Chapter 252 Convergence
In addition to Alexei, Ye Da also has the souls of two aliens in his hands, which can be confirmed by each other. Unfortunately, they are both superhuman beings, that is, low-level superhumans like watchmen.

Ye Da did not collect the cavalry and some other strange aliens in the follow-up thousand-man team.

The second alien soul is called Valenki. This time Ye Da looked through it very quickly, because his life trajectory is basically the same as that of Alexei. The same farm boy in the Seventh District of the Far East was brought to the hospital by the blood test officer. "Saqin".

It was only when Ye Da saw this that he realized that the two were good friends at all, and they had known each other since before the transformation.

This Valenki is very similar to Alexei, they both don't like to study, they are just as muddle-headed about reforming, and they even often go to cheap brothels together.

The memory even has pictures of Valenki and Alexei playing multiplayer sports that ordinary people cannot accept.

Alexey also has this scene in his memory, but Yeda didn't recognize Valenki before.

The trajectory after that was the same, becoming a lookout and dying in Nianzi Mountain.

The only piece of information Varenki brought to Yeda was that he once encountered an extremely powerful evil beast in the mountains.

This evil beast is well-known in the Far East and is called "Anton". It is a moose nearly 10 meters high.

This moose has become one of the legends in the Far East. Many people call it the "son of the mountain". Both Valenki and Alexei had heard about it when they were young. It may be closer to the "demon" category.

However, "Anton" doesn't like to fight. Although everyone in the Far East wants to hang his head on the wall to show off his head, Anton basically avoids humans when he sees them. After a glimpse in the snow-capped mountains, I regretted that I didn't seize the opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

Maybe this is a person with a bad brain, a low-level superhuman who bumps his head against a ten-meter-tall moose?

The soul of the third alien finally changed.

Anato, is also a lookout.

But unlike the previous two, his birth was slightly better, and he was born in the city of "Sachen", and his birth was also higher than that of Alexei and Valenki, both of whom were chestnut-haired third-class people, while Ana Tor was second class with auburn hair.

This time Ye Da looked more carefully, because this is the soul that can confirm each other, and he also got a lot of useful information.

Especially his life in the city helps Ye Da understand the level of development of Hessein.

After experiencing the baptism of the memory of the three souls, excluding the language and appearance problems, his understanding of the Far East of Hessein is no less than that of ordinary low-level civilians.

Anatuo's memory Ye Da read very carefully, and opened his eyes after a long time.

In the lounge, Wang Weiwen saw Ye Da open his eyes and asked, "It's pretty fast?"

Ye Da said: "I have seen it for a long time in my senses."

"What's the gain?"

Ye Da pondered for a long time and said: "A lot."

It was too long to start from the beginning. After all, it was the memory of the three people's life. Ye Da picked some things that he thought were important and told Wang Weiwen about them.

"Extraordinary rules are similar to the old days of Kyushu, but all talented people have been cultivated into armed forces? The area is four times that of Kyushu?!"

Wang Weiwen was also surprised, how many troops must this be!
In an instant, he reacted again: "You said their communication technology is very primitive?"

Ye Da nodded and said, "Yes, at least on the secular level, or in the Far East."

Wang Weiwen pondered: "It has an area three times that of Kyushu, but the communication technology is very primitive. How to maintain communication and cultural unity between regions?"

"I don't know yet, but I'd better report this information sometime. It can be helpful to the authorities. Just tell me how you found your spiritual enlightenment ability?" Wang Weiwen's ability has been registered and used The "authentic works" that have been passed will disappear, and the same piece of text may have different functions. It is most difficult to trace the source and speculate, and it is reasonable to explain the source of information.

"Makes sense."

Just as he was talking, the door of the lounge was pushed open, but it was not Li Zifeng who came in.

"I heard that you two are here, so I'll come and take a look."

The visitor was a woman, her proud curves could not be concealed by combat uniforms.

Yao Ruting, Luoyunwan's short-lived teammate, possesses the unique ability to double the gravity of the enemy.

Ye Da said unexpectedly: "You were also transferred to Guanzhou? There are a lot of people gathered here."

Yao Ruting seemed to be born with a carefree personality, and sat directly next to Ye Da: "You don't know? Guanzhou has the right to dispatch the power of all Kyushu this time. Anyone below the captain level will basically approve it. On the contrary, you, I listen Said that you were not transferred but because of other things? Captain Xie didn't arrest you two strong men?"

Ye Da and Wang Weiwen looked at each other. Judging from Captain Xie's attitude, he probably mentioned it to Donghai, but it never reached their ears. There are already some problems in the department.

Li Zifeng came because he was an official member of the Special Forces under the Special Affairs Division, while Ye Da and the others were still mainly students.

Yao Ruting propped his cheeks, looked at Ye Da and said, "But if you come here by yourself, Captain Xie should still recruit you."

Ye Da asked curiously: "Judging from the situation on Nianzi Mountain, it seems that we are not needed?"

I don't know how to fly fighter jets or helicopters, and my marksmanship is also limited to shotgun players, and I have to shoot from behind. It's the same with him or without him.

Frontal fire coverage is enough to secure the victory.

Yao Ruting said: "The Guanzhou Special Affairs Division is proud now. I heard that the reason why they have mobilized so many people may want to make a big move!"

In the evening, Wang Weiwen reported Ye Da's information from the soul search on the grounds of his spiritual enlightenment ability. The higher-ups attached great importance to it and called Wang Weiwen alone for questioning, while Ye Da was sent to Weihe Town. Rest in a small hotel.

Weihe Township has a population of only 4 to [-], and thousands of official forces suddenly poured in. People with discerning eyes find it strange, but ordinary people will never guess the reason.

For example, this small hotel was basically covered by the government.

Ye Da bought a few bottles of happy water from the canteen on the first floor of the hotel, and went back to the room to drink while continuing to look through the memories of the aliens, checking for omissions.

At three o'clock in the morning, Wang Weiwen still didn't come back, Ye Da's heart moved, he turned out of the window, and walked out of the town.

About a few kilometers later, on the side of the road outside the small town, an off-road vehicle was parked there. This was the car he and Wang Weiwen drove when they came, and beside the car were Liu Xiaoqian, Nan Jiang, and Talking Board skateboard.

Liu Xiaoqian was still well-dressed, but the male stiff was dumbfounded, with strips of rags hanging on his body.

Out of the control range, Ye Da has no way to control the male zombie's words and deeds, but as long as the stone needle is still in the body, the male zombie will obey Ye Da's orders.

When evacuating before, Ye Dashi's order was to let the male zombie follow Liu Xiaoqian.

After dark, Liu Xiaoqian came to the place where she had parked before, and Ye Da followed her secret induction to find her.

Seeing that they were fine, Ye Da was relieved, but there was one more thing to do right now.

Ye Da thought for a while, and first let the boy go back to the car to lie down on the corpse, then stepped on the chatterbox, took Liu Xiaoqian, and flew towards the distance in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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