Chapter 245

Perimeter of Pingdingshan.

Some time ago, some uninvited guests came to the outskirts of Pingdingshan, and then several small villages hundreds of kilometers nearby were all relocated.

There are not many people, and the food and drink are offered and paid. Anyway, there is no work in winter, and the villagers treat it as a vacation.

Among them, the village closest to Pingdingshan was completely expropriated and transformed into...
village base.

"Sister Lan, dinner."

A young man put the aluminum lunch box on Sister Lan's table.

The middle-aged woman called Sister Lan didn't raise her head, she bent over her desk to check something.

As a veteran member of the special affairs department, although she was not promoted to the captain's rank due to strength issues, Li Xiaolan is still a good leader in the eyes of young people. She is considerate and experienced. It is said that there were countless suitors 20 years ago.

The young man was not surprised when he saw no reaction. He rubbed his hands and said, "The logistics department won't provide any heating equipment, so we'll just have to rely on the fellow's earthen kang."

Li Xiaolan didn't raise her head and said, "If you feel cold, chop more firewood quickly, complaining won't make the temperature rise."

The young man said helplessly: "Sister Lan, what do you mean by the above? With this time, it is enough to rebuild a fully functional base. The wild spirit protection area in Xiongxiazigou was built in a month. , Now we have to stay in a small village, and the various equipments are getting worse and worse, which is not conducive to carrying out work, isn't it?"

Sister Lan stopped what she was doing, touched the lunch box, and handed it back to the young man: "It's cold. Let's heat it up on the stove. Of course, the higher ups have their own plans. If they didn't notify you, it means they're not high enough. If they did, If you still don’t understand, you are stupid.”

The young man helplessly warmed up sister Lan's meal, but was called away not long after.

Sister Lan returned her attention to the table while picking up the meal.

On the table, put a few things.

Strange round darts, a purple unknown potion bottle, a bone box, and a gorgeous vintage pistol.

These were all from the more than 30 misty intruders more than half a month ago.

"Mist Invaders" is the current official internal name for these people.

The more than 30 intruders were dealt with by Captain Jiang Hou from the East China Sea, and there was no disturbance. Even before she knew it, everything was over.

Afterwards, the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division excavated the avalanche area of ​​Pingdingshan, and all the bodies were recovered, and there were also a lot of items on them. Sister Lan was born in a technical position, and she left a set for research after a tentative application.

To her surprise, the above actually approved it.

Considering the role of this village, Li Xiaolan understood the meaning of the above.

While eating her rice, she picked up the dart.

An alloy that has never been seen before. It is extremely sharp, not poisonous, and its shape conforms to aerodynamics, but it may require special skills to use it.

To be honest, it's hardly a novelty.

Some unpopular spirit enlighteners in Kyushu will also use this kind of throwing cold weapons in order to match their abilities.

Same for a few other things.

The potion is actually a kind of explosive, which contains an organic compound that explodes when it encounters oxygen. It can be understood as a grenade, with some additional corrosive effects.

The bone box is a kind of breeding vessel that is carried around. Inside is a bunch of worms. When they were dug out, they basically froze to death. The worms were sent to the Institute of Biology, and their function is unknown for the time being.

The retro pistol is a little tricky, and its power is extremely powerful. It is not like a weapon against enemies large or small. It also exceeds the power of its own structure. It is suspected that extraordinary power was used in the manufacturing process.

It is hard to imagine how powerful a large weapon would be if it were made with the same technology. The only shortcoming is the trouble of loading.

In all fairness, everything is very different from Kyushu.

There are even some backwards
But what caught Sister Lan the most was the intruder's extraordinary consistency.

According to Jiang Hou, all intruders can emit some kind of roar of energy, with different powers, and it is also the chief culprit of the avalanche.

There are more than 30 people with unified extraordinary power, which is impossible in Kyushu.

Even in a highly unified force like the special enforcement team, the spiritual enlighteners in it are all blooming and irrelevant.

"Sure enough, at least in terms of extraordinary power, the outside world is taking a completely different path from ours."

"Isn't Captain Jiang Hou back yet? He is really a random person."

She wasn't too worried about safety.

I just hope that the other party can restrain themselves a little.

During this time, through her own channels, Li Xiaolan also heard some rumors related to Jiang Hou.

The higher-ups are extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Hou's situation, but Jiang Hou always avoids talking about it.
The vigilance of the above has been aroused.

Even Li Xiaolan herself received news from some old leaders asking her to pay attention to Jiang Hou for any abnormalities.

Nianzi Mountain.Ye Da was thrown away by Chatterbox's skateboard and landed on a towering tree.

The chatterbox skateboard also spun and fell into the distance.

"There are still enemies on the mountain! The Eternal Life Society?"

Wang Weiwen also landed on another tree next to him: "Why is this Luo Chao so difficult to deal with, what can we do now?"

Ye Da thought for a while, and said, "Let's not show up for now. If we are behind the mercy god, we will be threatened again if we show up!"

Donghae was so disgusting that time.

Saying that, Ye Da closed his eyes, concentrating on manipulating the boy.

On the other side, Liu Xiaoqian's face turned icy when she saw Engong being knocked into the air. Fortunately, Ye Da's manipulator signaled her to calm down in time.

"Ye Da" looked in the direction where the suspected bullet was flying, but he couldn't see anything because the forest restricted his vision.

The next moment, there was a muffled "bang", and the male stiff was shot in the chest, and his strong body flew upside down for several meters.

This is a big exaggeration.

Then there was a loud gunshot in the mountains.

"Ye Da" stabilized his figure, and felt a ball in his chest.

"Is this a lead bullet? No! It's much harder than that."

Rubbing the slightly deformed bullet, which was completely different from Kyushu, "Ye Da" was momentarily in doubt.

No wonder the chatterbox skateboard chose to block the shot just now, and hit Ye Da with this power. The core may be fine, but the fragile "human shell" on his body may be highly damaged.

At critical moments, talking about skateboarding is quite reliable.

Even the man's chest was punched with a dimple, which shows its power.

In the forest, dozens of black shadows moved.

With the help of "male stiff" eyes, Ye Da looked intently.

A leather coat, a wide-brimmed hat, a lot of buckles on the body, jingling things hanging, and a gorgeous retro-style gun in his hand, both long and short.

Deep-set eye sockets, brown pupils.

Ye Da's thinking was temporarily stuck.

"What is this?! Red Dead Redemption? Aliens!"

These strange guys seem to be an organized armed force, with a number of about 20 people.

A group of escorts stopped at the edge of the woods, looking at Liu Xiaoqian and Nan Zhuo warily.

After a while, the opponent didn't make a move directly.

The leader took a step forward and said gloomily: "%¥#%"

Liu Xiaoqian turned to look at "Ye Da".

"Ye Da" shook his head, and couldn't understand a word. It sounded a bit like the language of his previous life, but he had long forgotten it.

But just now, he fired the black gun secretly, and now he finds that he is very strong in surviving being shot, so he chooses to communicate.

Very despicable
Should it be called aliens?
These people, came running through the wall of gray fog?That's right, Nianzi Mountain is also close to the edge of Kyushu, and Pingding Mountain is missing, so there may be problems here.

I just didn’t expect that the wall of gray mist in Kyushu has been damaged to this extent.
On the long border, how many places like this are there?
Ye Da wasn't sure about the purpose of these people, but he wanted to ensure that Luo Chao's matter had an end first, so he manipulated the male zombie to grab Luo Chao's body.

There was a "bang" gunshot.

Among the group of big escorts, the leader's head exploded in an instant!He fell down.

Ye Da turned around suddenly, the gunfire came from behind!
"On this Nianzi mountain, there is a third party!! The sneak attack just now is not with these people!!"

"The opponent wants to provoke us to fight!"

 On a whim, I reread the ending of my last book.

  He actually sees his blood boiling.

  I also found some of my original intentions for writing.

  Readers who have just met Asin in this book, if you are interested, you can read the previous Naruto fanfic, which was pretty good at the time.

  Not a novice.

(End of this chapter)

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