I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 247: Inheritance of negative years, but ahead!

Chapter 247 Bearing a Millennium Inheritance, But Walking Ahead!
Ye Da took out his mobile phone, the caller was unexpected.

"Li Zifeng".

Ye Da stared at the opposite army, while answering the phone: "Hello."

If it wasn't for the weird signal, he wouldn't have the time to answer the phone in this situation.

"Captain, don't be surprised, I know what's going on with you, don't hesitate, I say 3, 2, 1, you just jump back."

Ye Da asked suspiciously, "Are you nearby? Do you have a sniper rifle?"

"No time to explain, trust me!! Jump back! Here it comes! 3, 2, 1! Jump!"

Without much time to think, out of trust in his teammates, Ye Da chose to believe!
Liu Xiaoqian was also summoned at the same time.

As Li Zifeng yelled that "1", Ye Da, Liu Xiaoqian, and Nan Zhuang jumped back instantly.

The physical strength of the three of them is extremely tyrannical, and this jump is tens of meters!

And with this jump, nearly a thousand foreign troops in front also started to move, and the heavy hoofbeats pressed forward, obviously not wanting to let Ye Da and the others go.

Leaning back, Ye Da in mid-air was waiting for Li Zifeng's powerful attack.

From the first time we met, I heard how powerful Li Zifeng's special sniper rifle was, but due to various restrictions, I had never seen it.

How big can it be?There were thousands of people across the street.
Forget it, turn around and retreat first after landing, if you talk about the skateboard and Liu Xiaoqian can fly, you should be safe.

Just when Ye Da was thinking about his retreat.
A black shadow flew from the sky.

"call out!"

The next moment, there was a terrifying explosion among the alien army.


Dozens of tall and terrifying cavalry flew directly into the sky. The huge impact was like cutting wheat, and hundreds of people fell down. The fireball produced by the explosion went straight to a height of more than ten meters.

The strong wind blew against Ye Da's face.

He was stunned.

The phone in my hand has not been put down.

"You fucking call this a sniper rifle??!"

But soon he found that he was wrong.

A low roar came from overhead.

A fighter jet roared past.

No, it's nine frames.

The missiles in the belly of the aircraft were suspended, and there were several terrifying explosions, blooming in the middle of the alien army.

Ye Da was so stunned that he didn't stand still when he landed, and rolled several times.

Li Zifeng's voice came from the phone: "Look at the back."

A buzzing sound came from behind, and I saw Li Zifeng in special combat uniform, with a gun in his hand, stepping on the side door of the armed helicopter, gave Ye Da a thumbs up, and said with a smile:
"Captain! Times have changed!"

Behind it, countless armed helicopters roared and came in groups.

It was so dark that it almost covered the sky!

"Captain, times have changed!"

Ye Da never thought that one day he would hear others say this to himself.

Should he answer: "The era of combustibles is over?"

The armed helicopter did not land, but hovered above Ye Da, and lowered countless downhill ropes. Li Zifeng was the first to come down.

Li Zifeng saw the expression of his captain seeing a ghost.


Ye Da: "Huh? (_)"

Li Zifeng said: "This is just the beginning. I came here a week ago, and I haven't closed my mouth. I have refreshed my knowledge."

On the rope around him, heavily armed elites kept descending rapidly, passing Ye Da forward.

"Quick, quick! Group A is suppressing, and group B is setting up firepower points!"

The armed helicopter overhead had honeycomb-like muzzles of machine guns protruding from its belly.

"Da da da da!"

The metal storm rages on the enemy's head, but what blooms is the flower of flesh and blood.

The palm-length bullet casings clanged and fell around Ye Da, like metal rain.

There was even a soldier on the side who opened the box and started operating the drone!What kind of dimensionality reduction attack is this!
What was I worrying about before?

Only then did Ye Da understand why he had a strange feeling when he first saw The Great Escort.

That's because of the retro of the other party!
Or primitive!

As soon as they met, they paid too much attention to the extraordinary in the other party, but ignored the originality of the other party.

A flash of lightning flashed through my mind
Extraordinary and original. It seems that there is no conflict!

To what extent has Kyushu developed!

There are helicopters, armored vehicles, and fighter jets.

What about aliens?
Invasion on horseback? !

150 years!The two sides have been separated for 150 years!

Is there a possibility.
Kyushu bears the inheritance of thousands of years, has gone through hundreds of calamities, but is ahead!

This thought made Ye Da feel numb from head to toe.

Maybe the aliens were once very advanced. That mechanical eye, that gear-turning breastplate.

But now, 50 and [-] years later.



Ye Da has been in Kyushu for nearly two lives, and he has already recognized his identity as a Kyushu native. He will be saddened by the dark age brought about by the century-old plague, and he will also be angry because Kyushu people trade three scalps for six taels of gold.

Because in his memory, the white-clothed boy, Nanzong Beishi and others were afraid of alien races, the sense of crisis of extermination of the race was also transmitted to Ye Da. When he knew that the gray mist had frequent loopholes, he always had a sense of crisis. Think that Kyushu is about to face the once powerful enemy.

But I never imagined that in the past 50 years, the relationship between the strong and the weak has been reversed!

Don't fucking blow them up! !
Li Zifeng said: "I came here too. I only learned a lot of secrets when the secrecy level went up. I was nervous for a long time when I first saw the information about the alien rebellion more than 100 years ago. I was afraid that once the gray fog lost its protective effect, Kyushu I just put my life into charcoal and faced the crisis of genocide again, until a senior turned on my mobile phone."

Speaking of this, Li Zifeng also burst out laughing suddenly: "He clicked on my mobile phone, turned on the map navigation, and said: Young man, what year is it, don't you use navigation? We have satellites!"

Ye Da turned his head suddenly, feeling a sense of absurdity.

"The senior said: The gray fog is more than 3 meters high. Our planes can't go through it, but the satellites can go around it. How many years have map navigation been out? No one in the entire Kyushu may pay attention to the outside of the gray fog, except the official. Possibly, the above efforts are far more than you imagined, and they understand far more than you imagined."

Reasonable!So fucking reasonable!
So much so that in the extraordinary world, reasonableness is somewhat absurd.

Ye Da pressed his temples, feeling that the amount of information was too huge.
Li Zifeng put the gun on his shoulder, didn't aim much, and fired a shot seemingly casually.

In the alien army, a cavalryman with a tall horse fell down in response.

Ye Da noticed that there were not only flesh and blood flying across the hole in his chest, but also broken metal parts flying out.

Among the aliens, there are many individuals who have used some supernatural powers, and the light of the spirit son is on and off.

However, in front of the metal storm, it is just a small wave.

Firepower!Firepower!Still firepower!

Missiles, machine guns, howitzers.

Fighter planes, helicopters, drones.

The picture was so beautiful that Ye Da wanted to watch it for a while.

"These guys have done some research on 'machinery, flesh and blood', and the way of extraordinary power is also unique. But in other aspects, it's not enough."

"We're going to fight the information gap now, buy more time, and be fully prepared. If I guess correctly, their way back has been blocked. I heard that the fog invaders are already the fourth wave. No One can go back alive, and no one can pass back the real situation in Kyushu."

This is no longer a difference in information, but a difference in time!
In all fairness, based on Ye Da's experience in this life, the level of development in Kyushu is already close to that before the crossing. There may be a gap in some high-tech things, but some extraordinary technologies are not comparable to the earth.

In contrast, the level of performance of these terrifying cavalry.
It is only roughly equivalent to the world view of the earth in 1900, plus a large dose of super punk
No, they didn't show much level, and they were bombarded as scum.

Besides, Kyushu's extraordinary power is not weak either.
After several rounds of saturated firepower washing the ground, the ground forces began to clean up the mess.

Since any target cannot be let go, it must be completely eliminated, so in the end it is still up to the ground forces to ensure the results, and many good players have come.

A familiar figure appeared on the edge of the battlefield, holding a special pistol in each hand.

Raising the left hand was a flickering bullet, and the next moment the whole person spanned hundreds of meters, replacing the position of the flickering bullet, and then fired three shots in an instant with the right hand, three headshots.

Several surviving alien armed forces wanted to fight back, but the man once again fired a swaying bomb, broke away from the encirclement, appeared in another direction with his backhand, and shot three more headshots.

It's the captain of Luoyun Bay who can change spaces. He turns out to be from the Guanzhou Special Affairs Department.
On the battlefield, it is like a ghost.

What is "Kyushu Metallic Glitter"? !
The extraordinaryness of Kyushu has not stood still!
 This section of the world view unfolded, and it was written from three different perspectives before and after, so as to determine today's content.

  ...More than 5000 words were sent out, but more than 1 words were written behind them...

  Hope you like it
(End of this chapter)

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