I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 244 There are still people!

Chapter 244 There are still people!
Liu Xiaoqian floated slightly in the air. After transforming into a ghost, she was more than enough to control things dozens of kilograms, but she was originally "A Piao" in a spirit state, so she didn't need to use flying like this.

Now that you have a body, you can achieve the effect of physical flight.

Hmm. Flying may not be accurate enough, it's probably at the level of physical floating. At least it's more flexible when fighting.

The strong man in front is controlled by Engong, Liu Xiaoqian is very clear about this, but she is not in a hurry to step forward, as Engong said before, she mainly plays an insurance role.

By the way, Engong also said, don't talk, and don't react to the other party's words, just be like a deaf-mute...
"Boom!" sounded.

Several towering trees fell down again, and the snow splashed everywhere.

The male zombie under Ye Da's control is just doing it without saying a word, and it has only been a few minutes since he landed, but he has already beaten Luo Chao.

The strength of this body is full, and unlike the main body, which has a fragile "human shell", its defense is also extremely strong, a typical humanoid tank.

The only flaw is that the reaction speed of remote control is a bit slow, but with the invincible defense, it's all done!
Tanks don't need to dodge!
Luo Chao fell like a cannonball, and "Ye Da" punched him on the chin.

"Eight God Skills: Immobility!"

Luo Chao chose to resist, but as soon as the crystal-like energy appeared, it shattered and he flew up.

"Damn! So strong!"

In mid-air, he was full of viciousness, and with a flick of his hands, countless energy threads flew out: "Eight Divine Technique·Tianluo"

These silk threads are like spirit snakes, instantly entwining "Ye Da" tightly.

"Death to me!!!"

Luo Chao exhausted all his strength, pulled countless silk threads, and threw "Ye Da" to the giant tree beside him, causing pieces of wood to fly all over the place.

However, the momentum of the operation is not small, and the output is .1.5.

No more.

"Ye Da" even took the time to study the silk threads on his body. The so-called eight god skills seem to be all energy materialization moves.

Luo Chao didn't give up, he still pulled the energy thread and threw "Ye Da" continuously.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The loud noises came one after another, and the surrounding boulders and trees suffered disasters one after another.

Even if it was bound with a piece of refined iron, it should have been shattered by the beating at this time.

However, to Luo Chao's horror, the man in front of him had no expression from the beginning to the end, just like an outsider.

Look at the clown again
As if to say: "Come on, the defense is almost broken."

"Don't talk, right? Don't talk, right?! Die! Die!"

Luo Chao, who became angry from embarrassment, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Eight God Skills! Burning Blood!"

Bloody flames erupted all over his body, pulling the male zombie closer to him, and then punched him out.

"I'll call you to tell me!"

The man flew upside down and broke several big trees.

Finally broke
High in the sky, Ye Da frowned and said: "This guy has become a lot stronger. He has grown from an ordinary person to nearly S-level in two months. The God of Mercy is so aggressive. This guy's tactics are still too direct." It’s coming straight. Huh? By the way, there’s this trick too!”

In the middle of the inverted flight, "Ye Da" inserted one hand into the ground to stop his figure, and then pulled back his hood, revealing his short silver hair.

He lowered his head and turned the Tianling cover to Luo Chao.

Luo Chao, who was covered in bloody flames, rushed over, and was about to pursue the victory.The next moment, the countless silver hairs on the top of the male stiff head shot out like flying needles, densely packed and unavoidable!
The defensive zombies in the formation seem to have abilities related to hair. The female zombie has long hair like a snake, while the male zombie can shoot like a flying needle, which is extremely powerful.

Because they are "foolish".

Luo Chao obviously didn't expect to have such a move, and the hair shot out like a flying needle. Is this a move that people can think of?
This "silver needle" is not much less powerful than a bullet. The most important thing is that it is difficult to distinguish. The silver hair is still in the snowy area, and the gods can't see it clearly when they come.

Dense waves appeared on Luo Chao's body. The bloody flames had a certain defensive effect, but they couldn't hold on soon.

The short hair on the top of the man's stiff head regenerates fast enough to make the hair transplant doctor kneel down and call the gods, one crop after another is endless.

The bloody flames quickly dissipated, and countless bloody flowers burst out from Luo Chao's body.

"Eight Gods! Don't move!"

Crystal-like energy entities appeared around it, and flying needles shot up and made a "dinging, clanking" sound.Luo Chao's mind suddenly changed
what to do?who are they?Why did you suddenly attack yourself!how to escape
There is a weird woman on the other side who hasn't taken action yet. He has no chance of winning. Damn it.
Wait woman?What about that woman?

The next moment, a sharp pain came from behind, and Luo Chao spat out a mouthful of blood.

Liu Xiaoqian didn't know when she turned invisible and came to Luo Chao's back silently. With one claw, she penetrated the energy ice block and also penetrated Luo Chao's heart.

Big mouthfuls of blood vomited on the snow, steaming.

If the male zombie manipulated by Ye Da is not as powerful as the original version due to the delay in remote control, then the female zombie possessed by Liu Xiaoqian has achieved the effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

Ghosts are already powerful, and after possessing a female zombie, they have gained unparalleled strength and defense. They have illusion abilities and soul damage abilities. They can drag themselves to float, and even fly out of the female zombie's body for a short time to perform two-line operations. .

She is no longer the little spirit who can only perceive maliciousness, but she doesn't care much about strength.

The back of Luo Chao's heart was completely pierced by the slender arms, and was even lifted up.

"Are you going to die?"

His eyes trembled, and the breath of the deep sea filled the air.

Even Ye Da, who was [-] meters high, could feel the special atmosphere like the seabed of [-] meters.

Depressed, profound.

Luo Chao's tone became calm and did not fluctuate.

At the critical moment, the consciousness of the merciful god took over Luo Chao's body again

"Human, I want to make a deal with you."

Liu Xiaoqian was expressionless.

My benefactor said I want to play the role of a deaf mute and I can’t hear.
With a strong force, Luo Chao's heart was crushed, and then he withdrew his hand, taking some organs and broken bones with him.

Although she couldn't bear it, she still kept in mind her benefactor's orders, and if she didn't listen or speak, she would kill with one blow.

Luo Chao, or "Luo Chao", his eyes remained calm, but gradually dimmed and finally lost his voice.

Above the sky, Ye Da's mood is quite complicated.

If there is a chance, he also hopes that Luo Chao's ending will be different, such as being handed over to the official.

Maybe a few years later, there will be a breakthrough in technology that will be able to free it from parasitism.

Although there will be a judge in the future, and the judge will sit upright, but after a few years, he will still have time to live well, after all, he is very young.

It's a pity that the God of Mercy's last threat is still vivid in his memory. Any delay, communication, and restraint may lead to a repeat of that day.

Ye Da had no choice.

Wang Weiwen also sighed, wondering if Weiwu would be sad because of this, but he knew that Ye Da did the right thing, compared with the God of Mercy, compared with the names of tens of thousands of people, the life of a young man is not enough Change the scales.

On the ground, Nan Jiang and Liu Xiaoqian waited for a while, and Luo Chao stood up again as expected like last time, but it didn't happen.

And that weird deep-sea breath seemed to dissipate invisible.

The main body is far away in the deep sea, and the god of mercy is concentrated in the shallow sea. It seems that Luo Chao cannot be saved. This "son of mercy" finally ushered in death.

Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to let the chatterbox skateboard begin to lower its height.

In the process of descending, Ye Da has already touched the Nine Yin Stone Bian, and when the distance is sufficient, he will try to collect Luo Chao's soul as soon as possible!
The height of the skateboard was getting lower and lower, but Ye Da still pushed the stone needle.

At this moment, without any warning, the talking board suddenly stood up, and directly threw Ye Da and Wang Weiwen out.


Ye Da didn't expect it at all.

The next moment, Huaba's skateboard was hit by something, and flew out spinning in the air.

Then Ye Da heard a violent gunshot, echoing in the mountains.


The talkative skateboard helped him block a shot!
Is there anyone else in this forest? !

(End of this chapter)

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