I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 250 Soul Search (2): Different Routes

Chapter 250 Soul Search ([-]): Different Routes

A complete soul can bring a complete memory.

Ye Da can look through the other person's life, and even some details that he doesn't remember well can be displayed, as long as the owner of the soul has not received any trauma, memory disorder, or mental retardation.

At the same time, Ye Da has no language barriers, because when the master is going through those things, he understands those words.

This is a dialogue with the soul.

The last time I read the complete soul, it was on Su Yifei.

In order to fully understand the world outside the gray fog, Ye Da looked at it very carefully this time.

The name of the first alien soul is Alexei.

Aleksey, Hessein was born in the Seventh District of the Far East.

"Hissein" is the name of the country, without adding terms such as empire and kingdom.

Ye Da silently memorized these three words.

And the Seventh District of the Far East is the country's name for Alexei's hometown.

Judging from Alexei's memory, in terms of physical distance, the Seventh District of the Far East is not too far from the outskirts of Guanzhou in Kyushu.

Since all the core areas of Xisaiyin are west of the ocean, and the land extends all the way to the east, the whole Xisaiyin is divided into three levels: local, eastern, and far eastern. These three levels are not only the level of physical orientation, but also the level of development. division.

Among them, the area of ​​the Far East alone is already as large as the entire Kyushu.

The overall area is more than three times that of Kyushu.

Ye Da digested the news.

However, in terms of importance, the entire Far East may not be as important as a local province.

Alexei is the youngest son of a farmer's family, and his past memories are not too important.

As a boy, Alexei was naughty and playful, being scolded by his parents, fighting with his brother, and more farming work. Ye Da did not skip these boring memories, but argued them over and over again.
Judging from the picture, at least the rural level in the Far East of Hessein is a little behind that of the [-]th century Earth that Ye Da judged before.

As for the east and the mainland, Alexis was just a naughty boy in his youth, and his knowledge of the world was very shallow.

For Alexei in his childhood, boring daily work and physical labor were most of the content, but also added the power called "supernatural".

For example, there will be caravans passing by in the village every month. Horse-drawn caravans look very simple, but the products they sell have many magical things.

For example, a needle tube made of metal, with red potion inside, is used by the locals to cure most diseases. Basically, no matter what the disease is, it will get better once the tube is used. Alexei’s father used it to treat low back pain. This is what Alexey's brother used for his tuberculosis.

Two completely unrelated diseases are treated by the same thing, which is obviously the product of extraordinary power.

Kyushu currently does not have this capability, at least not mass-produced, let alone covered remote villages, while in Herssein, although this kind of thing is not cheap, it is not difficult to obtain.

The horses of the caravan are somewhat similar to the cavalry mounts of Nianzishan, and there are traces of transformation on their bodies, but not in the eyes, but in the waist, a whole piece of metal structure that is convenient for pulling carts and camels, combined with the flesh and blood on the back of the horses.

Hisain has a strong level of flesh, metal, and the combination of the two.

The turning point of Alexei's fate occurred when he was 14 years old.

At the age of 15, Alexei had become the best fighter among his peers in the village, causing trouble every day, until one day, an imperial official named "Blood Inspector" passed by the village and found out that he had the talent of a "soldier".According to the laws of the empire, anyone with talent must be recruited.

It can be seen here that the underlying logic of the extraordinary power inside and outside the gray fog is different.

Outside the gray fog, it is the same as in Kyushu in the past, talents will not manifest and be mastered by themselves.

Although the frequency is not high, a small village in a remote area can be covered, which shows that this country may have an extremely terrifying base of extraordinary talent.

Maybe this kind of policy was implemented 50 and [-] years ago, which is why Kyushu was so powerless in the face of alien chaos. After all, in Kyushu in the old days, nine out of ten extraordinary people lost their lives because they did not have a method or a teacher.

Alexey's family received a large amount of compensation, and he himself was directly taken away by the "blood inspector" and went to "Saqin", a city in the second district of the Far East.

From here, every second is revealing important information outside the gray fog.

Excluding the issue of architectural style, this city is said to be the third largest city in the Far East, not even as good as the county seat in Kyushu.

For example, Wen County
Backward, dirty, and the tallest building is no more than 50 meters. From Ye Da's point of view, the village still has some idyllic scenery, but the city is nothing.

But it has already dazzled Alexei fans.

It's a pity that all of this has nothing to do with him at present. After a glimpse in the carriage when he entered the city, he entered some kind of closed military training institution and was not allowed to go out. Every day was physical training, blood tests, and meals. It has improved a lot, and it has become stronger visible to the naked eye.

There are many young people with "soldier talents" from the Far East gathered here, but Alexey found that there were fewer and fewer people, and they never appeared again. He thought that some people were repatriated because they didn't work hard enough, so they trained harder.

Until a year later, only half of the original people remained here, Alexei was one of them, and they began to undergo the first round of transformation.

Alexei didn't know anything about the transformation process, and he was in a coma for two days. After waking up, he felt that there was something extra in his chest, but he couldn't see any scars on the outside.

Half a month later, he underwent the second transformation and was unconscious for a day, with something stuck in his throat. During that time, he coughed up blood every day, but relying on the red metal needle, there was no serious problem.

After two renovations, only one-third of the population remains here.

Only those who have survived two transformations have the opportunity to receive education. The option of "learning" has been added to Alexei's daily content, and the farm boy has finally begun to accept the news of the world.

Although he doesn't like it very much.

Most of the learning content is the knowledge that soldiers need to master and some superficial knowledge, but the historical content that Ye Da cares about most is only a small part.

Excluding those flattery and brainwashing, Ye Da extracted some useful things.

First, Hisain is not the only regime outside the gray fog, but in the entire outside of Kyushu closed by the gray fog, it is a well-deserved number one overlord, and there is no other opponent on the same level as it.

And the place that was stepped on by Hessein was basically a massacre policy of genocide, until there were very few aborigines left, and they were completely replaced by Hessein.

In addition, Hessein likes to make grades and divisions very much, such as the hinterland, the east, and the Far East, such as the Far East Zone 1-7, including races. For example, the main race in the hinterland is the first class, and the Far East is the third class. people.

To give a funny example, even the tableware used is different for soldiers of different ranks.

This kind of strict hierarchical thinking exists blatantly in Hessein's law, and ordinary people, including the lower class themselves, deeply believe it.

In addition, there were two other things that made Ye Da feel a sense of crisis, and felt that the world outside the gray fog should not be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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