I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 248 Winter vacation is good, winter vacation is good!

Chapter 248 Winter vacation is good, winter vacation is good!

The battlefield gradually became one-sided, and Ye Da gradually calmed down from the excitement.

Because he found an embarrassing situation.

Li Zifeng has started interacting with the male zombie!

Only then did Ye Da realize that Liu Xiaoqian was just like an ordinary person and had magic skills, so she should be fine, but the male stiffness seemed a little difficult to deal with.
Li Zifeng saw that the boy's clothes were almost all damaged, and it was cold in winter.

look!His face was pale and pale from the cold.

Quickly asked his comrades to bring a coat and threw it to the male stiff: "Brother! Put on some clothes, don't freeze!"

The man was expressionless, and the thrown coat landed on his shoulders, and then slowly slid down onto the snow.

Li Zifeng left a drop of cold sweat and whispered to Ye Da: "Your friend? He is quite aloof. Is he a germophobe?"

Ye Da nodded stiffly, thinking that it was because my operation was delayed and I didn't react.
He couldn't explain the man's identity, and there was no such thing as an ID card.
At this moment, everyone's attention is on the battlefield, but not necessarily later.

Soon, as the dust settled on the battlefield, the man with few pieces of good cloth on his body, and his whole body "blue and white" from the cold, attracted the attention of others.

A little soldier looked at the man in surprise. Although he had silver hair, his face was still from Kyushu, especially if he was standing here, he must be a fellow from Kyushu!
Simple, he quickly began to take off his clothes, and Li Zifeng who was on the side hurriedly said, "No, this guy doesn't wear other people's clothes."

The little soldier turned his head, and hurried back to the helicopter that landed on the side, found a rescue sleeping bag for the wounded in the snow, and said in a Guanzhou accent: "Brother, don't let it freeze, you lie in it! It's warm here!"

Ye Da:.
He could only manipulate the male stiff and said: "I am a spiritual enlightener of the physical system, and I am not afraid of freezing, thank you."

The little warrior thought to himself: It’s not suitable if you’re not afraid of the cold. Your pants are leaking out.
At this time, a figure came out from behind, it was Wang Weiwen, carrying a comatose man in his hand.

Before, he and Ye Dabing split into two ways, and went to find the hot third party who fired black guns to instigate.

Just now, I saw a fighter jet and a helicopter from a distance, and I was also stunned.

The man who was caught was dressed like a bear, but his face looked like a person from Kyushu.

Wang Weiwen was still holding a retro and gorgeous spear in his hand, which looked like a foreigner at first glance.

I just don’t know why the Kyushu people provoked them to fight with the aliens and where the weapons came from.

Ye Da temporarily ignored the person he brought back and whispered to Wang Weiwen: "Can you imitate Zhou Meirong's presence adjustment?"

Wang Weiwen instantly understood Ye Da's meaning, and whispered back: "It's a bit complicated, try writing it out."

Ye Da turned around and yelled to Li Zifeng: "Let's find a place to go to the toilet." Then he walked shoulder to shoulder with Wang Weiwen, and Li Zifeng was stunned to see it.

It turns out that the boys have a good relationship and we go to the bathroom together.
After moving away a little, Ye Da turned his back and wrote a few lines on Wang Weiwen's hand, and Wang Weiwen clasped his hands together.

The targets are Nan Jiang and Liu Xiaoqian.

Wrinkling his brows, Wang Weiwen said: "It consumes a lot! This ability is more troublesome than normal, but it can still be tolerated."

The faint splendor of spirits was inconspicuous in the snow, and most people's attention was on the battlefield ahead. Soon, no one was going to see Liu Xiaoqian and the man. stiff.

slip away.

At this time, there is no longer any foreigner standing on the frontal battlefield, but there are still some routs who have fled back into the dense forest. I don’t know what will be waiting for them. The official does not intend to let any foreigner retreat outside the gray mist. Be prepared to maintain this information gap for as long as possible.

Li Zifeng shook his head, feeling that he had forgotten something, but couldn't remember it for a while, turned his head to look at Wang Weiwen, still maintaining the movement of putting his hands together and exerting strength.

In order not to be seen, Wang Weiwen rubbed his hands subconsciously.

Li Zifeng rolled his eyes.Did it get wet on your hands?
Kindly reminded: "Just grab the snow and rub it. It's freezing, and you can pee not far away."

Wang Weiwen:? ? ?

With a sound of "shua", the captain who can switch spaces suddenly appeared in front of several people.

The captain is about 40 years old, with a delicate mustache, and his appearance on the battlefield just now can be called dazzling.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, he will not take action and let the people below handle it.

Li Zifeng saluted: "Thank you, captain! This is my teammate from Donghai."

The captain surnamed Xie nodded. He naturally recognized Ye Da and Wang Weiwen. He had a deep impression of them when he was in Luoyunwan, and said, "Jiang Hou asked you to come?"

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen looked at each other and decided to tell the truth, at least partially.

"We are chasing the Eternal Life Society."

After roughly listening, Captain Xie didn't say anything. The Eternal Life Society doesn't have much influence in Guanzhou, and it can't be ranked at all. Naturally, it didn't attract the attention of the local special affairs department. Task.

At this time, Luo Chao's body was still lying on the side, but Captain Xie didn't pay attention at all, but looked at Ye Da and Wang Weiwen.

The eyes showed a special meaning.

Ye Da had seen this look before.

At the Luoyun Mountain base, Jiang Hou also showed this look when he looked at the geniuses of the special affairs departments in other states.

After a long while, Captain Xie patted Ye Da on the shoulder affectionately and said, "Don't worry about leaving when you come here. I'll clean up the wind and dust for you later. Count the days and you are on winter vacation, right?"

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this gourd, so they could only say, "Yes."

Captain Xie smiled even more happily: "Winter vacation is good, winter vacation is good."

Captain Xie is very happy.

Guanzhou has a vast territory, and it is cold for more than 100 days a year. Among Kyushu, it is famous for its "large territory, few talents, and net population loss".

It's not that there are no talents in Guanzhou, but that Guanzhou can't retain talents. Many outstanding young people born in Guanzhou, because they admire big cities, will choose to leave with a little achievement and go to Huajing or Donghai.

It seems that that is a promising choice, staying in Guanzhou?It must be incompetent!
The Guanzhou Special Affairs Division is understaffed all year round, but there is no good way. If someone wants to go out and break into it, you can't arrest them and lock them up, right?

But recently, cracks appeared in the wall of gray fog in Guanzhou. Kyushu officials want to use Guanzhou as a model to build a bridgehead for foreign races outside the fog. It can be said that they attach great importance to continuous exploration, contact, and summing up experience.

Among them, the Guanzhou Special Affairs Section naturally took the lead in taking the lead, and also got the right to mobilize forces from all over Kyushu.

The reason why Li Zifeng was pulled from the East China Sea was because many equipments would fail when approaching the foggy area, requiring naked eye observation. Li Zifeng's B-level visual enhancement + B-level geometric sensitivity is the best observer.

The Luoyunshan training camp not only made Jiang Hou remember many geniuses, Captain Xie also had a "soldier book" in his heart, but he had no chance to use it before.

A week ago, when Li Zifeng was recruited by a transfer order, he asked about the other members of the Shuguang team, but he was vague.

Doesn't this come up by itself now? !
Fighting against the aliens outside the wall of gray mist, everyone in Kyushu is responsible, isn't it? !

The firepower of the establishment must be established.

There must also be elite extraordinary elites!
Because it is impossible for Kyushu to only passively defend!

(End of this chapter)

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