I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 251 Soul Search (3): Chapter Arrived on the Board

Chapter 251 Soul Search ([-]): Returning to the Chessboard
First of all, unlike the current Kyushu, and also different from the old Kyushu, in Hessein, all extraordinary people must serve the government, and there is no possibility of possessing extraordinary power and not belonging to the government.

If so, it is a crime.

This, coupled with Hissein's talent screening mechanism and Hissein's population base, will inevitably create a large number of extraordinary people, and these people are basically trained into armed forces.

After the changes in the rules of heaven and earth in Kyushu, although spiritual enlighteners bloomed in a hundred flowers, they took the path of "transcendent and extraordinary integration". There are spiritual enlighteners in any professional team such as programmers, teachers, businessmen, and scientists. There are only a very small number of people who become the official armed forces, perhaps less than 5%.

Not everyone is suitable to fight, and not everyone is willing and qualified, but in Hessein, these are all mandatory.

Maybe the upper classes have different paths to choose from, but for ninety-nine percent of the Hessein people, it is the truth and the law that the gifted belong to the official.

They seem to have the ability to pull all "talented" to the same level and the same route through "transformation", so that everyone can become an armed force.

Take the alien army in Nianzigou as an example. Although it was terribly suppressed by the advanced firepower of Kyushu, in terms of numbers alone, this is a team of thousands of people, after all, everyone has two or three extraordinary powers.

It is extremely difficult to pull up such a pure extraordinary armed force of thousands of people in Kyushu, even if the quality of the soldiers is D-level and C-level.

The number of the opponent's extraordinary armed forces may be extremely terrifying.

The Alien Rebellion in Kyushu 150 years ago was just the footsteps of Hessein’s normal massacre and came to Kyushu. If there was no wall of gray fog, the other party should have unified the entire continent more than 100 years ago. Maybe Kyushu will become the "Far East" a district.

Don't think they are here to conquer and rule, they are here to slaughter and plunder.

The regime that was wiped out and the aborigines who were wiped out are countless.

Another point that makes Ye Da feel creepy is that Xisaiyin has been fighting against a certain foreign aggression for decades at a relatively disadvantaged situation.

Their enemy is not other countries of human beings, no regime is qualified to be their enemy, their enemy is the deep sea!
The deep sea is Hessein's greatest enemy. There are almost no human habitation on the long coastline, and only the hinterland relies on a huge fleet to maintain the tranquility of the offshore sea.

But in a wider area, almost all oceans are restricted to humans.

For a long time, Hisain's main opponent has been the ocean, but now, this continent may have ushered in a second chess player with a very different style: Kyushu.

Alexei's knowledge of Hisain must be one-sided and superficial. For example, he has never left the Far East, let alone the hinterland, and he doesn't like studying, so he thinks about how to skip classes every day, so Ye Da can only know so much for the time being, and he doesn't even rule out the possibility that some of the other party's perceptions are wrong.

This person with the talent of a "soldier", after leaving the fate of a farm family, is basically a dissolute person. In addition to training every day, he just takes a good salary to have fun. Every cheap brothel in Saqin City, he They are so precious, and they have gradually lost contact with their parents.

When he was around 20 years old, his talent no longer supported him to go any further, so he became a "lookout", the most basic member of the Far East's extraordinary armed force, that is, the kind of big dart that Ye Da had seen.

At this time, he is no longer what he used to be. After countless blood and blood transformations, his eyes have become prosthetic eyes, his vision has been strengthened, he can see farther, and he can zoom with a small magnification, which is not affected by the reflection of the snow. , marksmanship will be more accurate.

At the same time, he has mastered the battle cry, although the talent is limited to only one kind.

The watchman's main task is to patrol around the Far East, which is as large as the entire "Kyushu", and clean up the "evil beasts" emerging from the frozen forest. This existence should be similar to the spirits of Kyushu.

The cracks in the wall of gray fog in Kyushu were also discovered by this large group of low-level transcendents.

The Hesseins have an interesting concept for the Wall of Fog.

Perhaps because of the obsession with the failure of the invasion, there are many rumors among the people of Hessein about the world inside the gray fog.

Some people say that it is a treasure land where the fourth-class people live. The earth inside can flow out milk and honey, the top of the mountain is full of precious stones, and even the houses are built of gold.

Some people also say that it used to be the most fertile territory of Hessein, but it was snatched by the despicable fourth-class people. Otherwise, all Hessein people would be able to eat and drink enough and be well-off in an all-round way.

Ye Da guessed that the Xisaiin people had tried various methods to break through the gray fog for more than 100 years, but they had never succeeded.The existence of the Wall of Gray Mist is generally known to the people of Xisayin, but few have actually seen it, because the Wall of Gray Mist has the effect of confusing and expelling both inside and outside the wall, and people with weak strength cannot see it. Can't walk.

Until the wall of gray fog itself had problems.

More than three months ago, a team of Watchers from the Far East was chasing the "evil beast" when they looked up and saw the vast gray fog. The crack was drilled in, and the anomaly was reported immediately.

This time point was earlier than Ye Da imagined.

I don't know if it's because of the backwardness of communication technology or some other reason. After such important news was reported layer by layer, there was no response from the hinterland.

Finally, an arrogant general in the Far East recalled the legend about the rich land and amazing wealth in the gray fog. An couldn't bear it anymore, and ordered to transport investigators to the gray fog.

Afterwards, several groups of scouts never returned. The general was apprehensive and wondered whether the soldiers had rebelled after seeing the astonishing wealth. In the end, he decided not to send a small group of scouts, but to recruit A team of thousands of people.

In his opinion, this team is enough to crush Huang Pisi and others in the gray mist. After all, there was not much work left for Xisaiyin to completely occupy Kyushu.

In his imagination, after more than 100 years, the fourth-class people should still be as backward as they used to be, while Hessein has become stronger.

The cavalrymen who were smashed by machine guns at Nianzishan could prove to him that he was overthinking.

Alexei was one of them. Before he set off, he also imagined that he could plunder the attractive wealth in the gray fog and taste what a fourth-class girl is like.

The Hesseins really like to invade, expand, wipe out the aborigines and plunder wealth, and everyone is proud of it.

It's a pity that Alexei's stomach was broken by the male zombie, and he died in pain with a stomach full of vomit.

Alexei's memories were roughly flipped through, Ye Da opened his eyes, and immediately found a pen and paper from a corner of the lounge.

He wants to draw a map!

As an official of Kyushu who masters satellite technology, he must already have a more detailed world map. With the collision with the world outside the gray fog, Ye Da should also be able to look good in the future, but now he wants to build some basic concepts first. .

Carefully recall the few intellectual memories in Alexei’s brain.
Ye Da captured the old map that this guy had seen in a certain classroom.

The level of cartography is very low but contours and orientation should not be a problem.

On the white paper, Ye Da drew a rough outline of the entire continent, slightly longer from east to west and shorter from north to south.

It is not like any continent in Ye Da's memory, although this is nonsense.

Overall, it looks a bit like a fat cat in a nest.
The one with the head on the right..
Shaking off the strange thoughts in his mind, Ye Da began to add details.

Kyushu occupies about a quarter of the east side of the mainland.

Everything else is Hissain's territory.
Just from the perspective of visual sense, it is hard not to have a feeling of inferiority surrounded by all aspects.
Moreover, outside this continent, there are many places destroyed by Hisaime, and the number of aborigines wiped out is countless.

However, the two sides have completely different routes, different systems, and are not even in the same era.
Although it is not that easy to know Hessein through Alexei's memory, Ye Da still has confidence.

A hundred and fifty years ago, Kyushu was invaded and plundered, and once fell into a crisis of genocide.

Now it's back on the board!

(End of this chapter)

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