Chapter 246 Armed?army!
"Brother, the Kyushu people and the Bai people are already fighting."

A paper crane less than one finger long was floating in the air, delivering news.

It was a foreign language, but it was different from those "Big Red".

In the tree hole, a 40-year-old man wearing a heavy fur coat was holding his shoulder in pain. The gorgeous retro rifle in his hand was obviously not something he could handle. Two consecutive shots had dislocated his shoulder.

"How's your situation over there?"

A voice came from the paper crane: "At most, I can fire one shot."

When the man communicated with the paper crane, he didn't notice that the light and shadow under the tree blurred for a while.

Liu Xiaoqian was floating in the air, and countless bullets flew towards her, but they passed through her body without any waves, obviously this was just an illusion.

The next moment, long hair like a snake suddenly sprang out from the side, tied up the three aliens, and beat them on the ground repeatedly.

On the other side of "Yeda", the man was holding a bullet, and rushed into the crowd like a tank.

The object of the battle has changed.

Ever since the leader of "The Red Dead" was inexplicably shot to death by a third party, these twenty or so aliens attacked "Ye Da" and Liu Xiaoqian. Ye Da couldn't explain it because he didn't understand the language, and there was no need to explain it.

All the alien races who invaded the fog wall are enemies rather than friends, let's talk about it after doing it.

The guns in these people's hands are extremely powerful. Although they are not as powerful as those of the third-party sneak attack just now, they are still astonishingly powerful. Although the male zombie has a high defense, he was restrained, and his clothes were torn in a few hits .

On the contrary, Liu Xiaoqian relied on illusion to hide her body, and achieved a lot of success.

After rushing close to Ye Da, he noticed that many people on the other side had mechanical prosthetic eyes in their eye sockets, and their red pupils glowed slightly.

At this time, a foreigner threw a purple potion bottle. Ye Da didn't know what it was, but it was right to avoid it.

The potion bottle exploded when it hit the ground, accompanied by splashes of liquid droplets, and corrosion marks appeared on the surrounding ground.

The other person threw two darts, and the male zombie controlled by Ye Da couldn't dodge it, but he didn't break the defense.

The more Ye Da fought, the more he felt something was wrong.

These aliens are different from what you imagined.
But for a while, I couldn't tell what was wrong.
Suddenly, a foreigner pulled down his mask and yelled at Ye Da.


The huge sound wave actually lifted the stiff body of the man into the air.

"What is this?! Dragon Roar? Battle Roar? River Lion Roar?"

What was even more surprising was that all the "Dartsmen" took off their aprons one after another as if they had pressed the repeat button.




Every angle, every direction, go round and round, use sound waves to encircle and beat.

The man grabbed the ground stiffly, and the continuous sound waves actually suppressed him on the ground, and the skin on his body kept churning under the terrifying sound waves.

There are more than a dozen people with the same extraordinary power!
It's a pity that the opponent is not the only one who will attack with loud waves.

Liu Xiaoqian did not know when she appeared behind the alien, her vermilion lips lifted lightly, sending out soul-stirring waves, which turned into invisible waves, destroying the sound wave formation of the alien.

In an instant, a large number of aliens knelt on the ground covering their heads.

The male zombie rushed into the crowd, and there was no other enemy.

Soon, more than half of the aliens were injured, and the remaining seven or eight fled in the direction they came from.

After a little hesitation, Ye Da manipulated the "male zombie" to pick up Luo Chao's body, and led Liu Xiaoqian to chase it.

At the same time, the main body also rushed to this side, no longer hiding.

These aliens must never be put back!
It's just that Wang Weiwen has disappeared.

A group of people were chasing after each other, but due to the dense forest, they couldn't get up to speed, and killed two aliens along the way, "Ye Da" suddenly raised his head, and what he saw was already a wall of fog that pierced the sky.

"This is the Kyushu Fog Wall of Jue Tian Di Tong?"

Although I have seen two abbreviated versions in the formation, although I have listened to it countless times, when Ye Da really came to the foot of the fog wall, he was still shocked by its majesty and mystery.

Back then, the boy in white and the three people from the Southern Sect and the Northern Master really surrounded the entire Kyushu.
It's just that more than 100 years have passed, and Kyushu seems to have reached a fork in the road.

I was awakened by Ye Jianguo during this period, and the mystery behind it pointed to the Kyushu formation. Is it really just a coincidence?
The talkative skateboard flew back from nowhere.

"What about the vehicle? You were shocked just now! I will protect you!" Ye Da was relieved when he saw that there were no traces on the other party's body: "Stop talking nonsense first, just do it to them!"

The talkative skateboarder giggled strangely: "I like this job the most, watch me kill them!"

The ensuing battle was good and bad. When the system was complete, these aliens could still pose some threats to Ye Da and the others. Now they are stragglers and will be wiped out soon.

One of them was the worst, he was beaten to death by a skateboard, and died of humiliation.

Ye Da punched the last alien in the chest, and the powerful force directly destroyed the opponent's single-digit internal organs and double-digit ribs, and even the mechanical prosthetic eye on his face turned into broken parts. out.

I don't know what the function of this prosthetic eye is. Ye Da has been on guard, but he hasn't seen how the foreigner uses it from the beginning to the end. Maybe it's just an auxiliary observation.

Looking inward through the hole of the prosthetic eye, the flesh and machinery seem to be combined together, but the blood flow is not very clear.

Is it a completely different path from Kyushu?
With sunken eye sockets, the bearded escort spat out a mouthful of visceral debris. His vitality was far beyond that of ordinary people. He cursed something inarticulately, but Ye Da didn't understand.

But from the eyes of the other party, it is not difficult to see that it is a kind of contempt.

Contempt based on race.


The big escort tried to spit a mouthful of bloody phlegm on Ye Da, but he ran out of energy and the bloody phlegm finally fell back on his face.

Ye Da waved his hand, and the stone needle nailed the opponent's eyebrow.

He's going to suck his soul out!Look through the memories of these people!
The opponent is only a conventional armed force, and it is impossible for there to be any restrictions in the soul. In fact, Ye Da has gathered three complete alien souls in his pursuit all the way just now.

These souls will become an important way for him to understand the world outside the gray mist, and they can even prove each other.

It has been 150 years since the white-clothed boy, Nanzong and Beishi joined forces to isolate Kyushu from the outside world with the help of the heavenly formation all over Kyushu, so as to avoid the genocide of Kyushu.

At that time, Kyushu, which had at least two tops, was overwhelmed, and Kyushu was almost brought into a dark age like a century of plague. The chaos of alien races that countless capable people and strangers worked together and could not fight, what has it developed now?
It is obvious to all that the wall of fog in Kyushu is gradually crumbling. In Ye Da's view, it will be a matter of time before they confront those brutal alien races who offer rewards for the scalps of Kyushu people.

They seem to have a better first-mover advantage and enjoy a wider space. According to the "Northern Division", there are several continents beyond Kyushu.

Kyushu people, are you ready?

The complete souls of the three aliens should be enough to see a corner of the gray mist.

Just when Ye Da was about to find a place to read the memory of alien souls.

The sound of "da da da" horseshoes came from the direction of the gray mist.

Soon, the thin sounds became one, coming from all directions.

A huge black shadow came out of the dense forest.

one, two
Ten, hundreds.
The almost pure black tall horses carried equally tall foreign knights. These people wore similar styles to the "Big Redemption", rough and wild, and actually wore complex armor composed of steel and rivets on the front.

In the gaps in the armor, gears were faintly turning, and there was a faint sound of machinery. Obviously, this kind of armor was not just a tin box.

This reminded Ye Da of the first memory, the huge fire-breathing steel armored soldiers who wantonly burned the civilians of Kyushu on the grassland, but the cavalry in front of them were obviously more sophisticated and advanced.

And those tall big horses, with steel rivets attached to half of the horse's face, and the faint light in the horse's eyes, seem to be mechanical prosthetic eyes.

The man and the horse are more than three meters high, like a monster composed of flesh and steel, full of oppression!

And there are hundreds of such cavalrymen, and at the same time, there seems to be a considerable number of escorts behind them, as well as a few odd-looking enemies here and there.

They came out of the dense forest in a dense manner, forming a half-moon shape, faintly surrounding Ye Da, Liu Xiaoqian, and Nan Jiang together.

No wonder those big escorts were so arrogant before they died just now. They were sure that the big troops were behind and would avenge them.

These aliens seemed to be sharks that smelled blood. It wasn't long before the gray mist had a problem, and they had already made it clear that they were sending troops to Kyushu.

First they were scouts or spies, and now they are armed forces of nearly a thousand people.

This is already military grade, and everyone seems to have some supernatural powers with them.

The chilling air came, and the air in the entire Nianzi Mountain seemed to condense.

The only thing that moves is the mist in front of the noses of those black beast-like horses

Ye Da tightened the Xuanshui stick in his hand, motioning for Liu Xiaoqian to gather with him, with a gloomy face. l
Now it's a little troublesome.
Do you want to withdraw first?But what if these alien armies disperse and break into Kyushu?
"Jingle Bell"

The cell phone rang suddenly.
Ye Da didn't want to answer it at first, who cares about the phone at this time.

But on second thought, no! !

In this deep mountain and old forest, or on the border of Kyushu, can there be a signal? !

(End of this chapter)

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