to BB, just do it directly! Let the other party not even know who is being hit, and the threats can't find direction!"

The reason why he and Wang Weiwen are hanging in the sky, but Ye Da controls the male zombie + Liu Xiaoqian to go down, is to prevent the possibility of the God of Mercy repeating his old tricks.

I don’t even talk to you, I just do it!

Take down Luo Chao with the momentum of thunder, no matter what the merciful god wants to do, stop him!
threaten?Do you threaten if you know who the person who hit you is?

(End of this chapter)

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