I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 249 Soul Search (1)

Chapter 249 Soul Search ([-])

Holding hot tea, Ye Da sat with Wang Weiwu in a lounge-like place.

This is a temporary base, and the location is actually on the edge of Weihe County.

Kyushu officials intend to use this area as a model.

Coping, learning, and preparing.

Although Ye Da felt that he was a little too cautious, what the official wanted was to be foolproof.

After the battle of Nianzishan, Li Zifeng took Ye Da and Wang Weiwen back to the temporary base in Weihe County.

Li Zifeng poured a cup of hot tea for Wang Weiwen and said: "You two are riding two horses for a thousand miles. The people of the Eternal Life Society were chased all the way here, but those guys actually wanted to run out of the gray fog. The hands of the Eternal Life Society are really bad." long."

Ye Da thought for a while and said, "The body of the Merciful God is originally something in the deep sea outside the gray fog. It is not surprising that it has an influence outside the gray fog."

Li Zifeng was stunned: "The god of mercy? The deep sea?"

It was only then that Ye Da realized that Li Zifeng hadn't followed up with the Eternal Life Society since then, and it was normal that the other party didn't know much.

After chatting for a few more words, Li Zifeng was called away, and only Ye Da and Wang Weiwen were left in the lounge.

The two looked at each other.

After a while, they laughed together.


"At that time, I was completely dumbfounded haha."

The two have always been worried that the gray mist will fail and Kyushu will suffer again. Because they are in it, there is still a little bit of personal heroism. For the aliens outside the gray mist, the sense of worry and crisis has always existed.

Unexpectedly, it was Kyushu who took the lead, and the foreigners were left behind.

I feel refreshed so far!

"These aliens have a lot of problems. What happened to them in 150 years? The lost 150 years?"

Wang Weiwen said: "Maybe Kyushu is moving too fast? According to my experience of hundreds of years, the past 150 years have been the most changed in Kyushu. In any previous period, Kyushu would not change so rapidly."

If it was in the old days, 150 years would not be enough to change the dynasty.

Ye Da always felt that there were stories in it. Thinking that he had collected the souls of three clansmen, he looked at the door of the lounge and said, "I'm still curious. I want to read the memories of the aliens."

Wang Weiwen said: "Oh? The kind of soul searching, tell me later."

Ye Da nodded: "By the way, there is still one person whose soul can be checked, although it is broken."

Ye Da asked Wang Weiwen to pay attention to the outside world, holding hot tea, and the Jiuyin tattoo appeared on the sleeve of his right hand.

After thinking about it, Ye Da decided to make some desserts before starting the main course.

With a thought, he grabbed Luo Chao's remnant soul from "Jueyin".

After Luo Chao's death, Ye Da was attacked by surprise and couldn't arrive at the first time. Besides, he didn't kill him himself, and only collected a wisp of remnant soul, which was worse than Li Siyue's remnant soul.

By the way, Li Siyue's remnant soul has also been recovered.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, Ye Da began to search Luo Chao's memory.

Due to the incompleteness of the soul, the memory is presented in fragments, and the number is not large.

"Luo Chao, take the five yuan and go out to buy some snacks, and come back in an hour. I have something to say with your Uncle Liu."

A woman who was much taller than Luo Chao took out a piece of money from a cheap and colorful wallet and gave it to Luo Chao.

Judging from the height, it should be when Luo Chao was very young.

The woman waved at Luo Chao, then entered the house talking and laughing with Uncle Liu.

Luo Chao was not sensible at that time. He only knew that when his father was at work, his uncle often came to see his mother, and every time his uncle came, he had pocket money.

So he didn't reject Uncle Liu.

Also includes Uncle Li, Uncle Wang.

Yes, Luo Chao didn't understand at that time. But this memory was engraved in Luo Chao's mind, but it had a bitter flavor.It shows that he understood later.

As soon as the screen changed, Luo Chao timidly came to a mahjong parlor. The smell of vaping oil inside was the smell he hated the most.

"What a fool! Take the money, take the money!!"

A fat man with bare breasts was sitting at the mahjong table, his face flushed.

"Father. The teacher said that I need to pay a reference book fee. Mom asked me to ask you for it."

The excited man immediately lowered his face. The thin boy in front of him was nothing like himself. The seeds of doubt had already been planted. He waved his hands and said irritably, "No, no! What reference books are you reading! What can you refer to for your grades? Go back and do your homework!"

When Luo Chao left the mahjong parlor, there was another shout of excitement behind him.

Next, there is an interrupted flashback, and the protagonist of the content is only one person
"Chaochao, don't cry. Grandma will give you a blowjob. When your dad comes back, grandma will help you teach him a lesson! Grandma still has some money here. You go and give it to the teacher first."

A kind-hearted old lady helped Luo Chao rub iodine on the scar where his father pushed him down.

"Chaochao, why hasn't your dad come back yet? Can you help grandma look for it?"

On a thunderstorm night, the old man paced back and forth anxiously. His father did not come back that night, but Luo Chao just went downstairs to watch the rain for an hour.

"My life is miserable without my mother and my father! My life is also miserable!!"

In the hospital morgue, the old woman collapsed and collapsed on the ground, while Luo Chao at the side felt very cold and dazed.

"Chaochao, can you help me find out who this is?"

The old lady dug out an old photo and pointed at Luo Chao's mother with curiosity on her face.

"Who are you, why are you in my house?"

The once tidy home became a mess. The old woman grabbed Luo Chao's hand and prevented him from going to school.

"You bastard! You killed your father! Why didn't you die!"

The old man has disheveled hair and looks like a madman.

Ye Da let out a long breath.

Feeling a little heavy.

In this piece of Luo Chao's remnant soul, there were no things that were expected to involve the conspiracy of the God of Mercy.

More, all about his own past.

Among them, the most occupied is grandma.

What crushed Luo Chao's nerves back then was not necessarily the day-to-day bullying by Dong Ge and the others.

It was the grandma who depended on each other for life, who became crazy due to dementia.

He could get his hands burned by cigarette butts without changing his face, he could get up from the alley and just pat his clothes calmly, but he couldn't bear to hear even a single curse after returning home.

Ye Da had mixed feelings in his heart.

If Luo Chao was pitiful before being parasitized, then his venting after parasitism was not the case. Afterwards, it was learned that many of those who were parasitized and abused by him suffered incurable injuries.

As Wang Weiwu said, this is venting, no different from Brother Dong and the others, and it even affects unrelated people.

If he chooses again, he will still choose to kill Luo Chao.

It doesn't matter whether the boy is pitiful or hateful, or both.
There are also some fragments in the remnant soul about being parasitized by the God of Mercy.

But to Ye Da's surprise, at least the contents of the remnant soul in his hand
The God of Mercy, the God of Mercy who threatened Paul Chao with 1 lives, the God of Mercy who gave up all the parasites in the East China Sea and only Luo Chao could escape.

It seems that he has not made any demands on Luo Chao
At least in Luo Chao, the God of Mercy is like a real loving father and mother, asking for nothing but giving.

They will even cooperate with Luo Chao's ideas. For example, if Luo Chao needs members of the Eternal Life Society, the God of Mercy will dispatch them from all over the world. If Luo Chao wants to improve parasitic surgery, the God of Mercy will help him, including His people are also supported by the God of Mercy.

Although the "sense of gain and loss" of the merciful God may be different from that of human beings, Ye Da did not expect this situation.

Putting this doubt aside for the first time, Ye Da captured the soul of a foreigner from the "Jueyin".
This is the real game!

(End of this chapter)

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