I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 253 The Pangolin Says

Chapter 253 The Pangolin Says
In the weather of minus 20°, flying in the air physically, for ordinary people, they would turn into lumps of ice and fall to the ground within two miles, but Ye Da only thought it was cool.

This is the second time to fly so high with a Huabo skateboard. The first time was when Luo Chao was ambushed, but that time the speed was far from so fast.

This high-speed flight was completely refreshing. Flying is indeed a desire engraved in human genes.

The ability of the Talking Skateboard is to fly at low altitudes. Its flying height depends on its take-off position, but it is different in Ye Da’s hands. Liu Xiaoqian can lift it up to hundreds of meters without looking for tall buildings or mountains. And can be adjusted in real time.

And when the speed of the skateboard soared, Liu Xiaoqian, who was not so fast, could "drag" the skateboard and fly together.

Talking about the skateboard's speed is very fast, and flying in a straight line is far better than that of a vehicle. It arrived at the edge of the Nianzi Mountain in less than an hour, but this time Ye Da bypassed the area of ​​​​the battlefield during the day and flew to a farther place.

He is going to try to touch the gray mist.

Originally, there were two things in Guanzhou, one was to get rid of Luo Chao, and the other was to touch the gray fog to see if the third memory could be opened.

During the day, I originally planned to try Luo Chao after he was beaten to ashes, but he encountered Xisaiyin's invasion team, and then Nianzi Mountain became a battlefield, so naturally there was no chance.

Quickly skimming through the forest in the night, Ye Da approached the wall of gray mist.

A group of black shadows turned a corner in the air and flew over, the speed was actually able to catch up with the talking board skateboard.

Ye Da turned his head to look, and it turned out to be a huge owl with a wingspan of seven or eight meters. It was extremely fast, and it obviously entered the category of spirits and monsters.

There was a big white plate with a rabbit in its mouth, and its two eyes looked at Ye Da and Liu Xiaoqian curiously, probably never seeing such a strange creature in the sky.

This big owl is a little eager to try. It is now in the most embarrassing stage of a low-level ghost. It has a strong body and a large increase in food intake, but its intelligence has not kept up. It is constantly hunting all day long, repeatedly between tired and hungry. Jumping sideways, the lack of food has always plagued it.

Ye Da casually threw a piece of black ice and hit the plate on his big face, scaring the guy so much that the rabbit in his mouth dropped and flew away quickly.

After a while, Ye Da finally saw a vast wall of gray fog in the night sky.

No matter how many times I watch it, I feel shocked.

The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse, not to mention the vast wall of gray fog. Seeing the gray fog is far away from being able to touch the gray fog.

More than half an hour later, when he was still about five kilometers away from the gray fog, Ye Da heard Liu Xiaoqian say: "My dear friend, I feel so dizzy."

In mid-air, Liu Xiaoqian suddenly felt as if there was a cloud of fog in her mind. She couldn't tell up, down, left, right, north, south, east, north, and began to become wobbly.

Ye Da thought: Could it be the confusing and expulsive effect of the mist?
According to Li Zifeng, the wall of gray mist has the effect of expelling and confusing people who are not strong enough. This effect is very strong. Ordinary people will lose their way when they are close to dozens of kilometers. It will only fail where there are cracks in the gray fog .

In order to avoid the Nianzishan battlefield, Ye Da chose an intact wall of gray mist.

Didn’t you expect that Liu Xiaoqian could only go this far?
By the way, why don't you feel it?
Ye Da thought for a while, and said to the unaffected TB Skateboard: "Take Liu Xiaoqian and step back a bit, I'll go by myself."

At this moment, Liu Xiaoqian felt as if she was drunk, she could only nod in a daze, and flew back with one hand on the chattering skateboard.

And Ye Da jumped directly.

After a free fall of hundreds of meters, Ye Da landed steadily on the ground, and the impact force cleared out a snow-free open space.

After that, he continued to move towards the wall of gray mist by jumping.

The imagined sense of confusion and expulsion did not appear, and Ye Da soon arrived at the foot of the gray mist.

The real foot, not the visual foot, is the right angle where the gray fog and the earth intersect.

The wall of gray mist itself does not emit light, but the moonlight reflected by the snow is enough for Ye Da to see the scene in front of him clearly.

Wriggling, but coagulated and not scattered.

These are the two words that popped into Ye Da's mind.

The gray mist never stops, rolling and wriggling slowly within the fog wall, but it will never escape.

After looking at it for a long time, it seems that the mottled traces of fog are alive.

Sending him a message.
Walking towards the fog step by step, 10 meters, 5 meters, 2 meters, without any feeling of being expelled.

With doubts, Ye Da raised his hand and slowly stretched towards the fog wall.

The tattoo on the right arm slowly emerged.

It was early morning when we returned to Weihe Town, and Wang Weiwen had already returned to his room.

"no effect?"

Ye Da nodded and said, "Yes, I saw the gray mist, touched it, and even punched it twice, but nothing changed, and no memory was activated."

The first time I glimpsed the memory was when Jiuyin gathered together, the second time was when I first encountered the enemy, and it was originally speculated that the third memory should be when I touched or saw the wall of gray mist.
The clues were suddenly cut off here, and Ye Da was also a little confused.

Ye Da shook his head and said, "How are you doing?"

Wang Weiwen: "They took it very seriously and asked me a lot of details overnight. If I hadn't talked to you in advance, I would have revealed the truth. As for the source of the news, I didn't arouse suspicion. I lied that there happened to be an authentic piece of content and memory search related."

The two thought it over again, and both felt that since Luo Chao was dead and it was useless to touch the gray mist, there was no point in staying here, so it was better to find another place to try.


There was a knock on the door of the room, Wang Weiwen opened the door, and the Captain Xie from yesterday was standing outside the door.

Captain Xie looked a little tired, as if he hadn't slept all night, but his mustache was still neat and neat. "Xiao Wang, Xiao Ye, let's have breakfast together? Let's talk?"

In the breakfast shop outside the small hotel, Ye Da, Wang Weiwen, and Captain Xie sat at a small table.

"Boss, some fried dough sticks and soy milk."

The owner of the breakfast shop quickly served three bowls of soy milk, and said, "The deep-fried dough sticks are being fried, wait for a while, and the price has increased today, and the price is on the wall."

Captain Xie was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Didn't the price go up just the day before yesterday?"

"Flour has gone up! I don't know why so many people have come to the town recently, and the flour is almost out of stock. If it keeps going up, I have to close the store!"

Captain Xie smiled helplessly and said to Ye Da and the other two: "It has caused a lot of trouble for the fellow villagers. Weihe Town is too small. So many people came in all at once, and the prices went up. But these two The air supply support line should be opened soon, and prices will recover by then."

Ye Da didn't plan to eat deep-fried dough sticks, but now he can drink soy milk, after adding seven tablespoons of white sugar, he sips the soy milk under Captain Xie's surprised gaze.

Captain Xie: "This, isn't it?"

Wang Weiwen thought: Then you didn't see him showing off eight bottles of Coke in one night.

Ye Da savored the sweet "normal taste" and said, "Captain Xie, don't you have something to say?"

Captain Xie took a serious look and said: "You have also seen the situation on Nianzi Mountain. At present, there is a gap in information between the two sides, but it is not the right way to defend all the time. After all, we have to explore the world outside the wall of gray fog. The information provided by the satellite The imagery is still too one-sided.”

"So I am going to organize an elite task force to explore the world outside the gray mist through the cracks that have been discovered, especially to contact the settlements of aliens, so as to gain a greater advantage of the information gap. The so-called Kou can go, so can I. What is the old defense? The technical team has determined the safety of the fog crack."

Captain Xie became energetic while talking. This time, their Guanzhou Special Affairs Division must make achievements. He knows that after transferring all the talents, they will not stay in Guanzhou, but the achievements of the transferred people, But will be left in Guanzhou.

"This project is code-named 'Pangolin'. Xiaoye, Xiaowang, I officially invite the two of you to join. Do you want to be the first group of Kyushu people to walk out of the fog?"

After Wang Weiwen heard this, he didn't respond, and handed over the right to speak to Ye Da. He originally accompanied Ye Da on this trip.

However, he guessed that Ye Da would choose to refuse. After all, they came to explore the Kyushu formation and the secrets behind Ye Da. Going to Hessein's territory is somewhat far away.

Unexpectedly, Ye Da glanced at Wang Weiwen and asked Captain Xie:

"Is it long?"

"It is estimated that the first exploration will only take a few days."

"Why do we need the two of us? There are no other suitable regular members?"

Captain Xie picked up a piece of garlic and placed it in front of Ye Da.

Ye Da looked around in a daze, but didn't see that garlic was needed for eating.

"First of all, the personnel of the 'Pangolin' project must be elite. Your strength is stronger than most of them. Don't mention whether it is formal or not. It is all for Kyushu. You are a social force that comes to support. Don't worry, the organization will not I have treated you badly, I want to turn to the regular and tell me, I will do it for you immediately!"

While speaking, Captain Xie picked another one and put it in front of Wang Weiwen.

"Secondly, Wang Weiwen's spiritual enlightenment ability is very special. It is a bit expensive, but he is a rare all-rounder, which is exactly what the 'pangolin' needs."

Finally, the biggest and fattest garlic was placed in front of him.

"The last point, I plan to incorporate Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting into your team. You are all old teammates, but you will not be the only team. The 'Pangolin' plan will send out 10 elite teams in different directions at the same time. Explore, each perform their duties."

Well organized and clearly explained.

At the end, Captain Xie added: "It's winter vacation, and being idle is also idle, isn't it?"

At this time, the owner of the breakfast shop shouted, "A new pot of fried dough sticks is ready, come and get it."

Captain Xie blinked at the two of them, which meant that you thought about it, and turned around to get the fried dough sticks.

Wang Weiwen cast a questioning look at Ye Da.

Ye Da explained in a low voice: "I suspect that the third memory requires me to leave the gray fog."

Yes, Ye Da was thinking about this possibility last night, and now Captain Xie's invitation can be regarded as a bump.

If you want to verify this suspicion, you need to use cracks to pass through the gray fog, but any cracks will definitely be highly concerned by the authorities. If you want to find a crack in the gray fog that has not been noticed by the officials, it is no different. It is even very unsafe to find a needle in a haystack.

The 'Pangolin' project comes at the right time.

To do preliminary exploration, there is no need to go deep into the hinterland of Xisaiyin, there is an official backup force, and Ye Da is still very curious about the world outside the gray fog.

Wang Weiwen was thoughtful.
At this moment, Captain Xie came back with fried dough sticks in his hand, but he was not in a hurry to ask, and asked the two of them to eat first.

"The deep-fried dough sticks just out of the pan, be careful of being hot."

Then Ye Da looked at Captain Xie, eating fried dough sticks with a mouthful of garlic, enjoying himself.

What kind of fairy food is this?
"Aren't you cool?"

 Five thousand for two chapters, but it's a bit late. Today, the Internet is like a serious illness. It cuts out every hour or two, but I still insist on finishing the code.

(End of this chapter)

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