I'm sorry, I want to be a new person

Chapter 254 Pangolin 666 (reissue)

Chapter 254 Pangolin 666 (reissue)
While Ye Da and Captain Xie were having breakfast, on the other side, in the interrogation room.

"Tell me the truth, where is your home? Why did you go to Nianzi Mountain?"

On a small chair in the interrogation room, a short man about 40 years old was handcuffed, with bandages wrapped around his shoulders.

This person was caught by Wang Weiwen, a third-party favorite on Nianzishan who provoked Ye Da and his party to fight against the alien race. Since his face did not look like an alien race and he was just an ordinary person, Wang Weiwen did not kill him, but just knocked him out.

After the Battle of Nianzishan, this man was brought back by the authorities and underwent simple treatment. It was found that he was not only stunned and his shoulder was dislocated, but also suffered from long-term malnutrition, hunger, and frostbite. He did not wake up until one night .

But this did not affect his being interrogated as soon as he woke up.

After all, the interrogators suspected that this guy was a "Kyushu traitor".

The short man had dark skin and said nothing to the interrogators.

He just looked straight at the bright lights in the interrogation room with a wooden face.

The white headlight illuminated the prisoner alone. This was originally a psychological hint commonly used in interrogation. At this time, the prisoner stared blankly, not knowing what it meant.

Interrogator: "I will be blind."

The prisoner came back to his senses, turned to look at the concrete wall beside him, and continued to say nothing.

The two interrogators looked at each other.

Is this person stupid?
"It's useless to pretend to be a fool. Your identity will be found out soon, and you can still know what you did with a zero confession."

The little man kept looking around the old house, lingering on everything for a while, like a three-year-old entering a playground.

Finally, when the interrogators were about to lose their patience and were about to bring in another spiritual enlightener, the short man suddenly chattered.


What the hell is this guy talking about?
How do you feel like you are playing us..
"Wait, look what this guy is gesticulating."

After a while, the interrogators finally understood what this guy meant. The short man said that there was something on his chest in his previous clothes.

After a while, the other party's previous clothes were brought in. The interrogator endured the strange smell and found a sandwich on the chest. Inside was a piece of cloth that had been yellowed by sweat stains. It was written in Kyushu characters:

"Tongfu Islands Resistance Front"

What the hell is this?
Where is Dongfu Islands?

After a trial of loneliness, let’s find a spiritual enlightenment person.
"As expected, you stayed. I knew you couldn't miss such a big event."

Yao Ruting raised his mouth when he saw Ye Da.

Ye Da looked at the people in the room. Wang Weiwen, Li Zifeng, Yao Ruting, and himself were the basic personnel of the 'Pangolin Team 6'.

After agreeing to Captain Xie's recruitment, there was a follow-up soon. It was obvious that the pangolin plan was imminent. At the same time, due to the current "special affairs" rights of the Guanzhou Special Affairs Division and Captain Xie's bold support, Ye Da obtained a Only rights, lack of obligation as a "social support force" status, meritorious service records, subsidies, and promotions are all referred to as official players, but they can refuse recruitment and tasks, half free body.

Even the chatterbox skateboard was successfully filed and became an aboveboard personal enlightenment. Ye Da delayed this matter for a long time.

At the same time, when Liu Xiaoqian first got her body, Ye Da asked Wang Weiwen to mobilize the power of the Wang family to create an identity for Liu Xiaoqian, and the result has been achieved so far.

Wang Weiwen moved quickly. Liu Xiaoqian's current identity is the second daughter of an old alley family in Donghai. She has a complete resume and an ID card.

Under normal circumstances, the secret will not be revealed.In the future, Liu Xiaoqian can even use this identity to live, work, and pay social security normally in human society, just like Ye Da does now.

But this time leaving the wall of gray fog, Ye Da naturally had to take Liu Xiaoqian with him. Captain Xie was full of praise after seeing Liu Xiaoqian's illusion ability, and without a word, he also gave Liu Xiaoqian the status of a "social support force".

Special periods, special tasks, many procedures and rules have been simplified.

In the room, Liu Xiaoqian slowly released the disillusionment technique, and appeared in front of Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting, their eyes widened in surprise.

"This is my friend, Liu Xiaoqian, who will also join the 'Pangolin Team 6', by the way, and this guy, let's count as half a teammate."

Ye Da patted the chatterbox skateboard.

The talkative skateboard twisted his ass:
"Yo! Hello, I am Ye Da's driver."

Yao Ruting: What are you talking about?
Li Zifeng is no stranger to skateboarding, and he knew it was a self-conscious enlightenment when the youth training camp was invaded.

For one and a half teammates, Li Zifeng and Yao Ruting naturally focused on Liu Xiaoqian.

This girl whom I had never seen before spoke very little, looked like a docile person, and had a little tail, coupled with her amazing appearance.
Li Zifeng thought to himself: Zhou Meirong might cry and faint in the toilet.

I briefly introduced everyone, and Ye Da didn't talk nonsense, because the battle meeting was coming soon.

After leaving the small room, Ye Da brought a group of people to the big conference room. At this time, there were already many people here, most of them were clean-spirited and calm-faced, and there was not a single weak person.

The arrival of Ye Da and others also attracted the attention of others. They seemed to be the youngest group in the meeting room.

Ignoring the curious gazes from all parties, Ye Da led the people to the front row of the conference room, and there was a stack of materials on each seat.

Without keeping everyone waiting for too long, Captain Xie led a group of people into the conference room.

"Everyone, next is the combat meeting of the 'Pangolin Project'. I am Xie Tiannan, the person in charge of this operation. There are a few friends below who are at the same level as me, so I will wrong you and listen to my command first."

Ye Da raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be captain-level figures in attendance.

It seemed that this operation was more elite than he had imagined.

"This time, 10 elite teams will be formed to go deep into the gray mist and spy on alien intelligence from ten different directions."

On the big screen, a picture appeared, which was a bird's-eye view of the fog surrounding the area.

Sure enough, the official has mastered detailed geographic images.

On the map, four gray fog cracks are marked, which are also the four entrances of the Pangolin Project.

The ten numbered arrows represent the direction of each team's exploration.

For example, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] and No. [-] basically came out of gray fog and spread towards the left and right sides. Especially No. [-], they were pulled directly to the sea, and it may take a month to come back.

And Ye Da No. [-]'s position is more convenient, straight inward, and doesn't need to go too far, Captain Xie probably took care of it.

Captain Xie explained: "Among them, the special No. [-] team is composed of spiritual enlighteners who are good at sea combat and water control. Captain Zhao led the team to the 'Dongfu Islands' in the old records."

What is the Tofu Islands?
Ye Da curiously flipped through the information in front of him, and sure enough, he found relevant content.

(End of this chapter)

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